View Full Version : Question about Cats

05-20-2009, 02:31 PM
Hey guys!

My name is Ashley, and you can catch me over at the "Dog" side of the PT. But today I venture over here because I have a question about cats. Now my question may seem ... dumb or retorical, but it's really a valid question to me. :o

Now before I ask my question I have some "background information" to give about it. My mom loves cats. However, she hasn't had one since about 10 years ago, when our cat, Ashes, was poisoned by the landlady. :(:(:( Since then we got a dog, Butterscotch, and my mom's want for a cat has been put on hold because Butto is highly driven by cats, and she'll chase them all day if she needs to. But now, my mom is thinking of getting a kitty. Not now, maybe not even this year or the next, but she wants a cat.

Now the thing is, I really don't want a cat. For some reason, when people say cat, I either think of a lazy cat that sits in the sun all day, or a cat that scratches you whenever you get close. If we get a cat, I don't want it to be lazy. I want a fun cat.

So my question is, do cats make good pets? :o

05-20-2009, 02:37 PM
I think they make better pets than dogs, and I have had more dogs than cats. Cats interact with you just as much, if not more, than dogs. They are more beautiful, just as affectionate, and much, much, cleaner than dogs. They can play fetch, come when called, and are so amusing! You don't have to crate them when you are gone, they take perfect care of themselves if you leave enough food and water out. They don't bite the neighbor's kids or you company, so no lawsuit. They are not lazy, in fact, they have just as much energy to play with you as a dog does. Their licenses and shots are cheaper, as is their food. Now, I do like dogs, in fact I love them quite a bit. But since I have had my first cat, I have never gone back to dogs. It's a personal choice with no right or wrong, but cats are lovely companions in my opinion.

05-20-2009, 02:44 PM
See I never knew that. I know Ashes was a good cat, who came when called, but he was pretty independent. However he did play, sometimes. He mainly called the shots.

Cats play fetch ?!? :eek:
I never knew that cats are capable of doing anything other that batting at a toy on a string... :o
If we get a cat, I want a playful one, and it's good to know that there is some out there.
I'm just afraid If we get one, its just going to lay in the sun all day and sleep. Then come to you for food, eat, then go back to sleep.

05-20-2009, 02:59 PM
Cats personalities vary GREATLY! Yes, they love a good nap and a sunny spot, but there is more to the cat than that.

I have a houseful of cats! So I live with many personalities.

Hamlet greets me at the door when I come home.

When I get home from being anywhere, Simba acts like he hasn't seen me in YEARS! Follows me, jumps up to get to my level and then rubs his face in mine.

Jasper and Monte follow me from room to room, I guess so I won't be lonely. ;)

Shilo warms my lap.

Natasha amuses me with her playfulness.

Sterling plays fetch, unfortunately it is usually at 3am! :rolleyes:

The list goes on..............

05-20-2009, 03:12 PM
Lol! Your cats sound pretty interesting.

Especially that Sterling character.
Cause I'm usually up at 3 AM so we'll get along just fine. ;)

But, I'm still scared we might end up with a lazy sunbather.
But do the sunbathers play?
Or are they like that for life? Just sleeping all day?

05-20-2009, 03:13 PM
I have found that Cats are what you are to them.
If you are affectionate towards them , they are affectionate right back.
Like Our Friend Jen, I have Cats:D who just love to be near me , My Dear Juke Joint Joseph:love:, Scrappy 2:love: and Handsome John Hancock:love: are the friendliest as is Michael the Dream Cat!!!!:love:
May I suggest a shelter Cat 2-3 yeas old who will be so grateful for that rare second chance at a Furrever Home!!!
You will save a life and make a friend.

05-20-2009, 03:22 PM
Of course!
Shelter animals are the way to go.
It's where I got my dog at.
Ashes, however, was a rescued stray. We found him in an alley, hungry, and badly infested with ticks. We eventually got him to trust us by putting out a can of food, and slowly but surely, Ashes became part of our family.

So you think if I play with the cat, it will eventually play back?

Don Juan's mom
05-20-2009, 03:32 PM
They certainly WILL play back! In fact, Zerlina will paw and meow until I stop whatever I'm doing to play and exchange luvvies. :rolleyes: And sweet, loving baby boy Don Juan was my furry alarm clock this morning, purring and licking my face until I got up.

In fact, I suspect that with cats, YOU are the best toy of all. :D

05-20-2009, 03:42 PM
Sweet. :)
So, do cats scratch you for no reason?

'Cause my friend had a cat named Rusty that just scratched her for no reason.

And do you need to bathe them? 'Cause aren't just covered in saliva?
But then again they hate water, right?

Oh, this cat thing is so new to me! :p

05-20-2009, 04:09 PM
I've never had a cat scratch me for no reason. They will scratch very rarely when they are scared or startled, but I haven't been scratched by any of mine in years! I have been licked, though. Now, don't expect a cat to be as effusive in their joy to see you as a dog can be, they don't work like that. They do let you know they love you in so many charming ways, however. If you really love dogs, I don't know if a cat is for you. Why don't you try fostering a cat and see how it works with your dog? You may be surprised. Many dogs do not see a cat that lives with them as "a cat". They accept them as part of the family.

05-20-2009, 04:50 PM
I find cats interesting.
I just wanted to know about their pros and cons.
I don't know when I'm going to get a cat.
Maybe if we move. 'Cause if we do then we have to leave Butto with my grandmother, and my mom will get a cat, possibly two.
But they will definitely be from the shelter.
You guys definetly changed my opinion about cats.

Now let me see some pics!
&& I'd love to hear some stories about you guy's kitties.

05-20-2009, 05:54 PM
Most cats have some playfulness in them. You should just visit with a few cats at a shelter and see which has the personality you are looking for.

Cats won't just come up to you and scratch you, but if their nails are long you might get scratched simply by accident. Just keep them trimmed.

Cats don't automatically hate water, although most don't like the "rush" of a shower or sprayer. and while cats do lick themselves clean, you may still want to bathe them sometimes (to reduce shedding and the amount of hair the cats injests....to also rid the cats of dust/dirt/debris, like cat litter, so the cat doesn't have to injest that)

If you have the opportunity to adopt TWO cats, that would be ideal. Watching them interact can be fun in and of itself. Playing, washing each other, cuddling, chasing, wrestling. AND, you have twice the chance that there will be a cat that wants to play wih you. :D

05-20-2009, 06:32 PM
The other week my friends and I visited the animal shelter, which is in walking distance of my house. It's really close, and visit there alot in the summer. Well the first room you pass by is the cats.

One cat was soo beautiful. He was a brown tabby with lime green eyes. The first thing he did was push up against the cage and rub his face on it. :love:

I remember trying to bathe my grandmother's cat, Oscar. It was hell. :rolleyes:

My mom and I discussed this. She said she either wanted to rescue a cat and a small dog, or two kitties. I would enjoy both, but I really want a chihuahua, but I know she would go for two kitties.

05-20-2009, 07:35 PM
Two kitties will keep each other amused when there are no humans around. I'm sure the shelter will tell you this, but you're much better off to keep them indoors at all times - no fleas, ticks, dogs, wild animals, catching diseases from other cats, traffic, or running off and getting lost when they're startled. And if you get two kitties, there won't be a dog picking up ticks and fleas outside and passing them to the cat!

Love, Columbine

05-20-2009, 09:16 PM
Oh my goodness, you are in for an awakening once you get your kitties! Cats are very lively. They do sleep a lot, but when they're awake, they are in contant motion.

I have 5 cats with vastly different peronalities. But they all love to play. They are obsessed with laser lights. They come out of hiding when they hear even the slightest tinkle of the laser keychain. They'll sit for hours and watch birds outside - they might look like they're just sitting there, but every muscle is on alert and ready to spring into action. My guys also love feather teasers, furry mice, and catnip. They'll play by themselves or with each other. Its a hoot to watch two cats wrestling. And they'll blow your mind with how smart they are, and how well they use their paws. Mine can open drawers, plastic containers, and unscrew lids using their paws.

I bathe them, much to their displeasure. But they take care of themselves perfectly fine. Cats are meticulous groomers and keep themselves nice and clean.

I've only been scratched accidentally. I've been gotten good too! :eek: but they were scared or felt threatened and I just happened to get in their way to escape.

I always laugh when people say they don't like cats. I always KNOW they haven't ever been owned by one. If you are truly owned by a cat, you can no longer say you don't care for them.

05-21-2009, 01:53 PM
That sounds cool. My dog is obsessed with laser lights too.

The cat at the store scratched me for no reason, which is why I asked. There I was just walking down the aisle, and I feel a rough sand paper like thing scratch me. I turn around and see a black and white kitty run away. I'm like... okaaay. Odd moment. Then I go back to walking and the cat pounces on my leg and stratches me. Was he trying to play?

I'm sure if we get two kitties, it'll be good, because they can play with each other while I'm at school and my mom is at work.

For some reason I've always liked kittens, but once they become a cat, I pretty much just ... resented them and felt like they would be a bore.

Boy was I wrong!

But if I do adopt, I want an adult cat. They always get overlooked for the little kittens, and for that reason most just sit in the shelter all day. How long do cats live?

05-21-2009, 03:44 PM
I have too agree with the others. The personalities are all over the place.
Example: Mit's has to meet me at the door when I come in. I have seen him trip down the stair because he is still asleep. At the same time Precious comes running from the back room. I go to the bathroom then Lucky, Dimetri, Bart, and Lenny come in. When I site to watch TV Precious has to lay on my chest then Dimetri wants too be on my lap and Mits lays on the arm of the chair and my shoulder. Bart will rub against my legs. At 10pm sharp Lucky come to get me, he is not a cuddlier, but at 11 he and Mits make sure that I go to bed. now Penny wants some loving, but not cuddling. Sweety stays away from both my wife and I Boots will come to me once in awhile. Chessie and Bailey are mommas boys and princess will come to me for a scratch, but she loves her mommy.
You have too feel very fortunate when a cat picks you for affection and love. Just remember it is always on their terms.

05-21-2009, 10:04 PM
I think thats cute how they all come rushing in for your affection. :)

Sounds like my dog. :p

I will feel very blessed when a cat graces me with it's love. :D

05-22-2009, 07:19 PM
Cats' lifespans vary a lot due to genetics and living conditions. Cats who live indoors but are allowed outside live about 13 years (as opposed to ferals, who max out at about 4). A cat who stays in the house, has regular vet checkups and dental care, and is fed good food, can live 20 years or more, barring congenital illness or severe injury.

Remember that those are averages, though - it's not the "wear and tear" of going outside making indoor/outdoor cats get old faster; but rather a high probability of sudden or at least rapid death from illness or injury.

Love, Columbine

05-22-2009, 07:41 PM
Also, to add to what others have mentioned, there are some breeds that have tendencies toward certain characteristics. For example, Siamese are known for being rather vocal and talking a lot. Maine Coons are sometimes described as dog like in their behaviors. Of course those are some generalizations and individual kitties will have their own personalities that don't necessarily conform to others of a particular breed.

I used to think that I was definitely NOT a cat person. I thought they were needy and demanding that just rubbed up against you and wouldn't leave you alone. Then I got a kitty. WOW. Now I have 8. LOL Kitties are great, even the snotty ones with their superior attitudes.

I bet that the kitty that you described as scratching you for no reason was trying to play. When my Morgan was little, he would hide behind furniture and jump out to "attack" someone when he/she walked by. Then he would take off running. It was a game. That's how he got the nickname Boogy Man. If a cat were trying to do damage, you would definitely know it.

I also wanted to comment on your idea of adopting an adult cat. That would be a very good idea. Perhaps a foster person or the shelter could give you some glimpses into its personality. And older cats don't have the energy of kittens. They are the most wonderful things in the world, but oh my are they work! Keep us posted.

05-22-2009, 09:33 PM

Thanks for the info. You seem to know alot about cats. If I get an indoor cat then it would definitely be indoor. I live in NYC and this is no place to leave a kitty outside, with the cars and peoples dogs in their front yard, desperately tryng to get to a kitty. But wont they get bored inside? Or if I provide enough toys would they be okay?


No Maine Coons for me, too much fur ! :p I just want a cat that I can play with, but will also be a love bug, and I can cuddle up with them at night.

I think that maybe now I can learn to love a cat. Maybe I'll end up with a whole bunch of 'em.

Oh, okay. He was fairly young too, maybe about a year or so. Still playful I guess.

Yea, I think its sad so many great kitties get ignored because of their age. As long as it plays, I'll be fine.
Of course I'll keep you guys posted. It's my duty to. ;)

05-22-2009, 09:40 PM
If you get two cats, they can keep each other occupied, chasing and wrestling and pouncing and grooming. I have just one cat who stays indoors, but he's 13 and pretty laid back. I have a "Cat Dancer" bouncy-toy propped up where he can swat at it, and he seems to enjoy that, but he mostly likes to chase a shoelace or strip of fabric that I'm dragging around for him! And, of course moths and bugs, and the stray flash of light from a crystal hanging in the window.

Love, Columbine

05-22-2009, 09:47 PM
Oh I see. If we can get two cats that would be best, so they wont be bored. My grandmother's cat loved to play with strings and he seemed quite content playing with the little tassles that hung from her throw pillows. He also liked those laser lights. They seem to enjoy the simpler things in life.

05-23-2009, 05:53 AM
If you'd like to see an example of how different cats' personalities are, read this thread: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=152705. :) There are some cats who seem to like sun bathing more than anything else but it's usually when they're old. All cats like their naps, though, but that certainly doesn't mean they're lazy slugs. As others have suggested, if/when you do adopt a cat, make it a couple. You won't regret it. They bring out the personalities in each other.

05-23-2009, 10:22 AM
To me, even though I love all kinds of animals, cats are the most wonderful companions I can imagine! In fact, I could never imagine a life without cats! My home wouldn't be a home without these precious feline souls in it.

Like others here have said, they have many different personalities. It's hard to predict how your cat will be. But most of them are very loving, and they will be great friends. My Lily is a very smart kitty, very inquisitive and full of ideas. My Luna is what you would call lazy, but she's also very caring and is always by my side. She knows when I'm ill, and she's a great nurse.

These two are definitely wonderful animals! :love:


05-26-2009, 08:24 PM

That thread made me LOL! I think my dog would be a professional Food Test Taster. She's always right by my side when I'm eating.


Your cats sound really cool! I wouldnt mind a laid back cat, I'd just prefer a playful one. ;)

And this month my the local ASPCA is letting people adopt cats over 3 for free, no adoption fee. I saw it on the news this morning and my mom was there. She said she wouldn't mind an older kitty.

05-26-2009, 08:26 PM
And this month my the local ASPCA is letting people adopt cats over 3 for free, no adoption fee. I saw it on the news this morning and my mom was there. She said she wouldn't mind an older kitty.

That would be wonderful! Too often people don't give older cats a chance because they're set on having a cute little kitten. We older gals and guys need love, too. :)

05-26-2009, 08:37 PM
Me and my mom was discussing this before I was off to school. She said she likes kittens, but she would like an older cat too. We both agreed that they get skipped over too much, because people want cute, cuddly kittens. I told her that I want an older cat too, easier to manage, but still fun and playful. Just as cuddly as kittens too! ;)

05-26-2009, 09:02 PM
Actually, the best thing about adoptin an adult cat is that you know its personality. All kittens are cute and cuddly, but will they stay that way? Or will they be loners?

So if you're looking for a playful cat who will come to you like a dog, adopting a mature cat will be the best way to be sure you've found a cat like that. Foster moms always know their cats personalities and will make recommendations as to whether that cat will be the one you're looking for.

05-28-2009, 03:58 AM
I used to be a dog person before I meet my cats. I still like dogs very much but kitties are my favorite now, definitely :)
Before I know cats, I was like you, I thought they were agressive and scraching people for no reason (I was a kid then) and I had some examples from strays that come to see you for food and go back in nature.
I was completely wrong of course.

Adopting adult kitties has another advantage: you can better choose (although the cat will choose you too ;)) based on the character. Young kitties can change while growing.