View Full Version : Abby, COTD July 28, 2001

06-27-2009, 07:18 PM
I have't posted here in a long time, I'm sorry. I don't know if anyone remembers me & my cats...

It is with a heavy heart that I announce that my girl Abby (http://catoftheday.com/archive/2001/July/28.html), who was Cat of the Day on July 28th, 2001, passed away last Tuesday night. She joins my other cat Bo, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge 07/17/2007.

Abby had been having kidney problems and was quite sick. I had made multiple vet visits, and despite my giving sub-q's and syringe feeding her, she wasn't getting better or eating on her own. A tumor was suspected. She had just undergone an ultrasound & biopsy and the vet had been hopeful that it was an infection as opposed to cancer. I was going to take her home for the night and return in the AM for antibiotic treatments and so forth. She passed away in the car on the ride home. I don't know what happened - her death has left us stunned, hurt, upset and very confused.

Abby was only 14. I know she was ill, and I had prepared for the worst. This ultrasound involved the 5th vet to look at her and I was prepared to let her go if the prognosis was dire. We had been in such a good mood on the drive home (my SO and I) because of the hope given to us by the ultrasound & biopsy that her condition was possibly treatable, and then to pull her lifeless body from the cat carrier was heartbreaking. :(

I will never forget you Abby; you were one of a kind and will be greatly missed.

Thanks for listening.

06-27-2009, 07:22 PM
I am so sorry for you loss. I know it is difficult, but it seems her time was just up. At least she did not have to suffer. I saw her photo on COTD. What a gorgeous gal she was...very shiny and beautiful coat. Your tears will help to heal your broken heart. We will always have our memories though.

06-27-2009, 07:33 PM
Oh Abby, sweet girl
Black as coal and sweet as candy
Fur plush and heart so grand
You'll be missed by your mom in this old land
Join your dear brother, what a reunion that will be
And send love in her dream to your momma dear nightly
Your paw prints, though dainty,
Are forever on her heart
And the love you shared will live on
Though you had to part.
Play happy and free, Abby dear, at the Bridge
And know we'll remember you, and all the love you did give.

06-27-2009, 07:40 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Abby...I clicked the link and wow! What a beautiful cat, and "Blabby"! :)

It's never long enough, no matter how old our babies are. She left on her terms and spared you the hard decision.

Play healthy and free at the Bridge, Abby.:love:

06-27-2009, 07:42 PM
RIP Abby.

I am so sorry for your loss.

06-27-2009, 07:42 PM
I looked at Abby's COTD page, which was from before I came to Pet Talk. What a lovely girl! I am so sorry for your loss.

My very deepest sympathy to you and all who love Abby.

Rest in peace, beautiful sweet Abby.

06-27-2009, 08:06 PM
I'm very sorry to hear of Abby's passing, especially in the way that she went because it was such a shock to you but apparently it was peaceful for her, so you can be grateful for that at least. No matter how long they're with us it's never long enough. RIP Abby and peace to your humans. :love:

Pinot's Mom
06-27-2009, 09:48 PM
I am sorry for your loss, especially in that manner. She had a very long life, though, and you must remember that.

Godspeed to the Bridge, sweet Abby, and Peace to your family at home. Pass by every once in a while to let them know you're playing happily and free of pain.:love:

06-28-2009, 04:09 AM
Hannah, I am so sorry to hear of Abby's passing. It's good that you came here after that long a time because we all know what it's like.
Sending all my best wishes to you.

Killearn Kitties
06-28-2009, 06:49 AM
I am so sorry to hear about Abby. What a lovely girl she was. My Samantha has a little patch of white exactly like Abby's.
Very best wishes to you. It must have been a terrible shock the way it happened.

06-28-2009, 10:51 AM
I am so sorry for your loss. Abby looks like she was a very sweet girl. RIP and play hard at the Rainbow Bridge, sweet Abby.

06-28-2009, 12:55 PM
I remember you and your kitties, and I'm very sorry about your loss! Abby was such a beautiful girl, and she looked like a real sweetheart, and I'm sure she would have stayed with you much longer if she could.

R.I.P. little Abby!


06-28-2009, 03:31 PM
Time sadly takes a toll on us all and takes our Dear Pet Companions away from us.:eek:
Abbys such a Dear Cat, and is now on the French Rivietra with the Animal Angel Army, enjoying the Worlds finest Beaches and Haute Cuisine!
We are betting that she finds a fantastic Place like the Palme D'Or to make a rendezvous when you are all reunited in LOVE!!!
One Fine Day :love:

06-28-2009, 05:44 PM
I remember you. I'm so sorry to hear about Abby.:( She sure was a beauty. RIP sweet girl.:(

06-28-2009, 05:49 PM
The Dunn gang is so sorry for you loss. Play happily at the Bridge sweet Abby.

06-28-2009, 07:19 PM
I do remember you and Abby. What a shock and so terribly heartwenching. May she live forever in your hearts and that memories bring you some comfort in time.

smokey the elder
06-29-2009, 06:54 AM
I'm so sorry about Abby. She looked just like my Diamond.

07-01-2009, 04:48 PM
RIP Abby. :(