View Full Version : What has happened to Pet Talk? :(

06-06-2009, 05:00 PM
It just seems so slow lately. I don't post much, but I've been on here for years and have never seen it so slow as it's been these past few months. I lurk, and enjoy everyone's post. Where have all the pet lovers gone? Where are all the ooh's and ahh's over photos, and people sharing their stories? I miss it so much!

I know a lot of old timers are still here, and I thank you all for keeping Pet Talk alive, but so many people are missing. :(

06-06-2009, 05:09 PM
Some people get busy, or move on.

I noticed last year that as summer was getting underway, far fewer people posted. I think finally having good weather had folks spending less time on their computers - and anyone with school age children have their kids around more now.

Karen and others could likely vouch if it is a seasonal thing.:)

06-06-2009, 05:13 PM
Ya I stopped posting as much since I had Kai...heck, I haven't even posted pictures of him in at least a year! Toddler has this mom busy, and plus work, the animals, taking care of my boyfriend (he has leukemia) etc. But I try to keep up with everyone, and check in about once a week. I just miss seeing all the photos and stories. :love:

As far as today, I am stuck inside due to crappy weather (blah). No kids so I am doing laundry and all that other fun stuff moms get to do when their kids are away. :rolleyes::p

Willow Oak
06-06-2009, 05:44 PM
I wore everybody out with a now defunct thread I started about the viability of certain vice-presidential candidate. :D

06-06-2009, 06:48 PM
I think it's a seasonal thing too - I don't have much computer time either, having a toddler keeps me on my toes! I have a few moments now and then (like now :D ), but other than that I just don't have the time. Ty is actually helping me type right now, so there are probably plenty of typos :o

I am so sorry to hear that your boyfriend has cancer, I will certainly keep him (and you) in my prayers.

06-06-2009, 06:58 PM
I still visit several times a day. I am an addict! :D

Laura's Babies
06-06-2009, 08:05 PM
I visit off and on throughout the day but I am spending a LOT more time outside now than before. The weather is perfects that it makes me restless and I can't sit still! Heck, I have even been doing some long needed cleaning in the house and getting out and walking a lot or just sitting outside.

06-06-2009, 08:48 PM
I know for me, it's just that it's summer. Kids are out of school, yard work, super busy at work - we don't even come inside until 10:00 pm, usually.

06-06-2009, 10:46 PM
I am so sorry to hear that your boyfriend has cancer, I will certainly keep him (and you) in my prayers.

He actually just finished his last round of Chemo! :D Now, if I can just get him through his depression we'll be good! :)

06-06-2009, 10:49 PM
I visit off and on throughout the day but I am spending a LOT more time outside now than before. The weather is perfects that it makes me restless and I can't sit still! Heck, I have even been doing some long needed cleaning in the house and getting out and walking a lot or just sitting outside.

I know the feeling! It was so nice last week and then this week it decided it was going to rain and thunderstorm. I want some heat again! So today I just cleaned and organized. Took out all of Kai's old baby clothes and put them up on craigslist. My brother was staying with me for a bit, and now that he's gone I've went on a cleaning spree throughout the whole house. I moved my lizards out into the living room which freed up some space in my bedroom, which isn't the biggest, and threw a bunch of useless things in the garbage. I have three boxes waiting to go to Goodwill. I think my spring cleaning has moved into summer LOL.

06-06-2009, 10:52 PM
I know for me, it's just that it's summer. Kids are out of school, yard work, super busy at work - we don't even come inside until 10:00 pm, usually.

Dylan still has a whole week of school left! I'm taking advantage of it while I can, trying to get things done. It's so hectic with two boys in the house. Kai can be a bit of a trouble maker. Poor Dylan. Kai never leaves him alone. He picks on him all the time. I was thinking it would be the other way around since Dylan is older, but nope. It's amazing how manipulative a 2 year old can be!

06-07-2009, 05:42 AM
I'm here everyday.:p

06-07-2009, 11:22 AM
I'm also still around, but often, I'm just too busy, or too tired to post much... But I'm still enjoying this place a lot!


Daisy and Delilah
06-07-2009, 12:36 PM
I've noticed the same thing. So many people have gotten so busy. I love to come to the board when I can but I don't have as much time as I used to. I've also noticed the number of members online has gone down alot, almost every day. :(

06-07-2009, 12:42 PM
I've noticed the same thing. So many people have gotten so busy. I love to come to the board when I can but I don't have as much time as I used to. I've also noticed the number of members online has gone down alot, almost every day. :(

Ya, usually when I'm on there will only be about 6 or so others on at the same time, and the rest are guests.

06-07-2009, 01:02 PM
It could be that alot of people are going on vacation, or just wish to take respite from PT.

06-07-2009, 01:26 PM
Ya, usually when I'm on there will only be about 6 or so others on at the same time, and the rest are guests.
Unfortunately, most of the "guests" are members who are "invisible"

06-07-2009, 01:32 PM
Unfortunately, most of "guests" are members who are "invisible"

Oh yes! I would be one of those people! :p Didn't even think about that!

06-07-2009, 06:55 PM
Well I for one am very glad you take the time to post, you are a very special part of PT, and i love hearing about your two children,you have a busy life and it is great that you manage to stop by, I was gutted to hear about your boyfriend , i had no idea, it must be very difficult for you, i can only wish you the best and hope your boyfriend makes a good recovery,take care sweetie, and I am alway's here,especially as it is winter down under, i enjoy spending time on PT, having a wee natter here and there.:):love:

06-07-2009, 07:34 PM
I am so sorry about your BF, cancer is such a terrible thing to go through no matter what the type. :( I am glad he is on his last round of chemo though, I hope he starts fully recovering soon! Prayers going out to you. I am also glad to hear from you, I hope Kai and Dylan are prospering :D

I should say, my post # has shrank considerably, I don't know if it has gone noticed or not. I've been so busy between my new job and other things. I still work at six flags but I am in a new department now and I am so much happier. Although it is ALOT hotter then last year, this job is great, I can't believe I stayed in games for a whole season. I look back and can't think of a way I'd have made myself go back! :eek: What exactly do I do? I am a costume character, yes, a costume character xD I've also had the FFA convention, sweet sixteens and the like. Last weekend I got mysteriously sick, and by 2nd day my mom called the doctor and I went to the ER on tuesday night. I was diagnosed with a "mild" case of pnemonia. DR told me to go because I have a heart condition and they were closing. :rolleyes: I'm fine now but man I was there for at least 5 hours :eek: Anyway, that sums it up for me. As for the new dog, that should be happening within a matter of the next 6 months or so. :D

As for no one else posting, I've noticed quite a few reduced posters as well. I hope they at least check in soon :(

06-07-2009, 08:42 PM
I know I have been gone for couple of months. A lot has been going on, both personal and with the rescue. So, I really apologize. I did not have internet for about a month and a half either. But I will be around again.

06-07-2009, 08:48 PM
I am on much less, and I do miss PT. Sometimes I get on and . . . don't even recognize some of the posters! New members keep coming in and I am not on here enough to keep up just now.

As the Alzheimer's progresses with my Dad, he requires more and more of my time. Adding Tasha, a puppy mill rescue, has taken its toll, she also needs more time and attention to help her adapt to life as a house pet. (She still isn't house trainined. :rolleyes:) Also been busy with renovation projects inside, plus the summer is MY season, I spend loads of time outdoors. Veggie garden, flowers, walking the dogs, etc. So I am normally off the computer more in nice weather. All told, my computer time is WAY down.

06-07-2009, 11:20 PM
I would imagine there are a host of reasons:
1) if you say you are just lurking lately, I bet there are alot of others doing the same
2) I don't have to mention the economy SUCKS! Less lesiure time, less money/time for internet, people losing their jobs or working two to make ends meet, people losing homes much less internet access. :(
3) "Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans" J. Lennon
This pesky "responsible adult" stuff is a pain! LOL!:p

06-07-2009, 11:34 PM
Even I haven't been visiting PT as often as I used to and I've been doing more lurking than posting. Sometimes I'm just too tired or rushed to post. I did take some new pictures of my cats today so hopefully I'll be able to resize, upload, and post some new pictures very soon.:) Summer is always a slow time around here.

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-08-2009, 04:53 AM
I am not on my pc as often as I used to be...! I still love it here though!!

06-08-2009, 07:35 AM
I'm a newbie, but I really enjoy PT. Unfortunately, I work full time and don't get to play on the computer as much as I'd like. I also spend time on the Bird Channel when I can which is a great deal of fun and full of wonderful folks like PT, but again, sometimes it's days before I can get on to chat with my bird buddies. Currently, my boss is out today so I'm slacking at my desk! Don't tell anyone!


Pinot's Mom
06-08-2009, 07:49 AM
I'm there with you! My boss is out, and my computer is on the fritz at home, so it's either check in here or not at all!! I'm here just about every day, though, but I'm probably one of the "newer" members - just since October.

06-08-2009, 08:41 AM
I'm not on as much as I'd like. I'm living at my cabin (with no internets) and taking summer classes, which is consuming my life right now. But I try to check in M-W for a few minutes to check out new posts and see what's happening.

06-08-2009, 08:58 AM
I too am posting less than before. Mostly it's because I only have access at work and my hours have been cut to 21 a week. Sometimes I actually have to work while I'm here!

It's hard to post when the boss is watching, but I try to slip in a helpful note now and then. I still manage to read most of the posts and send up prayers that everyone and their animals are doing well.

06-08-2009, 09:47 AM
Sometimes I actually have to work while I'm here!
Oh Mary, what has this world come to!! :eek: :D

Nice to see you here again, anyway! :)

06-08-2009, 01:10 PM
I come on several times a day to see what's new. I've also slowed down on posting. With work, school and life (which I don't have much of one to begin with) I'm not on here for long periods of time.
Since my class ends next week hopefully I'll be able to be around more. And maybe even post some pictures of the kids. (Oh, I just reminded myself that Taz's birthday is coming up! Better get some pix of him to post.)

06-08-2009, 09:53 PM
I'm here! :D Maybe we can use this as a "check in" thread? Just to make sure everyone's still alive and kickin? ;) Tomorrow I go in for an ultrasound and mammagram on my breast, which hopefully turns out OK. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

06-09-2009, 12:59 PM
I lurk and occasinally post when an 'old timer' stops by with some news or an update. It has realy dropped off the last 12 months or so, i hardly recognise any of the people posting now.

06-09-2009, 01:31 PM
I am new to PT and enjoy lurking and posting on some threads. Since I'm retired I have free time that I split between this forum and another forum on Home Theater. Home theater is mostly technical stuff so PT is a lot more fun for me. I try to avoid politics and religion because you are not going to change peoples views on these threads. We have a couple of threads that are like a marital quarrel so I usually just lurk to see who got in the last punch. I usually end my day with PT using my wifes EEE PC in bed to help me get my eyes heavy enough to sleep.;)

06-09-2009, 01:38 PM
I also don't post as much as I used too.I lurk more and used to spend a few hours on PT a day but I have a bit more of a life now and spend some time on flickr also.

06-09-2009, 09:55 PM
Hey i will be thinking of you, i know you too have concerns with your mammograms such as I, because of your family history,I am sure you will be just fine, but i know how scarey it can be, take care and giant hugs.:):love:

06-10-2009, 09:43 PM
I actually rescheduled my appt. I ended up falling asleep cuddling up with Kai in bed and didn't wake up until 2:30! :eek: We fell asleep early too, so we must have been tired. He usually takes his nap around 3 and we fell asleep at 11:30. I can't believe we slept so long. I usually wake up to Kai saying, "I love you mommy!" lol, then asking me to put my arms around him and cover him with the blanket. Then we sleep for another 30 minutes or so and then get up.


I think I'll be fine. I'm staying positive. I am young, so I got that going for me right? :)

I'd really like to post some new pictures, but my new laptop has been smashed to bits so I'm on my old laptop now, which isn't the fastest. :rolleyes:

And yes, my two year old still sleeps with mommy!

06-10-2009, 09:53 PM
I am glad your two year old still sleeps with him mommy, and why Not? as it should be !!:D

Well good luck for the next appointment, yes you will be just fine , I know it. take care.:):love:

06-10-2009, 09:56 PM
LOL, I now wonder why I ever bought a crib. The only thing it's ever been good for is storing clean clothes before they get folded.:D:p

06-11-2009, 03:51 PM
Hey my daughter slept with us on and off until she was four, and everyone said oh it will be so hard to get her in her own bed,WRONG, she adapted immediately, she just did everything when she was ready, she is still the same way lol, stubborn as a mule, lol.:)

06-29-2009, 07:23 PM
My appointment went well. Just normal tissue. Apparently I'm just "sensitive". :p

07-02-2009, 11:32 PM
I'm so glad that you appointment went well!

On the subject of kids sleeping with mommy/daddy.....Ty is 1 1/2 and sleeps in our bed. We gave up trying to put him in the crib some time ago. I admit it, I enjoy it...and I don't see anything wrong with it! Well, except for the crib being used as storage for clothes....;)