View Full Version : Tomorrow, My Baby Will Be All Grown Up.

06-11-2009, 10:09 PM
Tomorrow, my only child will turn eighteen years old.

I'm proud of him, he's a great kid at heart. And I'm relieved and grateful that he lived through all the idiotic stunts he pulled as a teenager. Sadly, some of his classmates did not.

But I'm also sad. My little boy is all grown up. :(

06-11-2009, 10:32 PM
He'll always be your baby boy. Sounds like you did a good job. I hope he has a very special and exciting day!

06-11-2009, 11:13 PM
Congratulations to both of you! Now you can start writing down stories to tell any future grandchildren if and when they are driving HIM crazy!

06-12-2009, 04:02 AM
Congrats! Isn't it amazing what they put you through? I have a 19-year old daughter and a 22-year old son. Caleb just graduated college and Rachael has one year of college completed. It just gets better as they grow and mature. I didn't think I could love them any more when they were babies but now I just want to hug my big tall son every time I see him! :love: :)

Think of all of the wonderful experiences we have to go through now...weddings....grandchildren... :)

06-12-2009, 06:01 AM
It's a bittersweet moment, isn't it? He'll always be your baby and, more importantly, he'll always need his mom. :love:

06-12-2009, 07:17 AM
Congratulations, Twisterdog! You made it and so did he! My only child turned 18 in January and graduated from high school last week. And it is bittersweet for sure. But I'm happy for her to move on to the next phase of her life. I imagine I will be a mess when she leaves for college in a couple of months. :rolleyes:

Pinot's Mom
06-12-2009, 07:25 AM
Congratulations to both of you, you on your accomplishment and your child for surviving the experience. Happy birthday to your boy!:D

06-12-2009, 01:23 PM
We reached this milestone in March with our oldest. She graduated last week, one down, one to go!


06-12-2009, 01:32 PM
My "baby" will be 40 next week. And for those that think when they reach 18 or 21 and are grown, and now you don't have to worry about them anymore - well it just doesn't happen that way. They just have bigger issues for you to worry over. Not saying that you have to intervene and try to solve them for them, but you still worry about them. :(

Oh, the joys of motherhood. ;)

06-12-2009, 02:49 PM
My "baby" will be 40 next week. And for those that think when they reach 18 or 21 and are grown, and now you don't have to worry about them anymore - well it just doesn't happen that way. They just have bigger issues for you to worry over. Not saying that you have to intervene and try to solve them for them, but you still worry about them. :(

Oh, the joys of motherhood. ;)

Oh yes! My mom is 85 and she still worries about all 5 of us. The oldest is 60, followed by 58, 53, 50 and me ... the baby ... 48. :)

06-12-2009, 03:15 PM
:) Amen to what you just said.. I will just stick with my 4 legged children & love them always..
My "baby" will be 40 next week. And for those that think when they reach 18 or 21 and are grown, and now you don't have to worry about them anymore - well it just doesn't happen that way. They just have bigger issues for you to worry over. Not saying that you have to intervene and try to solve them for them, but you still worry about them. :(

Oh, the joys of motherhood. ;)

06-12-2009, 05:04 PM
Don't be too sad, just think how you have got him through this far, he is now an adult, be proud,but i can understand my baby will be 17 soon,but i have my son who is 28 this year, and i look at him and what he has achieved in life and I am proud, and it feels good, you won't ever stop worrying about him or caring, motherhood is forever.

Your job is far from over,there will be a new phase in your life when he marry's and has children, it never stops, neither does the worrying though, but all part and parcel of being a Mum/mom. HUGS though, been there ,done that, know how you are feeling,my second time is coming around soon too, and it will be hard to let go.:):love::love:

And do wish him a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY from us all here on PT.

06-12-2009, 06:58 PM
Tomorrow, my only child will turn eighteen years old.

I'm proud of him, he's a great kid at heart. And I'm relieved and grateful that he lived through all the idiotic stunts he pulled as a teenager. Sadly, some of his classmates did not.

But I'm also sad. My little boy is all grown up. :(

Congratulations Mom.:) Not all moms succeed in getting them off to
a good start in life.( despite the teenage years :)

06-12-2009, 11:59 PM
Thanks, everyone.

He's got another year, or at least another semester, until he graduates from high school. Please, everyone, send your PT prayers that he will actually go back and finish! He needs 3.5 credits!

So, he will be at home for at least another year, so at least I have that. :)

We have a rough time with him for about three years now. He has been in some trouble with the law - nothing serious, but it all adds up. He has also spent quite a bit of time in a juvenile residential treatment facility. So, in a way, I feel like I've lost so much ... so much time, so many little milestones with teenagers that we didn't have.

Guess I'm just feeling old and blue. :(

06-13-2009, 12:03 AM
How many credits can he get with summer school? And us boys never get too grown up not to need our mothers.

06-13-2009, 02:51 PM
A belated Happy Birthday to your baby who's All Grown Up now!

06-13-2009, 09:20 PM
And us boys never get too grown up not to need our mothers.

Thanks, blue. I needed to hear that.

06-13-2009, 09:53 PM
Your son sounds like my daughters boyfriend but unfortunately my daughters boyfriend doesn't have a mom like you. Your right the little trouble adds up, once he got in the system it was hard for him to get out.

I hope it gets easier for you, they grow up and mature and it gets easier.