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05-17-2009, 11:45 PM
I heard this on FOX NEWS today....A doc does a Sunday tip of the week.
He said if you sprinkle corn meal on/around them they will take it back to the nest and try to eat it. They cannot digest it and starve to death!

OK PTers, time to test this theory out?

05-18-2009, 05:43 AM
I bought the ant buttons...I forget what they are really called but that is what I call them. 8 little white button type things with holes all around the sides. The ants eat whatever is in them and take it back to their nest and die. I only had them out for one day when the ants were gone. Woo hoo!

If they come back I will try the cornmeal. :D

05-18-2009, 06:25 AM
I'm game. Those tiny little ants came out early this year. I can't put any dry cat food out in the patio room because the ants swarm all over it immediately. How in the world do they smell it? The poor Fur Posse has to go all the way to the basement to munch.

05-18-2009, 08:35 AM
I'm game. Those tiny little ants came out early this year. I can't put any dry cat food out in the patio room because the ants swarm all over it immediately. How in the world do they smell it? The poor Fur Posse has to go all the way to the basement to munch.

This happened to me just once that ants got in the cat's food bowl. It was a bit comical because the cat sat there staring at her food moving on its own! :D

05-18-2009, 11:08 AM
Sounds interesting but I'd rather just put down the ant killer! Muahahahaha

05-18-2009, 11:18 AM
:) Well you know now that I think about it the Androd Ant Killer stuff does look just like Corn Meal.. Make sense.. I am sure corn meal is much cheaper..
Sounds interesting but I'd rather just put down the ant killer! Muahahahaha

05-18-2009, 11:22 AM
To feed the outside cats at work, we put the cat food dish in a larger container with water creating a moat. It's worked for the past 5 years. Not enough corn meal to kill all of the ants we have around here!

05-18-2009, 11:47 AM
To feed the outside cats at work, we put the cat food dish in a larger container with water creating a moat. It's worked for the past 5 years. Not enough corn meal to kill all of the ants we have around here!

What a great idea! :) And the cats can drink the water surrouding it. Where is that clapping smiley...

05-18-2009, 12:18 PM
I've heard that cornmeal works but I've never tried it. I've had those real tiny ones in the house already this year, and have been using those buttons that happylabs mentioned, but even they aren't working too well this year. I've been using Ortho Home Defense Indoor Insect Killer - it's safe to use around food, kids and pets and does a good job without being toxic, except to the insects.

05-18-2009, 01:03 PM
I also heard something about a mix of borax and icing sugar...but cornmeal is easier. No mixing!

05-18-2009, 11:57 PM
I am afraid to use those little poison ant baits. They do work great, but I fear that my ever-curious and nosy dogs will find them, somehow.

I have never tried the cornmeal thing, I will give it a shot.

I heard the sprinkling cayenne pepper across their trails will make them leave, because they won't cross it ... but I also don't want my dogs snoring cayenne pepper! :eek: