View Full Version : WHO declares swine flu a global pandemic

06-11-2009, 03:10 PM
This is getting a bit scary now:

"Swine flu 'not stoppable,' World Health Organization says" (http://edition.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/06/11/swine.flu.who/index.html)

Phase 6, that sounds bad to me, it's spreading so quickly. Here in Germany, they just closed the Japanese International School in Duesseldorf after 46 children have been tested positive for swine flu. Scary stuff, but luckily, the mortality rate doesn't seem to be very high.


06-11-2009, 03:15 PM
Yeah. Now its as bad as the normal flu. We are all going to die. OMG

06-11-2009, 03:16 PM
:( How sad of all those children with it.. Yes I would say it is getting scary.. Yes Taz Zoee's friend's husband just died from it last week.. Everyone was like in shock..

06-11-2009, 03:20 PM
Yes Taz Zoee's friend's husband just died from it last week.. Everyone was like in shock..

OMG!!! :eek: I had no idea!! :( I'm so sorry!


06-11-2009, 03:23 PM
:( Yes it was all so sad.. Go to General & find Thread "I could use some good thoughts" by Taz Zoee && you can read all about it.. Then in Post #25 she states he died..
OMG!!! :eek: I had no idea!! :( I'm so sorry!


06-11-2009, 03:32 PM
Yeah. Now its as bad as the normal flu. We are all going to die. OMG

Was that meant to humorous? If so, you missed the boat. It's really not a joking matter. :(

06-11-2009, 03:37 PM
:( Yes this stuff is very serious.. You know it seems to Hit All of the Younger People & Cause Other Health Problems as well..
Was that meant to humorous? If so, you missed the boat. It's really not a joking matter. :(

06-11-2009, 03:47 PM
:( Yes this stuff is very serious.. You know it seems to Hit All of the Younger People & Cause Other Health Problems as well..

Yes - it does appear to be affecting younger people. I heard on the news today, that they surmise that people over 50 probably have an immunity built up from previous older flu strains, and that's why they don't seem to be getting sick. Finally - a good reason for me to be old! :eek:

06-11-2009, 03:55 PM
:) Ok I turned 50 this year = so do I count?? I sure hope so.. Oh when this virus started & some poeple was just sick here at work = it made me so scared.. I was like dont even look or take a breath near me..
Yes - it does appear to be affecting younger people. I heard on the news today, that they surmise that people over 50 probably have an immunity built up from previous older flu strains, and that's why they don't seem to be getting sick. Finally - a good reason for me to be old! :eek:

06-11-2009, 03:59 PM
:) Ok I turned 50 this year = so do I count?? I sure hope so.. Oh when this virus started & some poeple was just sick here at work = it made me so scared.. I was like dont even look or take a breath near me..

Guess you're safe then! :D

I'm very safe. :eek:

06-12-2009, 04:39 AM
:( Yes it was all so sad.. Go to General & find Thread "I could use some good thoughts" by Taz Zoee && you can read all about it.. Then in Post #25 she states he died..

Going to look for the thread now. :( That is so very sad!


06-12-2009, 04:45 AM
I was not joking. The media enjoys blowing things like this out of proportion. Statistically, normal flu has killed many, many more people than swine flu. IMO, its way too blown out of proportion. Think what you wish.

Also, taz, I am still sorry for your friend's husband dying.

06-12-2009, 05:16 AM
Just read that Novartis in Swizerland has developed a vaccine now. Will be tested in July.


smokey the elder
06-12-2009, 07:45 AM
Phase 6 means that the virus is highly contagious. It does not necessarily speak to the severity of the flu. Phase 6 triggers global action like mobilizing medicines, expedited development and approval of drugs/vaccines, etc. It does not mean that people will be forbidden from traveling, widespread quarantines (which don't work!) etc.

06-12-2009, 08:12 AM
I was not joking. The media enjoys blowing things like this out of proportion. Statistically, normal flu has killed many, many more people than swine flu. IMO, its way too blown out of proportion. Think what you wish.

Your previous post sounded pretty darn flippant to me! Perhaps you feel that the media has blown it out of proportion, but I'm sure you would be hollering and screaming if a friend or loved one of yours was unfortunate enough to fall victim to this Swine Flu. You would probably be demanding to know why the media/government wasn't more informative to the general public.

You may be computer savvy, but you really need to brush up on communication skills. "We are all going to die. OMG" I find that to be nothing more than extremely :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:. You'd be better off sticking to tech issues when posting until you learn more about the world around you.

BTW - perhaps you can define "normal flu" for me while you're at it.

06-12-2009, 12:36 PM
Your previous post sounded pretty darn flippant to me! Perhaps you feel that the media has blown it out of proportion, but I'm sure you would be hollering and screaming if a friend or loved one of yours was unfortunate enough to fall victim to this Swine Flu. You would probably be demanding to know why the media/government wasn't more informative to the general public.

You may be computer savvy, but you really need to brush up on communication skills. "We are all going to die. OMG" I find that to be nothing more than extremely :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:. You'd be better off sticking to tech issues when posting until you learn more about the world around you.

BTW - perhaps you can define "normal flu" for me while you're at it.

The last part of that post was actually intended to be phunny. But that failed.

The normal flu is any one of the many seasonal flus that impact the world.

06-12-2009, 01:03 PM
The last part of that post was actually intended to be phunny. But that failed.

The normal flu is any one of the many seasonal flus that impact the world.

In one post you say "I was not joking", and now here you say it was "intended to be phunny". Perhaps you need to decide which side of the road you are on before you post again and "open mouth and insert foot". And when I go back to my doctor, I guess I'll just ask him for a "normal" flu shot this year. :rolleyes:

Kirsten - I'm sorry - I didn't mean to turn your thread into a confrontation. I just have no tolerance for those who (regardless of age), like to make jokes about genuinely serious issues. :mad:

06-12-2009, 02:13 PM
In one post you say "I was not joking", and now here you say it was "intended to be phunny". Perhaps you need to decide which side of the road you are on before you post again and "open mouth and insert foot". And when I go back to my doctor, I guess I'll just ask him for a "normal" flu shot this year. :rolleyes:

Kirsten - I'm sorry - I didn't mean to turn your thread into a confrontation. I just have no tolerance for those who (regardless of age), like to make jokes about genuinely serious issues. :mad:

*Every* thing like this is serious. You should have learned by now that I make jokes about nearly anything short of death. Its the way I am. Get used to it.

Also, there is no other flu shot other than the one for regular flu (the one that has existed for a couple hundred years). That kills more people yearly than the swine flu will or can.

06-12-2009, 02:20 PM
Actually the flu shot changes every year depending on what is circulating, there is no "normal" flu.

A family friend's whole family is quarantined for a week, one of the children has the swine flu, I see nothing to make jokes about.

06-12-2009, 02:28 PM
Actually the flu shot changes every year depending on what is circulating, there is no "normal" flu.

A family friend's whole family is quarantined for a week, one of the children has the swine flu, I see nothing to make jokes about.

Yes, thats true. The "normal" flu changes every year. I was referring to it in a general sense, basically what they make the flu shots off of. Although, really, there is no such thing as normal in the microscopic world.

The joke was intended for the media's coverage of the swine flu, how they love to blow things out of proportion and how people will believe what they say without fail. AIDS, rhino virus, many many other viruses are more widespread than the swine flu. I dont understand the WHO's actions apart from it being a rather new virus to show up.

06-12-2009, 02:35 PM
Check your PM - Reggie

06-12-2009, 06:32 PM
Gosh, I hadn't even heard anything on the news lately about the swine flu. I thought it was subsiding! :eek:

By the way, what is the difference between a pandemic and an epidemic? Just wondering.

06-12-2009, 06:48 PM
*Every* thing like this is serious. You should have learned by now that I make jokes about nearly anything short of death. Its the way I am. Get used to it.

Also, there is no other flu shot other than the one for regular flu (the one that has existed for a couple hundred years). That kills more people yearly than the swine flu will or can.

A short "I'm sorry" would have been nicer. No excuses, just a little sympathy.

PS. You personality seems to have undergone a change lately & not for
the better. IMO.

06-12-2009, 09:24 PM
I agree with Collin that the MSM is trying to blow Swine Flu out of proportion. They want us to freak out and do the OMG we're all gonna die running around the room flapping our arms.

SARS was supposed to be a pandemic, it wasnt. Avian Flu was supposed to be a pandemic, it wasnt. Wasnt AIDS supposed to devistate the worlds population?

Unlike Collin, I find humor in everything, including death.

06-12-2009, 10:44 PM
Unlike Collin, I find humor in everything, including death.

I find humour in me destroying a enemy in one of the FPSs I play. Thats basically the only death I find humour in.

06-12-2009, 10:52 PM
I find humour in me destroying a enemy in one of the FPSs I play. Thats basically the only death I find humour in.

Other forums posted David Carradine jokes the day after his passing. I did LMAO at some of them.

06-13-2009, 07:19 AM
They want us to freak out and do the OMG we're all gonna die running around the room flapping our arms.

Funny - but I haven't heard of people freaking and spazzing over this. Being concerned - of course.

And your statement is even more ridiculous than Reggie's - simply because you're "supposed" to be an "adult" with more sense. :rolleyes:

06-13-2009, 09:00 AM
Kirsten - I'm sorry - I didn't mean to turn your thread into a confrontation.

No problem at all! :)

By the way, what is the difference between a pandemic and an epidemic? Just wondering.

As far as I know, an epidemic is localized to a certain area while a pandemic is a world-wide outbreak.


06-13-2009, 11:30 AM
Wow, interesting thread. To be honest when the swine flu was first publicized I laughed at the jokes that went around. Because you always think it's not going to come to your area or anyone you know. Then a 9 year old girl in my town died from it earlier this month. Then of course my friend became critically ill (we didn't know it was this virus yet) and I started not thinking it was funny anymore. Now he has passed away and I just can't even believe it.
Yesterday I sent an email at work (because both my friend that died and his wife are previous employees where I work) letting co-workers that might know either Eric or Brandi when the services are. One co-worker responded with "don't you think we should be steering clear of Brandi". And he responded to everyone I sent the email to. Several people (including myself) could not believe him! :mad: This is the same guy that was in Mexico when this flu became a major thing in the media. I guess he still has the mind set that it's not going to happen in his life. And he DID work with Eric too. Some people.....:(

06-13-2009, 01:21 PM
Funny - but I haven't heard of people freaking and spazzing over this. Being concerned - of course.

There have been people that have gotten scared to that point because of the media. Its the media's power to do just as you said that is the problem.

And your statement is even more ridiculous than Reggie's - simply because you're "supposed" to be an "adult" with more sense. :rolleyes:

Its the internet, good god. This is a *good* forum on what you define as "ridiculous comments". Take a stroll on some of the other forums on the internet, look at their posts. Tell me what you see.

Making stupid posts? I do that all the time. Making "ridiculous comments"? I do that all the time too. Its the nature of the internet, and that is *never* changing.

06-13-2009, 02:09 PM
Maybe when you've experienced a death in your life you will not find it funny. :rolleyes: Humor is important but it's not something for a serious situation. IMO the media isn't blowing this out of proportion, they might have been a few weeks ago but that has ended. Swine Flu is a fairly knew illness that is not quite known about. Maybe when thousands are dying of it every year like they have with the "regular" flu you will not joke around so easily. I don't understand how you know it will never be as powerful as the flu is, enlighten me.

I'm glad you admit you make stupid posts :rolleyes:

06-13-2009, 02:22 PM
There have been people that have gotten scared to that point because of the media. Its the media's power to do just as you said that is the problem.

Its the internet, good god. This is a *good* forum on what you define as "ridiculous comments". Take a stroll on some of the other forums on the internet, look at their posts. Tell me what you see.

Making stupid posts? I do that all the time. Making "ridiculous comments"? I do that all the time too. Its the nature of the internet, and that is *never* changing.

Oh please - grow up! Where are these news reports of all these scared people freaking and spazzing? You'd certainly think that the media would pick up on this and plaster it all over, just to sensationalize the whole thing to the max.

And I have no desire to take a stroll to other forums. I come here because 99.9% of the people here have the common sense not to make fools of themselves. If I want to be part of the fools, then I'll start posting like one.

If you think by posting as you do, that it makes you appear wise and mature, then you missed the boat, yet again. It only shows everyone how immature and childish that you really are, not to mention rude and disrespectful - as in post #18. Do you talk to your parents that way?

06-13-2009, 02:41 PM
Its the internet, good god. This is a *good* forum on what you define as "ridiculous comments". Take a stroll on some of the other forums on the internet, look at their posts. Tell me what you see.

Making stupid posts? I do that all the time. Making "ridiculous comments"? I do that all the time too. Its the nature of the internet, and that is *never* changing.

I do not agree with that. Sadly enough, it is true that many parts of the internet are like that, and it's a poor testimony of mankind's intellect to make a fascinating invention like the world wide web a ridiculous and silly place. Even worse, you take it for granted that the web's nature is simply like that, but I dare to question that because it depends on where you're going, and it depends on what you want. To me, it's a great source of information in the first place. And as far as communication goes, there are luckily enough decent forums to go to, like this one. Pet Talk has never been a place for silly jokes and stupid comments, which is why I'm still here.

There are countless forums where ridiculous comments may be appropriate, but I feel no need to go there. I'm surrounded by so much stupidity and bickering in real life, I really don't need that online.


06-13-2009, 03:09 PM
I understand that some people try to make light of a serious situation, gallows humor, if you will, and I've done it myself. However, the time and place should be taken into consideration and when we read that one of our dear PT members just lost someone to H1N1, then compassion is called for and not inappropriate humor. Saying "It's the way I am. Get used to it" is disrespectful.

06-13-2009, 03:15 PM
However, the time and place should be taken into consideration and when we read that one of our dear PT members just lost someone to H1N1, then compassion is called for and not inappropriate humor. Saying "It's the way I am. Get used to it" is disrespectful.

Very well said!


06-14-2009, 02:31 AM
Pom, do you think talking down to posters makes your point more credible? I find it insulting.

Yes death can be funny. I have found humour in cancer and heart failure, members of my family have died from both. A close friend of mine, we grew up together, died after he lost control of his car and hit a light pole, that isnt going to stop me from laughing at traffic accidents in general.

The MSM is going to use the WHO to generate ratings. The more the MSM uses WHO to scare the viewers, the more ratings the MSM generates, and the more revenue they generate. The worst thing that ever happened to the nightly news was positive ratings.

Notice the CDC isnt freaking out over the Swine Flu.

06-14-2009, 06:17 AM
Pom, do you think talking down to posters makes your point more credible? I find it insulting.

Yes death can be funny. I have found humour in cancer and heart failure, members of my family have died from both. A close friend of mine, we grew up together, died after he lost control of his car and hit a light pole, that isnt going to stop me from laughing at traffic accidents in general.

The MSM is going to use the WHO to generate ratings. The more the MSM uses WHO to scare the viewers, the more ratings the MSM generates, and the more revenue they generate. The worst thing that ever happened to the nightly news was positive ratings.

Notice the CDC isnt freaking out over the Swine Flu.

What a shame that you have such a sick sense of humor when it comes to tragedy - I almost feel sorry for you.

And IMO - it's you and Reggie blowing things out of proportion in regards to media induced frenzy.

I'm done posting in this thread, as I will not continue to stoop to the level of certain individuals.

And again - my sincere apologies to Kirsten.

06-14-2009, 10:42 PM
Dont be so sanctimonious Pom.

Some people break down in tears and sorrow when tragedy strikes, Im not one of those people, so you can allmost feel sorry for those that do.

WHO didnt try to fan the flames when they anounced that H1N1 reached phase 6, CNN did. What Collin and I are saying, the MSM has cried wolf to many time in the past in the name of ratings to be trusted now. The CDC seems to have learned the lesson, now maybe the WHO will do the same.

Trust me you have stooped below levels of those who have posted in this thread.