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06-05-2009, 06:07 PM
Mayor calls for Freddie Mercury comeback gig

The Mayor of Zagreb has called for Freddie Mercury to make a comeback gig in the Croatian capital.

Speaking on national television about his musical preferences, Milan Bandic said he wanted to attract rock legends to the city.

"I would like to see David Bowie play in Zagreb. And Freddie Mercury could come, too," he said.

Mayor Bandic reportedly seemed shocked to be told that the Queen frontman had died 18 years ago.

The mistake caused shock among many Croatians but Bandic himself shrugged off the gaffe.

His prospects in the second round of local elections to be held this Sunday seem to have been unharmed with political pundits expecting him to get a new mandate.

Zagreb resident Mirjana Popovic said: "It might seem he is a little bit out of touch when he says things like this but he is the right man for mayor."


Oh, that one hurt.....Is that the reason you see so few rock stars venture in the world of politics?:rolleyes:;)

06-06-2009, 08:13 AM
Hey, I just heard that Hendrix and Joplin will tour Croatia too!:rolleyes::confused::eek:

06-06-2009, 09:01 PM
You never know, Elvis is still alive somewhere, right?

06-06-2009, 10:39 PM
You never know, Elvis is still alive somewhere, right?

I'd pay money for that Concert!


I was flyin' back from Lubbock
I saw Jesus on the plane
...or maybe it was Elvis
You know, they kinda look the same...

06-06-2009, 11:22 PM
Wait Freddie mecury is dead???!!!

06-07-2009, 04:07 PM
I was flyin' back from Lubbock
I saw Jesus on the plane
...or maybe it was Elvis
You know, they kinda look the same...

Irrelevent story ..... but your quote reminded me of it.

Last summer we went to a yard sale. It was an old hippie dude, living in a camp trailer, surrounded by an acre of junk. Seriously. It was a riot. So, I find this cool gnarled old tree stump that I want to put in the garden and ask him how much. He says, and I quote, "Oh, that's not for sale, because it's mystic and magical, man. Once, I saw the Virgin Mary in that tree stump. Or, maybe it was the Mario Brothers, I'm not sure now." OMG. SO funny.

Sorry, OT.

06-07-2009, 04:31 PM
Irrelevent story ..... but your quote reminded me of it.

Last summer we went to a yard sale. It was an old hippie dude, living in a camp trailer, surrounded by an acre of junk. Seriously. It was a riot. So, I find this cool gnarled old tree stump that I want to put in the garden and ask him how much. He says, and I quote, "Oh, that's not for sale, because it's mystic and magical, man. Once, I saw the Virgin Mary in that tree stump. Or, maybe it was the Mario Brothers, I'm not sure now." OMG. SO funny.

Sorry, OT.

Don't apologize-Some of the best stories come out of threads.

And you thought all the nut jobs were out her in Cah Lee Fuh Nee Ah?

I think the Virgin Mary shows up when you least expect it.:confused:;)