View Full Version : Introducing 3 cats (to eachother!)

09-27-2002, 04:57 AM
Hi everyone,

just wanted to let you know how the move went. We've been in the new appartment for about two weeks now, but I haven't really had time to post, because there's still a lot to be done (more painting and unpacking) and I also started a new parttime job at Lush (a really nice store that sells handmade bathing and skincare products). And I keep forgetting that I'm still a student and have to get started on my final paper. :(

But that's enough about me, let me tell you about my new three-cat household! Piglet (my tabby cat) and Wissel (boyfriend's tuxedo cat) met the day after we moved, they were in seperate rooms and we opened the doors to see what would happen. There were puffy tails and some hissing, but fortunately no fight. The big shock for both these ladies came the next day in the shape of a three month old cream coloured kitten named Toby (formerly Teddy, but I decided Toby suits him better), that we finally brought home. He was the last of the litter to leave and his mom really misses him.
Toby had no trouble adjusting to his new home and was playing with all the mousies within two minutes. The next day all three cats met and Toby and Piglet had a staring competition. Things were left undecided, but there's tension every time they meet (especially on the stairs). I think it will take a while before they get along. Wissel is ok with everything and sort of keeps to herself, although my boyfriend did observe her licking Toby's head when they were sleeping on the couch.

I think Piglet thinks she's in charge because she's by far the biggest of the three (but for how long?). Toby's dominant behaviour might be caused by his Turkish Angora genes. I took him to the vet for his shots and a check up and she thought he was fourteen weeks old and was very surprised when I told her it was twelve. He's 1,9 kilo's now and will be a BIG cat when he's all grown up.
Wish I could post a picture of him, because he's absolutely adorable. He's loves to purr and cuddle and is not afraid of anything (he was purring and playing on the vet's table!)

Ok, I think this is my longest post ever, and I could go on and on about them. Three cats is much more fun (and work;) !) than just one, it's great to see how they interact. Most people I tell are just not very understanding ('but why did you have to get another one?'), but I know you all can relate. That's what's so nice about PetTalk!:) :)


09-27-2002, 08:27 AM
I'm glad to hear that your move went well and that your cats are adjusting to being in a 3 cat household now! You know there are plenty of people with 3 cats here on pettalk and I'm sure they will agree with you how fun it can be!(Especially when one or more of them are kittens!):D I hope you can get some new photos of them together, I especially want to see what Wissel looks like.:)

09-27-2002, 08:44 AM
Congratulations on your new statis as a 3 cat person.:D

Your cats' transition to no longer being alone will come quickly if they are already gooming one another. :)

I could not imagine life in a 1 cat, or 1 pet of any kind, home. Seeing them together with their own kind is so wonderful. :rolleyes:

Have fun.

09-27-2002, 09:41 AM
Dear Piglet,
Yeah! on the happy multi cat household! You are on your way to many more, I just know it.:D I just love kittens and their totally unassuming attitude...let the 'big' cats figure out the territorial issues, kittens just want to play! I hope things continue on well, but if grooming is already going on, you don't have anything to worry about. The job at Lush sounds lovely. I would spend all my paycheck buying toiletries...:)

09-27-2002, 09:51 AM
Sounds as though the intro went nicely. Remember that the relationships change continually and that there will be some spats and some nasty ones at that. If they all three get along somewhat now, I suspect it will run just fine from this point. There will probably always be the bossy one, the shy one, etc. etc. but that is how it is in the cat world. You are lucky they are all ok with each other. I guess that is the word OK. Seldom is it perfect.

Three times everything, including litter duty!


09-27-2002, 11:34 AM
Welcome Back Piglet

So glad to move went ok AND the three cats are at least 'putting up' with each other. There will be spats and 'mock' fights don't let them upset you.
The times I've gone charging up stairs to rescue an obviously injured cat to find two very tired cats lying together on the bed after a rather long game of chase!!!
Our three rub along quite well with the occassional disagreement - leave them to it and they'll sort out everything without any imput from Mummy or Daddy!!


09-27-2002, 12:57 PM
ick...moving...You have my sympathies. I hate moving. At first you think the packing is bad until you realize you have to unpack and put it all away. I moved at the end of June and I still have about 3 boxes I have yet to unpack becasue I have no idea what I'll do with the stuff because there is no room left in the apartment!

Having 3 kitties is fun. I was the insane one that got 3 kittens(through rescue and as a *gift*) each about a week or two apart starting at the end of July. They all have unique personalities and are so much fun to watch play. The boys had a better time adjusting than my little girl. She hissed at first but quickly warmed up to the other boys. She's still a loner though...she'll play with them but will seek me out to cuddle and sleep. The only time I see her and the boys sleeping together is because one of the boys came to sleep next to her(she'll never go to them). Good luck with the new babies. ooohhh! Toby is a Turkish Angora..I bet he's a beautiful kitty!

Miss Meow
09-27-2002, 11:09 PM
Glad the move went well, it's never fun. And congratulations on the part time job at Lush - I love Lush stuff, especially the soaps and the "silky underwear" (I hope that's what they call it over there as well ...)

Look forward to seeing pics of all three babies :)

09-28-2002, 01:17 AM
Piglet, I'm glad that your move went well and that all 3 cats seem to be getting along. I love having 3 cats. It makes life much more interesting. :) I can't wait to see their pictures. :D

09-28-2002, 07:18 AM
Bonnie , congrats with your move !!!
WAW , 3 cats now !!! I really envy you !!!!
This must have been so amusing to watch when they finally "met" each other !!! Do not worry about "not getting along" !!! In no time , they will be the best friends !!!
Can we see some pics , PLEASE ???


09-28-2002, 04:17 PM
Thanks everyone! I am so happy the move is over, I was really dreading it. It was a real Amsterdam move where you put a big rope on the hook that is on the house and then haul your stuff through the windows on the third and fourth floor, very scary (I kept imagining all my stuff spread and broken on the pavement).

Chinadoll, Toby's mom is a Turkish Angora, the family she lives with were going to use her to breed more Turks, but she escaped and came home pregnant by ????. Toby does have Angora traits and looks, he's a great jumper and very outgoing and easy.

Miss Meow, you're right Silky Underwear is great, I just love the smell! I was spending lots of money at Lush, so I decided to apply for a job and now I get a discount and buy even more, it's totally addictive. ;)
It feels really good to work for a company that makes natural products and doesn't test on animals.
There's a nice forum on the English Lush site by the way:

I have some pictures but have to get them developed first and find a place to scan. Still dreaming about a digital camera. :(