View Full Version : LOLcelebs - reaction to new Star Trek Movie - :-)

06-01-2009, 09:20 PM

06-01-2009, 10:55 PM
That brings the funnay for me, thanks.

06-02-2009, 04:18 AM
That brings the funnay for me, thanks.

x 2! THANK YOU! :D

06-02-2009, 08:21 AM
That got me laughing. :D Thanks LOL. I've been watching Star Trek re-runs the past 2 days because I've been sick. I've been watching them since the movie came out and I don't think William Shatner was too bad in the show, a little odd yes, but not bad. I do for one think he's bad now. :o Although I've never seen the other movies so I'm guessing thats what they mean. I guess he could've been bad in those LOL.

06-02-2009, 12:20 PM
I thought the movie was cute...I don't think that's what they were going for though! It was the first time I've enjoyed a Star Trek movie!

06-02-2009, 12:24 PM
Shatner was teased for treating each individual word as a sentence :D . That's what this joke is about. Shatner, though I don't like him much now, did have a sense of humour about being parodied...he has, or had, the grace to laugh at himself. That's one good thing.

I LOVED the new movie - and sis and I were hard-boiled Trekkies for the original series!

In the new movie - seeing the Enterprise as a NEW ship - I was nudging Norman and saying, "Isn't she BEAUTIFUL??!" :)

06-02-2009, 12:27 PM
Shatner was teased for treating each individual word as a sentence :D . That's what this joke is about. Shatner, though I don't like him much now, did have a sense of humour about being parodied...he has, or had, the grace to laugh at himself. That's one good thing.

Have you ever seen his stand up routine from the Just for Laughs festival a few years ago? He does his own parody of himself. It's hysterical!

06-02-2009, 09:27 PM
I am a Star Trek fan from way way way back. Both hubby kids and I have seen/own them all.
Saw the new movie. Kirk's rise to fame was too fast. His love interest with Uhara was silly, red matter, oh please that was so third season right up there with the space hippies. Spock was good, McCoy was great.
A light hearted C- movie for a rainy day. Their best is still 2, 3 and if you want to laugh 4. Cause I like Italian and so do you. :p
Shatner is one of my favorite actors, very funny author as well. Loads of talent. I loved him as the Great Big Giant Head in Third Rock and I laughted till I had to change my shorts on Boston Legal as Denny Crane. Capt Kirk became Denny Crane. It's beyond funny. Beyond I say. Not too many actors can take such a strong charactor as Kirk and become a totally different one as Crane, shows the mans genius.