View Full Version : Another ED-venture? Episode 4!

06-06-2009, 08:10 AM
Ed has been very good lately and hasn't had any real ED-ventures for a while!

Well, until last night.:rolleyes:;)

The bundle of kittehs in the yard have kept him ever vigilant and hopping from window to window to monitor their comings and goings.

This entails me being watchful where he goes and where is sits around the house. One day last week I went about the house and checked all the screens in the windows and looked at the latches on the doors.

I fixed a sticky front door to the house, them made a mental note about the back door. It needs replacement, the latch doesn't allow the door to close properly at times.......

Last night the weather finally settled down-it's been cold and weird in Cah lee Fun ne AH recently, so I lit a fire in the pit and sat down for a minute to watch the world wind down!

About 15 minutes into the process, I head the little bell on the collar that the Ed-venturer wears and thought, "Gee, that sounds close!"

I have a little cage that the Edster can sit in while we work in the yard, so hearing the bell when he gets comfy is usual. This was UNUSUAL because of it's constant tinkle this time. I turned around and saw the back door ajar!

(why are doors 'a jar' when they really are windows?:rolleyes::confused:)

As I took a few steps toward the house a black and white blur ran into my peripheral vision.

"Damn, the cat is our and chasing the yard cats!"

I moved toward the truck where everyone hangs out and counted my blessings.

Ed, the big Kat-huna, is twice the size of anyone in the yard.

But, he has no 'outdoor etiquette' he can rely on. He's a huge Homer and is readily stunned by being outdoors.

He freezes, realizes what he is doing, then take the road less traveled. He's a lover, not a fighter...So, he just chases the the other kittehs around - no hissing, clawing or fighting!

Thank goodness!:eek::cool:

I run to the house to get may MEGA MILLION candle flashlight to check under the cars.....I get into position, kneeling close to the fenceline and the neighbor's house to try and see how I plan on capturing the 'monster' and returning him to the safety of the house. He's there towards the back of the vehicle - I angle my way into that direction.

By this time I know that he will venture from under the truck eventually, so I walk back and forth a few times with more emphasis in the area where he is sitting.

I stop to squat down when a blur of black, followed by a bullet of white appear at my feet.

Apparently the stray, that Ed is guarding and I have not seen, thinks that there is a rock and hard place scenario coming into play.

I manage to shoot my hand out and pin the Edster to the ground with a hand on his back. I have learned that I have to grab a little bit of fur and skin when he bolts like that! This move earns me a well thought out HISSSSSSSS
but no tooth or nail attack.:p

With some well deserved words, we both gather ourselves up, Ed get picked up and we head back into the direction of the house, my sanity and Ed's safety.

I felt bad for the cat that that was chased from his hidey place, but he will be rewarded with some kibble and some extra sweet talking from me. He deserves it.

I shudder to think about what could happen when the Edster goes out on a walkabout- I am just thankful that it's nothing more than some catting around and chasing each other down- just to prove who is King of the Yard.

Now, I just have to work on pulling out that danged door and putting in a new one.

That will be an AD-venture, not an Ed-venture!:eek::rolleyes:;)

06-06-2009, 09:56 AM
Thats sad that that Momma cat had to have her Babies in the wild, and the Edsters trying to be a surrogate Cat Dad to them!!!
The Edsters got such a Big Heart , hes really One Wonder MagnifiCat!!!

06-06-2009, 11:00 AM
What a story! I always go into panic mode when someone gets out.

Laura's Babies
06-06-2009, 03:36 PM
So, is that new door up yet? Enjoyed your newest Ed-venture.. Ed In The Wild!

06-06-2009, 03:49 PM
Yeah, that would scare me big time. My door darter Boo gives me fright enough but the last time he chased a cat out of the yard, he was gone all day and night. Ed's pretty good, all things considered.

08-21-2009, 05:00 PM
Well, I hesitate to tell this story partially because I will be labeled as a cat-hating-irresponsible owner.:eek:

I did screw up.

My kids were outside the back door and I was approaching with some cans to toss into the recycling can that sits in the corner of the patio.

A couple of the Motley Crew were sitting on the stoop and waiting for me to comeout.......They can hear me moving about in the kitchen and there is a board that makes a squeak when I stand at the door and look out.

The kids/cats perk up and I stop to look down and see who is sleeping on the mat. I know that one day I'll be charging out the door and might step on somebody, it's all for their and my protection.

Yesterday I stopped and looked down at the kids! I was so happy to see that Toonces had come back-that's another story- he disappeared for five days and finally came home!

I stopped and ooh-ed and aah-ed so much that I didn't notice that Ed was at my heels.

Ed knows that there are kittehs living outside the door, he goes to the corner, sniffs, meows and looks at me like,"You know there are cats on the other side of the door, EXPLAIN THIS TO ME!"

We have worked out an uneasy understanding. Yes there are cats outdoors, and no you cannot go play, you are an indoor cat.

(I just didn't mention that they do get some of the Edster's treats...I'll have to explain sharing later on.):rolleyes:;)

Any who......I was so stoked that Toonces came home I opened the door w/o checking and the "bolt" went out the door.

The OD cats, who were as surprised as I was, split up.....Ed went after the calico that runs under the truck and Toonces heads down the driveway.

Miss Kitty, under the truck with no idea that Ed is coming by to visit, splits too!

She runs towards the backyard giving the calico a chance to run down the driveway! Now I have a white cat under the truck and my attempts to catch him begin.

I grab a broom and try to coerce him from underneath. That helps, a little.

I run to the side where he has appeared and I c l o s e in to grab him and........he turns and s l o w l y walks back underneath.

Arg.......This happens another few times, I am ticked because I had taken a shower earlier and now I am kneeling on a dusty concrete driveway trying to get my cat back home.

I get up and see my feet, knees and palms are getting dirty too. This calls for some brainstorming.

I spy the hose and knowing that cat's do not like water, I formulate a plan.

HOKAY, cat lovers? I truly felt bad about this afterwards, but I do not enjoy the cat-titude Ed gets when he's roaming around outdoors.

Ed chases cats, then he stops, looks around and freaks out. HE sits down, then watches me scoot around the ground, on all fours. I try to coax him one way and he ignores all my attempts until I get a stick, to try and push him to one side.

Do cats have a sense of cruel humor?:rolleyes::mad:

I grab the hose and turn the dial on the sprayer to "JET" and crouch down.

MY plan is to squirt the ground behind him to 'motivate' him into making him go in one direction and flush him out.

First squirt and he turns and looks a me! "WTF, Chuck?"

I give him another squirt and he moves about two feet away from me.

(I am directing the stream of water across his backside so he doesn't get wet.)

The third time is a charm! He bolts again, i get my creaky arse up off the ground and get prepared to chase after him.

I get three paces from my crouch when I see him run towards the door and stand there, He turns and looks at me like, "what the hell was that for!" Just open the door and let me back inside, stupid!

I get to the door, open it and we both run in, me trying to catch him and see how wet he is and him just wanting to get away from the jerk with the hose.

After a few seconds of making sure he's not all wet and ticked off, I dry his back foot and we are back to being friends.

I suspect that he knows that for every door that opens, the same one can get him back indoors safe and sound.

I just have to keep my kneepads by the door.:rolleyes::eek:;)

08-21-2009, 08:05 PM
Oh Lord...that darn cat! I am picturing this all in my head while I am reading it. Did you take another shower after getting all dirty?

08-21-2009, 09:57 PM
Oh Lord...that darn cat! I am picturing this all in my head while I am reading it. Did you take another shower after getting all dirty?

Naw, Just brushed off, did a warm washrag to make sure.

Oh, nothing for the Edster?:eek::D

He's well and sleeping, as always.

08-22-2009, 03:57 PM
I have this same issue with Juke Joint Joseph when he gets out.
He leads me on a wild Cat chase Richard, just staying a step ahead ofme,
I think the Edster and Juke Joint Joseph think that we need more play time!!!
I think they would be dissapointed if we didnt make a game out of thier escapes!!!

08-22-2009, 04:32 PM
I think they would be dissapointed if we didnt make a game out of thier escapes!!!

A game?

For them maybe. I have a heart attack first, then I begin to play.:D

08-22-2009, 05:53 PM
Maybe Edster was trying to round up the outdoor babies and herd them inside? :D

08-22-2009, 09:42 PM
Ed's just havin' some fun with ya, doncha know? I have one that gets out once in a blue moon, runs down the drive, then realizes he's outside and freezes until I come rescue him.:eek: I guess you don't have that kind of luck with Ed.:)