View Full Version : Sorry D: <Pics>

Demi Is A Digimon
06-20-2009, 02:51 PM
First off, I'd like to say sorry for not being an active member. My main computer has become really really slow D:
So I didn't have time to go onto here, so I forgot about this great place.
Sorry again :c

I'd like to update ya'll: My precious rabbit passed away a few months back :(.
And we've welcomed 3 new additions to the family, a rattie called Rupert, an axolotl [sp?] called Galileo, and another kitty called Winston (:

On to the pictures!

Looking snazzy in black and white!
This would be Winston! (:
Poser ;)
Probably one of my favourite pictures of her ever!

06-20-2009, 03:26 PM
We are so sorry to hear about Your Bunny passing on, but we know that Miss Hoppy is showing your Rabbit Friend around to all the salad bars and farms where there are plenty of veggies to satisfyy her hunger.
And that you will meet again in Paradse again.
One Fine Day:love:

06-20-2009, 03:37 PM
And I looked up axoloti , and they are beautiful!
And an exotic type of salamander who sadly are disappearing due to Mexico urbanizing and making resorts from thier habitats.
Hes lucky to have a home with you.:)
And you have just a wonderful clowder of Cats :cool::cool: and a New Bunny too:love::love: and the Found Ctas say HELLO to the new arrivals, not forgetting Wise Wonderous Winston.

06-20-2009, 03:53 PM
Hello! Sorry to hear your bun passed away. :(
Awwww....your babies are sweet! The pic of Poser is adorable!
Winston is Tink's twin. See attached photo.

Welcome back!

06-20-2009, 05:46 PM
I'm so sorry about your bunny.
Your cats are gorgeous! And wonderful pictures! I really like the last one. :)

06-23-2009, 12:51 PM
Sorry to hear about your bunny. Welcome to PT. :) I hope you enjoy it here. Your kitties are very cute!