View Full Version : Urg..I SO have something wrong with me!

09-27-2002, 07:56 PM
I went to pick my bro up, and I started driving down the street, when I saw a spider. I was like "Oh, god!.." and pulled over cause I have a huge phobia of them.. I know, I'm weird. So I sat there for like 10 mins trying to get the curage to pick it up in this very small tissue..Of course, he moved away before I could. I couldn't find him, so I decided I'd try to go pick Nick up, and he could get it outside. Only just as I got on a road with no shoulder, he comes out, and I start to panic. I mean, I'm speeding down this road so I can pull over, and pushing myself to one side. When I do pull over, I try to knock him out, and finally do. Why am I afraid of them?! I have no reason to be! They're small, and NOT poisoness here. I felt really bad about it cause my dad is always saying "Don't be afraid of spiders!! Thats silly" And I TRY not to be..I can't help it... Sorry to telling you this, I'm sure you don't care..I'll go now.........

09-27-2002, 08:03 PM
My best friend used to have a HUGE fear of spiders. Then he decided he the only way to get over his fear of spiders would be to love a spider. So he bought a tarantula, and since it was his he had to love it. Now he loves spiders and thinks it's funny that he was ever afraid of them.

09-27-2002, 08:09 PM
I'm with you. I have a fear of ALL bugs. WEll lady bugs are ok. I hate snakes/ frogs too!

09-27-2002, 08:16 PM
That story could have been me. I am so afraid of any bug. It's irrational, I know, but I can't help it. I have always been afraid that would happen while I was driving. I can't even pick up a dead bug with a 2 inch thick wad of paper towels. HA HA
We had large carpenter ants in our bedroom one year and I would not sleep in there for over 2 months. So we may not be normal, but you are not alone.

09-27-2002, 10:52 PM
I don't know if this will help or not... You did better handling your fear than some. We still talk about a friend of mothers who was so freaked by the sight of a spider in a car she jumped out -- the car was going 30 mph at the time. Now THAT thought really scares me. :eek:

P.S. How is your Dad? Is he okay now?

09-28-2002, 05:40 AM
I too am deathly afraid of spiders! We have cathedral ceilings in the living room and there were 2 daddy longlegs up there. My fiance tried to get them with a broom but of course they come gliding down and ran under the sofa. Needless to say I ran into the bedroom and did not come out for an hour. Everyone thinks I am a baby but I just can't help it. I freak out at work when I see one and I make someone else kill it for me. Once when I was driving on the highway one came down right in front of my face. My first (and most stupid) reaction was to hit the brakes. Luckily there was no one else on the road. Eww just thinking about them gives me the heebie jeebies!!!
You are totally not alone-hey maybe we can get through this together :)

09-28-2002, 10:58 AM
I hate spiders too!! and also ugh! cockroaches!!! :(

09-28-2002, 01:04 PM
Don't be too hard on yourself! Remember, generations of our human ancestors survived because they developed aversions to bad things - like insects that could harm them. We just naturally shy away from things that move fast or startle us. :eek:

The best way to handle the scary situtation is with calm and clear thinking. The more times you meet up with a spider and keep your head - well, that just makes you more calm the next time too!

Being afraid is not "silly" - it is part of being human!