View Full Version : Caution Facebook Trojan can kill your computer

06-11-2009, 05:33 PM
I recently changed my internet provider from AT&T DSL to AT&T Uverse. The Uverse Antivirus software had a problem so I had to turn it off while ATT was investigating.

I received an Email from Facebook saying a friend had made a comment and it had a link for me to go to Facebook to view the comment.This is something that I had received in the past so I had no idea it was not legit. When I clicked on the link a trojan was released in my computer that made it impossible for me to connect to anything else on the network. I ultimately had to re format my hard drive and I'm in the process of reinstalling all of my other software.

To add insult to injury it took my friends list and sent the same trojan to each of them. It also added a comment on facebook that was suppose to be from me that was a link to a PORN site. I have been sending apologies to all my friends with a warning to be aware of the problem.

If you get an Email from Facebook do not use the link to check out any comments. Go directly to facebook and be careful of any links with "video" in any part of the title. It was a costly lesson for me.

The trojan came through my friends facebook and it appears it originated in Romania. Evidently he has not recovered from the trojan himself because he still has a link to a Porn site that he hasn't deleted yet. BE CAREFUL

Laura's Babies
06-11-2009, 06:54 PM
My myspace account got phished and I am not sure whoever did it stopped at facebook since I am getting emails at a email address that I do not have listed with myspace, claiming I have a invite from someone already on my friends list.... In trying to contact them about my phished account, they are sending me instructions that sound stupid and do things that would lead them to my photobucketr account.. I went to myspace signed OUT and looked up what they say to do about phished accounts and to have the account deleted and the instructions are the same but does not mention posting anything online that would lead them to an account of mine anywhere else....

They got in my account and posted links from my accounts to some place that I assumed was a porn sight, inviting all my friends to check it out.


06-11-2009, 09:49 PM
I've gotten these fake emails before.. I always go to facebook directly to check on the comments instead of going through the email. And usually, the name of the person in the spoof emails is only a first name. Thats a dead giveaway to me that its Junk.

06-11-2009, 10:31 PM
This was actually sent out by facebook with the whole name of the friend.
I'm not sure how the trojan worked but facebook was the vehicle. This was not a fake

06-11-2009, 10:53 PM
I was receiving e-mails from someone on Facebook that had a link to a video. When I tried to download the video my computer warned me that it had a virus so I didn't do it. I was later warned by another person to avoid these e-mails and that the link might contain a trojan. When I contacted the person who sent it to me, they said that they never sent it and that they were also receiving e-mails like this. Now the e-mails have finally stopped. I didn't use the link that was sent to me in my e-mail account. I was actually on FB at the time and clicked on the inbox link.

06-11-2009, 11:09 PM
This trojan actually put a comment on my facebook like I had done it myself and had a link to a Porn site. It was as if I signed in to my facebook and made these comments and added the link. I had my sister in California call me telling me the link was there and she knew I would not have done this. My Windows computer was down so I couldn't access
my account to delete the link. It took me a day of hard work before getting my Windows unit back working so I could delete the comment and link.

06-12-2009, 04:07 AM
Wow and I just started using Facebook. Grrrrrr Can't these hackers/virus makers find something legitimate to do with their time and brains!?! :mad:

06-12-2009, 04:53 AM
This Facebook trojan, one of the millions, has been around for a while. Its pretty hard to spot, but its easy to rid yourself of it (if you know how). Also, Facebook did not send it out. They spoofed the sender address to look like Facebook's. Well, unless you installed a app that contained the mechanism to send the email. Then it was sent by Facebook.

happylabs: We call people like these "script kiddies". Teenagers with nothing better to do. They enjoy making people's lives miserable.

Oh, the joys of the internet.

06-12-2009, 09:27 AM
That reminds me of my recent thread:


I have gotten the same WARNING email from a friend on facebook telling me not to open a link she supposedly sent that said "Re: videos from the party"

I think I'm staying off facebook for a while ;)

06-12-2009, 09:52 AM
I joined FB a while back at the urging of an old school friend, but never go there. I occasionally would get a friend request and would respond to that - but only out of courtesy. After reading this thread - I just deleted my account with them. Not much sense in having it if I don't use it anyway. ;)

Pinot's Mom
06-12-2009, 10:15 AM
After reading this thread - I just deleted my account with them. Not much sense in having it if I don't use it anyway. ;)

Exactly!! I get the requests on occasion, but I won't join Facebook - too much exposure for me.;)

06-12-2009, 12:40 PM
:) Well I joined only because of some PT friends request.. But I think I have been there 3 times.. For some reason Face Book is not my cup of tea.. There is alot of junk advertisement & lets join this & that.. Too much for me.. I just stick to PT & My Space..
Exactly!! I get the requests on occasion, but I won't join Facebook - too much exposure for me.;)

06-12-2009, 01:02 PM
I just stick to PT & My Space..

I stick to Twitter, Plurk, Identi.ca, Imeem, Facebook, Myspace, Jaiku, Tumblr, and over 20 forums :eek:.

smokey the elder
06-12-2009, 02:54 PM
Hmm. It seems that the more places one is registered, the more potential "holes" in your firewall. I'm connected to only a very few places and most of them (at least I hope!) are secure (banks and the like.) I guess having a good firewall, malware protection and passwords all help too!

06-12-2009, 11:01 PM
Hmm. It seems that the more places one is registered, the more potential "holes" in your firewall. I'm connected to only a very few places and most of them (at least I hope!) are secure (banks and the like.) I guess having a good firewall, malware protection and passwords all help too!

You can have the best security in the world, but it wouldn't protect you if the problem is between the keyboard and the chair (you). Always watch what you do online: practice good internet surfing habits, dont open unknown files, etc. The person operating the computer is the weakest link in the security chain.

06-15-2009, 02:59 PM
Weak and gullible, that's me :)...but I'm working on it :cool:

smokey the elder
06-15-2009, 03:08 PM
You can have the best security in the world, but it wouldn't protect you if the problem is between the keyboard and the chair (you). Always watch what you do online: practice good internet surfing habits, dont open unknown files, etc. The person operating the computer is the weakest link in the security chain.

Ah, yes, the dreaded PEBCAK error!:D:p