View Full Version : Medical Question

05-31-2009, 03:36 PM
Ok - I know that swelling of the feet and ankles (plural) is very common, and I have suffered thru it in years passed, but now this has me stumped. I've been getting swelling on the right side only for the past week or so. Does anyone know of anything that would cause it on one side only? There is no constriction to that side, and no recent trauma - it was my right hip that I fractured, but well over a year ago. I have a doctor appointment, but not till mid July, and I hate to go in just for this.

It's really quite annoying - the feeling of one shoe or sandal fitting just fine, but the other one being too tight. The swelling that would normally be gone in the morning after being off my feet and in bed for the night, just isn't happening. It's not quite so swollen when I get up, but it's not down to normal size either.

Any ideas? Anyone ever had a similar problem?

Nurse Grace - where are you???:confused:

05-31-2009, 03:43 PM
You don't have a problem w/varicose veins in that leg, do you? Or maybe you got a bite or sting of some sort and didn't realize it?

05-31-2009, 03:51 PM
You don't have a problem w/varicose veins in that leg, do you? Or maybe you got a bite or sting of some sort and didn't realize it?

Nope - neither.

Willow Oak
05-31-2009, 04:10 PM
Sounds like something I have read about: lymphedema. You can read about it on Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lymphedema) or some other website. It is one of those conditions for which there is no certain diagnosis.

05-31-2009, 04:39 PM
Sounds like something I have read about: lymphedema. You can read about it on Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lymphedema) or some other website. It is one of those conditions for which there is no certain diagnosis.

I have heard of that in extremely obese people, but I don't qualify there at barely 100 lbs. :eek: I'm going to have to read up more on it tho, to see what else I can find out. Thanks - maybe I'll learn something.

05-31-2009, 05:17 PM
My friend Pam's left food was swollen VERY badly. She went to the ER and they never even took an x-ray! She went to her main doctor who immediately ordered an x-ray. Turns out she broke her foot and didn't know it when she fell down her stairs a month or so prior.

Hope everything turns out okay, Ellie!!;)

05-31-2009, 05:46 PM
My friend Pam's left food was swollen VERY badly. She went to the ER and they never even took an x-ray! She went to her main doctor who immediately ordered an x-ray. Turns out she broke her foot and didn't know it when she fell down her stairs a month or so prior.

Hope everything turns out okay, Ellie!!;)

:D:D Well I know that's not my problem. When I fall, I do it up BIG! A fractured hip and a fractured wrist - within 4 months of each other. I've managed to stay on my feet this past year - thank God for small miracles!

05-31-2009, 05:58 PM
If it doesn't hurt it most likely is not injured but considering your weight I wouldn't wait until july to check it out since you are in good shape.

05-31-2009, 06:54 PM
Any other symptoms - numbness, tingling? How about any change in color. Is it pitting edema - when you press your finger into the swelling, does the indentation stay for awhile?

My first thought is some type of occlusion, but that should also cause some discomfort.

I agree with caseysmom; you shouldn't wait until mid-July to see the MD.

EDIT to add - what about temperature? Is the swollen foot warmer or cooler than the other one?

Laura's Babies
05-31-2009, 08:09 PM
Here I go again but when I was on Lipitor I noticed a soft swollen spot on my ankles, around that area it would itch and burn and the part that itched and burned meant it was about to spread up my foot (towards my toes). It was on BOTH feet and showed up at the same time and both spread. Since quitting the drug, it has quit spreading and some of the swelling has gone down but you can still see it is there. I saw 4 different doctors about it because it WAS PAINFUL and none of them knew what it was or how to stop it from spreading. Nothing they did to treat it helped either.

06-01-2009, 07:22 AM
Any other symptoms - numbness, tingling? How about any change in color. Is it pitting edema - when you press your finger into the swelling, does the indentation stay for awhile?

My first thought is some type of occlusion, but that should also cause some discomfort.

I agree with caseysmom; you shouldn't wait until mid-July to see the MD.

EDIT to add - what about temperature? Is the swollen foot warmer or cooler than the other one?

No pitting - no pain - no discoloration - normal temp-same as other foot. A little numbness but that's nothing new and has been the norm for years since back surgery.

I'm at a loss...:confused::( It's down a little again this morning, but that won't last long.

Maybe I'll give it a little while longer and if it doesn't get better, then see doc sooner than scheduled.

Daisy and Delilah
06-01-2009, 08:07 AM
Ellie, when I had a stress fracture years ago, I didn't know what was going on either. I would have swelling in that foot and little or no pain. Eventually, the pain would come and I would see my doctor. The first time was puzzling but I was wise to it after that. I had three of them over the years. All of them from injuries I got from yard work. Needless to say, I don't do much of that anymore.:eek:

For about a year or two, I've had swelling in the left foot and not the right. I've been to probably four different doctors to try to find out what's causing it. Mostly, they attribute it to the knee surgeries and that trauma. I don't really believe that's the only thing it is but no one can tell me anything different. One doctor actually gave me a cosrtisone shot in the foot which did nothing. It's so irritating at times. The neuropathy seems to be aggravated by this or vice versa.

I think there has to be something going on that your not aware of yet. I think seeing the doctor is the answer. I hope your doctor can figure it out for you. Best wishes to you for a solution.

06-01-2009, 02:12 PM
After reading Terry's post above, about how her doctors attribute her same problem to her knee surgery, I'm thinking (oooo-dangerous!:p), that maybe I'm having a similar issue. The swelling I'm having is on the right side, and I fractured my right hip, and as a result, my leg is about a half inch shorter on that side. I have somewhat of a limp because of that, and I know I'm putting more stress on that leg than the other - so maybe???

Nurse Grace - your thoughts?

I'm happy to report not as much swelling today for some reason. Go figure. :confused:

Daisy and Delilah
06-01-2009, 08:05 PM
My left leg(surgical side) is longer than the right too. I have a terrific limp. It all makes sense that it could be from the previous problem.

Ellie, some days the swelling is worse than others for me too.:( It sounds pretty identical doesn't it?

06-02-2009, 08:55 AM
My left leg(surgical side) is longer than the right too. I have a terrific limp. It all makes sense that it could be from the previous problem.

Ellie, some days the swelling is worse than others for me too.:( It sounds pretty identical doesn't it?

Hmmm - we just might be on to something here. Same problem for the same reason. Makes sense tho - the extra stress on one side could be the whole problem.

My swelling is way down this morning too. - it's back to almost normal size. Yesterday I went barefoot in the house all day, and only slipped something on my feet to go outside. I think that not having a tight shoe or sandal on that one side all day helped, so I'm going to give it the same treatment today and see what happens.

smokey the elder
06-02-2009, 10:06 AM
There is a blood pressure test where they take it on the calf, not the arm. This is used to diagnose deep vein thrombosis (clots, in other words) and the like. Have you had this done? I had it done when I had foot complaints (turned out to be related to my genetic bad foot design, not DVT...phew!)

06-02-2009, 10:22 AM
There is a blood pressure test where they take it on the calf, not the arm. This is used to diagnose deep vein thrombosis (clots, in other words) and the like. Have you had this done? I had it done when I had foot complaints (turned out to be related to my genetic bad foot design, not DVT...phew!)

No - I haven't had this done. I'll have to ask doc about it next time I go in, if this continues to be a problem. My blood is as thin as water so I doubt that a clot is an issue, but then again, you never know, especially having had surgery on the hip on that side.