View Full Version : Mikey's off to the vet's

06-03-2009, 08:16 AM
He's having his kitten making abilities removed today :p

Cameron insisted he go with me to drop Mikey off. He couldn't understand why we were taking Mikey. I told him that it was so Mikey wouldn't be able to have babies. Cameron said, "but I WANT Mikey babies!" So then, I dare you, try to explain overpopluation to a not-quite-3 year old! My head was spinning by the time we pulled into the vet parking lot.

Then as we pulled in, Cameron told me that Mikey was "kicking him" through the carrier.... then me told me his nails hurt and we needed to "cut his paws off"! :eek: I'm sure he meant we need to trim his nails :)

So please, send good vibes to Mikey that his procedure goes well today.

06-03-2009, 08:25 AM
Wow.... I drop him off an hour ago and the vet called to say he's done already! :eek: I can pick him up around noon.

06-03-2009, 08:51 AM
:) Next time could you video the conversation with the 3 yr old & kitty population..:D

Congrats on Mikey's Neutering going good.. I know it does not take them long with males..

06-03-2009, 09:43 AM
it usually takes longer to knock them out to do the actual neuter, LOL

06-03-2009, 09:51 AM
Thats great that you can have Mikey :love::love::love:back so soon, so he can start his Official Gothca Day , and start livening up all those Old Ctas , and put some FUN into thier lives.:D:D:cool:
Its amazing how the energy of a Kitten gets everyone excited!!!

06-03-2009, 10:47 AM
kids say the funniest things... LOL...

YAY!! Mikey.. now going home.. awww....

06-03-2009, 11:53 AM
That'a good story to keep for later on. :)

Glad Mikey's fixed :)

Hope he's recovering well.

06-03-2009, 04:19 PM
I was just going to reply but after I scrolled down, I saw that Mikey's finished already. So I guess now my prayers will go towards his rapid healing. I'm glad that all went so well and so quickly, too.

06-03-2009, 05:33 PM
Here's the Abbott and Costello skit between hubby and me this afternoon

Early this morning:
Me: we have to pick Mikey up around noon because he is done already.
Hubby: Already done?
Me: Yup!

So we were on the way home from picking Mikey up, and...
Hubby: I can't believe Mikey had been neutered before we got him.
Me: No, he was neutered this morning.
Hubby: I asked you that this morning and you said he was already done.
Me: Yes, he was already done when you asked me.
Hubby: So he was already done?
Me: Yes! I dropped him off and he was done when they called.
Hubby: So that means he was done before!
Me: well, done today.
Hubby: But you didn't say today, you said he was done already.
Me: Yes, Today!
Hubby: but you said he was done already.
Me: Yes, he was already done when they called... he was snipped and recovering when they called.
Hubby: So he was neutered today?
Me: Yes! Today!
Hubby: So why did you tell me he was done already?

I gave up on the whole conversation. :rolleyes:

06-03-2009, 05:39 PM

Laura's Babies
06-03-2009, 07:38 PM
I am laughing so hard!!

06-03-2009, 09:17 PM
I'm glad to hear that everything went well.:) Your conversations with both Cameron and your hubbie sure are funny.:)