View Full Version : Canned Cat Food Question

06-25-2009, 11:29 PM
My 2 kitties, Jade and Lexi, don't like canned cat food. (they also are not interested in tuna/tuna juice.) I have never had or known any cats who didn't love canned food. I've tried different brands and flavors. I've tried the chunky, flaky and paste kind. I tried mixing water into it. But they just sniff it and look at me like i'm trying to poison them! Are my cats insane?

06-26-2009, 06:21 AM
My cat Creamsicle won't touch canned food. She'll eat only Purina Cat Chow, that's it. My RB Puddy didn't like it either. Cats are like people in that sense; they're all different w/tastes to match. :)

06-26-2009, 06:35 AM
I couldn't get Montego to eat canned food at all for years. I finally got him to eat Sheba brand chicken flavor, but after a couple weeks he would only eat a couple bites of that, or anything else I got him. So I just kept gettin the cheap stuff after trying everything else 'cuz my vet told me to give him all he would eat, but I knew he wouldn't eat much of anything I got him.

Some cats just really prefer the dry for some reason.

06-26-2009, 07:44 AM
All four of my kitties get to split a can of Friskies with gravy for their dinner every evening. Sometimes they eat it and sometimes they don't but they always lick all of the gravy off. :D I really wonder what is in those cans though...I think it is all just "mystery meat". Your kitties just have different taste buds.

06-26-2009, 08:45 AM
Smudge used to refuse to eat canned food unless there was no dry food in his bowl, and then he'd just pick at the canned. But then I changed the brand I was buying because he was allergic to grain, and all of a sudden he liked the canned better than the dry! Cats are just unpredictable.

Love, Columbine

06-26-2009, 08:52 AM
Since kibble is "supposed" to be better for them, and help clean their teeth, keep their gums healthy in the bargain, doesn't sound like too much of an issue!

I only open a can once in a while as a treat for my crew.

06-26-2009, 08:56 AM
This big pretty boy really like dry food best. He'll lick the juice off of moist food, and sometimes he likes tuna juice; but dry is his favorite. Go figure:rolleyes: The rest of the other kitties are normal-ish. We actually have a few that like applesauce:eek:


06-26-2009, 09:02 AM
:) No No your Cats are not crazy.. I have a couple that does not & wont eat canned wet food.. Also we would like to see pics of your babies.. And Welcome to Pet Talk & enjoy all the talks & pics..

06-26-2009, 10:30 AM
I have a cat that really needs to eat wet food because of recurring bladder/UTI problems but I pretty much have to shut him in the bedroom for the day alone to get him to eat a can of Fancy Feast. As everyone else has said, some cats really don't like wet food of any kind. Then you get the ones who like wet food but can't stand anything with fish in it, or those that go mad for your wet food after rejecting every kind of cat wet food ever invented. I've even had cats with no teeth who will eat dry over wet. As long as Jade and Lexi drink a decent amount of water, they should be fine

Pinot's Mom
06-26-2009, 11:06 AM
:rolleyes: There are no two cats that, given their druthers, would have the same eating habits. As some of you have read in other posts, the current formula for Picky Pinot is...

Science Diet (Dry, Indoor), 1/4 cup
about a small forkful of Science Diet canned, minced (various flavors)
enough water to make gravy

She drinks the gravy, waits for the dry food to soften a bit, then eats it all.

How we came to that is not worth going into - but it works. You just have to figure out the formula for your own kitty's likes. There's no right or wrong.

06-26-2009, 11:38 AM
:rolleyes: There are no two cats that, given their druthers, would have the same eating habits. As some of you have read in other posts, the current formula for Picky Pinot is...

Science Diet (Dry, Indoor), 1/4 cup
about a small forkful of Science Diet canned, minced (various flavors)
enough water to make gravy

She drinks the gravy, waits for the dry food to soften a bit, then eats it all.

How we came to that is not worth going into - but it works. You just have to figure out the formula for your own kitty's likes. There's no right or wrong.

Does she like a Martini...shaken not stirred with that. :D
Just kidding....you are an awesome kitty mom to make her special meal the way she likes it. :love: :) :love:

Pinot's Mom
06-26-2009, 11:49 AM
Does she like a Martini...shaken not stirred with that. :D
Just kidding....you are an awesome kitty mom to make her special meal the way she likes it. :love: :) :love:

Check out the current Thursday's thread in Dog House - you're closer than you think on the Martini!! :D

06-26-2009, 12:41 PM
I, too, have a cat that must have wet because of urinary tract problems. He loves his wet, though, and his dry. In fact, he will eat almost anything! Did I mention he could lose a few pounds?
For cats that have Uurinary tract problems but won't eat wet, there are many dry foods out there that address this problem. My boyfriend has a cat that won't eat wet. We've tried everything, but she will only eat dry. Oh well, she's healthy and that is what really matters! As long as they are healthy, it shouldn't be a problem.

06-26-2009, 07:44 PM
with 10 kitties in my house, there are 10 brands of "finickiness"
Some like chunky, some shredded, some paste.
The 1 thing they all love is shaved turkey from the deli counter. Not
the cheap brands, the more expensive the better. I have a yr old little
girl that loves ice cream. She hears me getting it out of the freezer and
comes running.

06-26-2009, 09:03 PM
Hello all! Thanks for all the replies. I'm glad to know my kitties aren't insane. :) Even if they are a bit wacky, I love my children with fur!

06-26-2009, 09:13 PM
Well, we didn't say that they aren't insane. All cats are insane. LOL ;)