View Full Version : Flea Remedies

06-21-2009, 11:05 PM
I use Advantage on my cats for fleas but they are me all the time. Any ideas how to repel fleas on me and keep the fleas down in the house?
Sandy Frost:confused:

06-21-2009, 11:34 PM
You need to spray your house with Precor. This will break the egg hatching cycle. You can kill the existing fleas but until you break the hatching cycle the fleas will return. Precor can be bought at exterminator supply houses.

06-22-2009, 12:18 PM
You need to spray your house with Precor. This will break the egg hatching cycle. You can kill the existing fleas but until you break the hatching cycle the fleas will return. Precor can be bought at exterminator supply houses.

Thanks! Good Idea.
Sandy Frost

06-22-2009, 06:32 PM
Sandy, there are several online sources for Precor. If you put "precor flea" in you google search several sites will come up. It is recommended that in addition to spraying with the precor that you might mix it with a insecticide like Ovitrol Plus Flea Spray. This will kill the existing fleas and the Precor will break the cycle so they dont come back. This is a link that might help.
