View Full Version : The rest of the felines..pics

09-27-2002, 12:17 PM
Here's the rest of my feline fur crew..I hope this message isn't too long!

This is Dominique. She was found by a teenager I worked with wandering a busy downtown street. The teen couldn't keep her so I said I'd find her a good home--she never left my place!

This is Ivy. She's the product of a divorce--bitter ex-husband dumped her at the humane society when his wife left him. She's a very regal girl and remembers well when cats were worshiped--and expects the same!

This is Polly Paws..I pulled her from animal control just before she was to be PTS..she's semi-feral, but making great progress.

And finally this big boy is Onyx. He started off as an unwanted "plain black cat". Now he's a 20 pound giant lap fungus!

09-27-2002, 12:25 PM
You have such darling kitties!!! I love Dominique's hiding place in the laundry basket. :D Hee hee! ... Oh, I'm so happy you took in Ivy! Good thing that bitter ex-husband wasn't *too* bitter and he brought Ivy to the Humane Society instead of doing something much worse!! ... Wow! Look at those markings and the coloring on Polly Paws! So lovely! :) What a beauty. Good to hear she's losing some of her feral-ity! :D :cool: ... And Onyx! How I wish I could hold you in my own lap and snuggle with you! You look like such a huggable little (big?) guy!!

Awwwww... Everybody's just adorable. LOVE THOSE PICS!!!

09-27-2002, 12:41 PM
I am in love with all of your cats and dogs! First it was Glacier with the big blue eyes then I saw a couple of your dogs and now the rest of your cats who are all unique and beautiful!:D You are lucky you live way up in Northern Canada otherwise I would just pack up my family and come visit all your wonderful pets!:)

09-27-2002, 12:48 PM
Beautiful kitties!!

Lap fungus...LOL...I love that phrase, describes my Gigi perfectly.

09-27-2002, 02:49 PM
I love your cats, I love their names but more so, I love your desciptions.....Giant Lap Fungus.... Way too funny !:D

09-27-2002, 03:52 PM
Such gorgeous kitties. Especially Polly Paws!!!

09-27-2002, 04:41 PM
Great cats, each of them with its own story - I'm so glad they found such a good place now! :)

Polly Paw looks quite interesting btw. She's half feral? She looks like a pure breed to me...


09-27-2002, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by Kirsten

Polly Paw looks quite interesting btw. She's half feral? She looks like a pure breed to me...


I have been told that Polly Paws is a mismarked Snowshoe, but I just call her a meezer mix. She was trapped by our Animal Control as a nuisance animal. She was digging in flower beds ect. I was helping a friend look for her lost kitty when I saw Polly in the Pound. She was scheduled to be PTS. She seemed really sweet in her cage. I just couldn't stand the thought of her being put down for no good reason. So I posted her bail and brought her home. I quickly discovered that she had never used a litter box and was not nice to other cats. We called her Hissy Polly for a long time. She walked around the house hissing, spitting and swatting at all the other cats. She's come a long way in 18 months. She hates Onyx--thinks he shouldn't even be allowed to breath the same air she does, but she has reached a truce with everyone else. She ignores them and they do the same. She will come to us for pets and attention now. It's been several months since I had to explain a Polly inflicted injury at work!:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-27-2002, 09:28 PM
They are all adorable and look like they are quite at happy in their comfy home. As you can see by my avatar, I'm a little partial to kitties of the black persuasion, and even though I have my own "lap fungus" in Tubby, I would love to be able to share my lap with Onyx, although with Tubby being 15 pounds, and Onyx at 20, I might need some additional leg supports. ;) :D

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing! :)

Miss Meow
09-27-2002, 11:18 PM
Even more lovely photos. I just love your comment about your 'lap fungus'. Made me laugh for ages! I think we should start a cat minding holiday scheme, ie I come and look after your cats because they're SO beautiful :D

09-28-2002, 01:01 AM
All of your cats are so beautiful. I'm so glad that you could provide a forever home for all of them. :) :D LOL "Lap Fungus" :D I also have a large black cat named Pepper. He's about 17lbs and sometimes he's my lap fungus too. :) I'd love to see more pics of all of your beautiful cats. :)

09-28-2002, 07:25 AM
Welcome to our cat-site , Glacier !!!!
We love members posting pics !!!
Your cats are adorable !!!


Heather Wallace
09-28-2002, 06:12 PM
How cute, dominique looks very comfortable in there, Max my cat loves to go into places such as the laundry basket.

09-29-2002, 10:44 AM
OMG!! What gorgeous kitties you have!!

09-29-2002, 12:12 PM
I love your cats!! I'm glad that you helped them out by taking them in!! Nice hiding spot, Dominique!!:D