View Full Version : Hi Jack

06-15-2009, 07:17 AM
Jack......What a handsome big fellow you are. You were also very cute as a puppy. Congratulations on DOTD. It was a pleasure seeing your beautiful face first thing this morning.:love::love::love:

A Dog Lover:love::love::love:

Golden Retriever Lover
06-15-2009, 07:45 AM
Absolutely beautiful Golden!

My wife and I have two Goldens, aged 12 and 2. Amazing the similarities in Jack's personality with their's. Lovely, lovely, dogs, we love our's dearly.

06-15-2009, 10:36 AM
Jack you are so beautiful!!!!!!! Great puppy picture and great smile! I can't imagine there is a more gentle soul than you...my 16 month old lab mix has yet to leave a plush toy stuffed and with squeeker intact :) You must be so precious carrying them around carefully. :love: :love: :love:

06-15-2009, 01:10 PM
Oh be still my Retriever loving heart!:love: What a treat, having a beautiful, sweet as can be Golden guy as our Monday honoree! You're the consummate Golden, Jack; just as handsome, and life loving and sweet as they come, with a heart THIS big, and made of pure gold!:love: I remember the first time I heard the term, "Velcro pup!" Of course that person was referring to a Golden! Bless you sweetheart for helping to heal that big, big, empty space in your humans' hearts following the loss of your beloved, Golden girl predecessor! You do her "Golden" legacy of devoted companionship and unconditional love proud, Jack! And for sure she's smiling down on all of you today, so proud to see you honored as Dog of the Day! Thanks to your family for sharing your beautiful self with us all! Hope you're enjoying an extra special, fun packed day of celebration, beautiful boy! Please have your Mom give you bunches of extra hugs and kisses, and a treat, for me!:love::love::love: Love and happy Labbie hiney wiggles to you Jack, from me and Star!
P.S...Love your baby picture!:D

Daisy and Delilah
06-15-2009, 01:34 PM
Oh goodness!!!! You are the spitting image of our big nephew, Jake. We thought it was him. Your handsome looks and characteristics remind us of our Jake, all the way around. Our Mom sent your pic to Jake's Mom. We know exactly how you gorgeous Goldens are, buddy. You are a perfect example of the sweetness and gentle nature of your breed. Congrats on your big day as our fab DOTD!!!! Please tell Mom to give you a billion kisses on that silky smooth head. Those kisses come to you from central Florida!! Happiness always!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Hot, Sunny, Florida :cool: :cool:

06-15-2009, 04:19 PM
Hello Jack,

You were the cutest puppy, and a very handsome fella now.:) I think
you are a perfect example of your breed. Sweet,loving & very people
orientated. Big congratulations on being our DOG OF THE DAY Jack.
I'm sending you lots of cyber hugs & kisses sweet boy.:)

06-15-2009, 05:35 PM

06-15-2009, 08:18 PM
I swooned when I just saw your face, handsome Jack! :love:
As a lover of anything Golden, I fell for you immediately! You certainly found the right home for love and care, didn't you? I'm so sorry about the loss of your Golden "sister" after 18 wonderful years, but I know you helped your family fill that empty space in their hearts.
Best "Golden" wishes to you and Congratulations from another home filled with Golden love!
Logan, Honey (10), Ben (?), Baby Mack and Butter

06-15-2009, 09:53 PM
Hmmmm. How did I know that you would win our hearts, handsome Jack? There are many Golden lovers here, myself included, having had an *almost GR* (1/2 was a yellow lab). You sound like an A+ boy, Jack, with a typical Golden smile! Hard to resist! I'm sending you a gazillion schmoochies all around your face! :love::love::love::love::love: