View Full Version : 5ft Angel planted community

06-27-2009, 06:28 PM

Setup date: 18th April 2009 (now approx 10weeks old)

Dimensions: 5'x20"x18"

Substrate: Laterite, Dino Dung, topped with black gravel

Lighting: 1 double 4ft T8 Dalbarb reflector (1x 40W & 1x 36W tube) + 2x 2ft T5 (25W tubes i think).

Ferts: None as yet.

Filtration: Fluval 405 canister

Plants: Java Fern, Narrow leaf Java Fern, Java Moss, Crypts, Chain Swords, Val, A. Crispis, Anubias & Large swords.

Driftwood: Lots of pieces arranged together

Occupents: 8 Angels, 5 Clown loaches, 4 Otos, 5 Peppermint BN, 5 Common BN, 1 Redtail shark, 1 Whiptail cat, 1 Bronze cory, 3 Cherry barbs ( i think thats it *L*)

07-03-2009, 10:42 PM
I LOVE your tank. Angel Fish are my favorite kind of fish. I really want some right now but I'm afraid that our parrot fish we have now might bite their long fins off. I use to have lots of them though and mine had babies 3 or 4 times. They're tons of fun!!!!

07-03-2009, 10:43 PM
and I noticed you have some of those orange and black loach fish. I have 2 of them they are so cute :)

07-04-2009, 07:56 AM
Genny ~ The parrots would prolly have a go at any angels you may add :) I havent seriously tried to raise any angel fry, there are 3 breeding pairs in the tank, they spawn weekly *L*

The clown loaches are awesome, 2 larger and 3 smaller ones i have.

I've added to albino BN to the tank too, they joined today :)

Scooter's Mom
07-04-2009, 09:55 AM
Clown loaches are my favorite fishies ever! :)

LOL I used to have several... and always wanted more. My best friends daughter even knew to look for them at all the pet stores when she was about 4-5 years old. "Look Crystal, your fishies!" she'd say.

I love your setup!

07-05-2009, 05:28 PM
I've added to albino BN to the tank too, they joined today :)

What is an albino BN?
My brother had an albino shark. The store we got it from said it would be ok w/ his cichlids. The cichlids were fine w/ it and never chased it or bit it which surprised me cause we've had cichlids off and on forever and the're always such aggressive fish, but these he had this time were good w/ the shark. The sad thing is his oscar swallowed the shark. We found him w/ half the shark hanging out of his mouth. We were able to get him out alive but he died about 5 hours later :(

Also my parrot fish I have now is in with some other kinds of fish. I starteted off w/ 3 parrots but one of them was mean to the rest and we had to put her in my brother's tank w/ the cichlids and oscar. She is the biggest one in there though and she bosses them all around--she's like the leader/boss I guess.
I just love to watch them.

Have you ever had a fresh water eel?

07-05-2009, 08:24 PM
Very nice looking tank! I could never get live plants to look that good. I had angels in my stingray tank.

07-10-2009, 07:21 PM
What is an albino BN?
Have you ever had a fresh water eel?

Albino Bristlenose (shortened to BN)

Nope never had eels :)

07-10-2009, 08:38 PM
Albino Bristlenose (shortened to BN)

I used to breed those.

07-10-2009, 10:18 PM
I used to breed those.

I still do breed them :)

I have quite a few BN

7 Peppermints (all display)
5 Albino (2 breeding pairs, +fry, & display)
? Commons (3 breeding pairs, + fry & too many others to count ~ used for display)