View Full Version : So sad! Cat jealousy?

05-25-2009, 10:41 PM
I brought home a kitten on Saturday. Seymour (10 months) is devastated. :(

He will not eat, and has had some runny stool. He threw up bile tonight. Please someone tell me it will get easier on him. This is devastating for me to see him like this- he is my heart! I will take him to the vet if things do not improve, but I am just so sad and it is making it hard for me to emotionally bond with the new baby.


05-25-2009, 11:42 PM
Did you take time to introduce Seymour to the new kitten?

Has the kitten been vet-checked? If not, Seymour might have caught something.

New pets should be kept separate from the existing pet, in their own room with food/litter box/ etc. Switch favourite sleeping blankets or even cat beds so they get used to each other's scent BEFORE they meet in person.

I really hope Seymour gets better soon. Please write a bit more about how you introduced them to each other, k? It'll help us help! ;)

05-26-2009, 05:37 AM
What Catty1 said. Plus the fact that Seymour vomited bile makes me a little nervous. I think a vet check is in order. Please keep us posted. I hope that it's just a passing thing. :)

05-26-2009, 09:39 AM
I pray that that Kitten didnt bring something in to Seymour.:eek:
And that they eventually will be friends.:love:
If Seymour being 10 months old the process shouldnt take as long as it would with an Older Cat.:love::love: