View Full Version : Oh how I love my dog (:

06-12-2009, 01:16 PM
Lately Sadie's training has become...well, it's horrible. Ignoring commands, f.reaking out at other dogs/people/BIKES...I couldn't stand it anymore.

So, following the advice of people on other forums, I took about 20 min to work with Sadie today. She was an absolute GEM!

After much searching in my garage, I found this massive cotton rope. I'm not sure what it is or where it comes from, but it's got to be close to 100ft long and it's working great!

We barely had any dog treats, so I cut up carrots (her favorite food) and used those as her reward nibbles.

I tried doing "come" the way someone told me, but Sadie was SO easily distracted...so I just started walking around in circles. Sadie started to follow me. Every so often she'd stop and wander somewhere. I'd call her to come and she would (get this!) COME! Of course, then I'd reward her and start walking again.

After a while of doing that, she wasn't wandering off anymore so I decided to work with "sit" a little. (mind you, she knows these commands already. She's just not good at them. so it's not like I'm throwing all sorts of brand new things at her) I walked in circles again, and randomly tell her to sit. It took her a few minutes to figure out that sit meant PUT YOUR BUTT DOWN but after that, she was great! I don't mean that she was throwing her butt down or anything (we've still got a LONG way to go), but slowly and surely, she was sitting!

Did I mention she LOVES the clicker? It took me less then 5 minutes to get her to catch on that clicker = good, and therefore reward.

I love this dog.


06-12-2009, 01:23 PM
That is great that it is working for you. She is really a cute dog and she looks happy in her pictures. How old is she?

06-12-2009, 01:25 PM
That is great that it is working for you. She is really a cute dog and she looks happy in her pictures. How old is she?

Thanks (:

Sadie will be five in July. My, how the time has flown by!

06-12-2009, 08:48 PM
Good job..both of you! :D:D

06-13-2009, 08:03 PM
Aww, she looks like such a happy pup. :)

Good girl, Sadie!

Daisy and Delilah
06-13-2009, 08:18 PM
She is such a sweetheart!! She reminds me of my son's dogs. I'll bet she is a very very good girl. No wonder you love her so much!!:)

06-13-2009, 08:22 PM
Good job! Just keep this up on a regular basis, and she'll be golden! How could ya not just wanna hug that smily pup!