View Full Version : Momma's so mean to me!!!!!!

09-27-2002, 02:27 PM
Bull here and I thought everyone needs to know the mean things my Momma has been doing to me this afternoon.

First she brings me and Katie in from outside and I knew it wasn't going to be good when I seen Fluffy all wet in the hallway. So she tricks us into the bathroom where she takes off our collars and makes us BOTH get in the tub. (We NEVER take a bath together- another sign that this wasn't good) Then she got in there with us (which isn't unusual I always take my baths in the shower with her)and we are crowed in there and got us all wet!!!!! Ugh! I hate being wet! Then she started washing her hair and left the shower spraying on my back and shoulders (which felt good - though I'll never admitt it to her) and we were all happy and warm. Then all of a sudden she turned to water off and started soaping us up with this weird smelling shampoo. Then she just stood there for what seemed like hours with me shivering til this thing she put on the top shelf of the shower went DING! then she turned the water back on and got us wet again! (at least she got the wierd smelling shampoo out) Then when we got out she let Katie out of the bathroom first!

Then when I finally got out of the bathroom, she wouldn't let me go outside! She said that I would just go out there and lay in the sandbox and get all dirty again. How dare she say that my outside bed is dirty!!!!! When I tried to lay on the couch with Grandma, she told me NO! She said that I was too wet, I wouldn't be wet if SHE hadn't have let Momma get me wet! So I went to Uncle Mikey's playroom to lay on that couch and Momma came in there and brushed me THEN made get off that couch!!!!!
So I went to Grandma and Grandpa's bed and Momma made me get off there too!!!

Finally I was dry and instead of letting me take a nap on the big bed, I was brushed AGAIN and she put this wierd smelling collar on me along with my regular one.

I'm going to go see if I can sneak on to Grandma's bed now!!!

Bull Boy

09-27-2002, 02:30 PM
Aw, you have had a bad day. If it makes you feel any better, I tortured Tango with a bath this morning. You would think it was the end of the world by the pittiful looks he gave me as he got wet. :)

Dixieland Dancer
09-27-2002, 03:01 PM
Your going to have to forgive your momma for getting you all wet. She was just trying to make you feel better! I know because I do the same thing to my furkids. I'm sure now that you are dry you will be allowed on the Big Bed. Sweet dreams!! ;)

09-27-2002, 04:48 PM
My poor baby! I'm just so mean to him. LOL He had to take a bath and stand there all cold with the flea shampoo on for a whole 5 minutes. No one would let him be in his sleeping spots. Now he's gotta where a flea collar cuz Katie can't seem to get rid of them.

P.S. He got his nap on the really big bed (Mom and Dad's king size). LOL

Dixie Belle
09-27-2002, 09:51 PM
Sorry Mommy is being mean, but sweetie, it's for your own good. Mine are all mad at me too because we have been having flea problems and they are getting baths a whole bunch!

09-29-2002, 02:44 PM
Aww.. poor baby.. soon this'll be all over ;) Be happy when you'll discover you won't have to stratch no more!

09-29-2002, 03:53 PM
Poor doggie! Your momma is just trying to help you! So you won't feel itchy.