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View Full Version : Wondering something

06-24-2009, 03:34 AM
Ok i let hope meet all kinds of dogs no matter what size and she loves them but i have noticed that when she approches them she kinda like crawls to them with her tail wagging and body shaking cause she is soo excited.. what does this mean.. her and hunter are both very spoiled and love everyone and all dogs

i don't abuse her someone said it was cause i abuse her and fat chance of that ever happening..

06-24-2009, 06:23 AM
Its probably just because she's submissive. Its strange, but I notice it a lot in golden retrievers at the dog park. Some will come in and when approached by another dog they immediately flip on their back like a fainting goat.

06-24-2009, 07:23 AM
She is just submissive. No worries she may grow out of it like Mister did. Or she may not. You can ask your local shelter about any tips to train it out of her if you would like. ANd if I were you next time someone suggest she is abused I would back hand them:p
Some people are just sooo stupid.
But no worries she will be just fine.....:D

06-24-2009, 08:20 AM
She is just submissive.

Yep.. my thoughts exactly.

I can't believe someone said b/c you abuse her.. that's a little harsh.. and wrong. :eek:

06-24-2009, 08:22 AM
Just what the others said - some dogs just are more submissive than others, and it is just dog body language! Nothing to worry about!

06-24-2009, 08:43 AM
that is what i thought too but i wanted to be sure and get others thoughts..


believe me i wanted to do more then just back hand them i mean my dogs are not dogs they are my kids and i treat them like they are

some people just make me sick

06-24-2009, 01:16 PM
Kodie used to do that when he was younger. But as he got older, he has become less submissive and more confident in meeting with other dogs.
Like others have said, just being submissive! Completely normal :)

Jags mom
06-24-2009, 01:39 PM
I work at a grooming shop and nearly all goldens do that, mind you these ones lay on their sides. All still wagging their tails of coarse. Its definnatly a submisive thing or they want to see 3 people carry dead weight to the bath tub lol. I find Setters are like that to mind you they grow out of it faster, a lot of goldens that i know never do.

06-24-2009, 05:11 PM
I know how you feel about people saying you abuse your dogs! I got Lacey from the shelter and she had been there for a month, from 6 weeks to 10 weeks old. She was kind of fearful and submissive. (she grew out of both) When you would go to pet her, she was a bit hand shy. Even my own brother said "you can tell you beat this dog" :eek: Of course I set him straight and wasn't nice about it either!;)

06-25-2009, 12:22 AM
I see that a lot at the dog park. i agree that she's submissive and excited as all get-up to meet other dogs. She sounds like a sweetheart. Bless her little Golden Heart.

06-25-2009, 02:40 PM
thank you everyone for setting my mind at ease there is no way on gods green earth i would hurt my dogs heck they are so spoiled just spent 100.00 on new dog toys collars and a cute doggy mug for me (hehehe) and if i abused my dogs do you think they would go bonkers when i walk in the door from being outside for even 5min's... my baby girl loves all dogs hunter thinks lil dogs are play toys he doesn't realize he is moose compared to those tiny babies..