View Full Version : foolish move of the day, stories to share?

05-17-2009, 11:00 AM
my first contribution-
i started laundry today at 7am, first cup of coffee, not finished yet... feeling rushed.....gotalottodo,mustdouitall....grab big bottle, pour in 3/4 cup light lavender liquid, load one done & put away, load two done & put away, load three done & put away, as i was finishing hanging load four being hung in the basement, i noticed, i washed all todays laundry with fabric softener only:eek::D:(:mad:, no soap....note to self...drink coffee first, then read the labels, and relax a bit it's sunday. LOL at myself
so what is your story? :D

05-17-2009, 11:29 AM
I went to the grocery store and had forgotten my list so I had to go back yesterday. And, of course, I forgot my list again! I met up w/a friend that I hadn't seen in a couple of years, so we briefly chatted and because I was on the forgetfulness track, I left the store w/out cat litter. How in the world does a person w/6 cats forget cat litter? I mean....

I came home, off loaded the groceries from the trunk of the car and had a tissue in my hand, so I tossed it into the trash can. Along w/my cell phone. It went to the bottom of the trash can and I'm too short to reach the bottom of it, so I had to tip it over and dump out the trash bags to find my phone. I have no excuses. I had my coffee. :rolleyes:

05-17-2009, 12:06 PM
From my office I can see the back of my house. I have a porch light that is on a timer - it should come on at 7pm and go off at 10 pm.

I noticed that the light was on during the middle of the day. I went into the house to adjust the timer but was quickly distracted with another chore, or my phone rang.

Every time I went back to my office - there was the light - still on.

It wasn't until 6 pm that I got up determined to get it fixed - walked into the house and my brother started talking to me. I stopped him and said if I don't do this right NOW while I remember it won't get done. The tone of voice I used was funny - because it sounded like an emergency - he thought I was nuts - well, he might be right.

I think I have a serious case of CRS!!

05-18-2009, 12:18 PM
come on people...share your stories, gini, medusa and i cannot be the only ones who've had reason to laugh at ourselves:D:D

05-18-2009, 12:35 PM
When I was still working, I was on the phone a lot with clients and factory reps from the company I worked for. One of the reps that was assigned to me was a very trying individual by the name of Arnold. He had been exceptionally obnoxious to me one day, and I was literally fuming when I got off the phone with him, and I was voicing my displeasure of the conversation to my cubical partner. As I was ranting and raving to her about Arnold, my phone rang and I promptly picked it up and answered with my intentional usual greeting of "This is Ellie - how can I help you?" - but instead it came out as "This is Arnold - how can I help you?" I immediately burst into gales of laughter at my blooper, and then went on to explain to my customer on the end of the line, why I said that. Fortunately it was one that I had a good working relationship with, and not Arnold calling back! :eek:

05-18-2009, 12:40 PM
:D I will just sit here & read all of your stories & Laugh My Butt Off.. :p

Willow Oak
05-18-2009, 12:48 PM
I went to the grocery store and had forgotten my list so I had to go back yesterday. And, of course, I forgot my list again! I met up w/a friend that I hadn't seen in a couple of years, so we briefly chatted and because I was on the forgetfulness track, I left the store w/out cat litter. How in the world does a person w/6 cats forget cat litter? I mean....

I came home, off loaded the groceries from the trunk of the car and had a tissue in my hand, so I tossed it into the trash can. Along w/my cell phone. It went to the bottom of the trash can and I'm too short to reach the bottom of it, so I had to tip it over and dump out the trash bags to find my phone. I have no excuses. I had my coffee. :rolleyes:

..., and to think that you aren't even a real blonde!

(I hope this doesn't get me into a lotta trouble)

05-18-2009, 01:31 PM
Ellie, that's a great story! It reminded me of one I had once. I used to work at a pet boarding. One day a lady called to make her first ever reservation for her cat. I took down all the information I needed about her and her cat, including her cat's name... "Big Ol' Wolf".

My coworkers all made comments about "Big Ol' Wolf" being an odd name for a cat.

Then the day came that the woman brought her cat in. I got out the paper to go over all her information once again. When she saw the paper she busted out laughing. She then explained that I got that cat's name wrong. His name wasn't "Big Ol' Wolf" it was "Bigglesworth". I'm sure my face turned bright. Really it was just an honest, harmless mistake, but I was so embarrassed for getting the name wrong. My coworkers wouldn't let me live it down.

05-18-2009, 01:39 PM
KBlaix - that is funny - and I know your pain! :D At least mine was just over the phone and I didn't have to face the individual, as I was embarrassed enough as it was! :eek:

Embarrassing - but funny!

Pinot's Mom
05-18-2009, 03:03 PM
Mine is a really recent one...a couple of weeks ago...

My sister and her husband live about 45 minutes away, it's not exactly just around the corner. She was having a surprise get together for his retirement and birthday at a restaurant called Patrick's. I had the email, checked it Thursday, made arrangements with my hubby so we' d basically run out the door after work to get there in time-major rush!

On the way up, we had a conversation regarding my head being in the clouds lately; my husband essentially asked 'where's your head been?' - we had that discussion.

We got to the restaurant, just in time, asked the hostess where the large party was-she had a panicked look and said, "how large?". I told her the name and said I thought there were 16 of us. She frantically looked through the book, and another waitress walked up behind her and said, " I took that reservation, it's TOMORROW". At which point my husband looked me in the eye and said, "WHERE EXACTLY IS YOUR HEAD?". :rolleyes:

All's well that ends well-we took a walk in the downtown area and had a nice dinner at an Ethiopian restaurant. :)

05-18-2009, 03:27 PM
:) Well there you go.. Got two dinners for the price of one.. Thats a good one.. Ok I am still laughing my butt off.. More stories please..
Mine is a really recent one...a couple of weeks ago...

My sister and her husband live about 45 minutes away, it's not exactly just around the corner. She was having a surprise get together for his retirement and birthday at a restaurant called Patrick's. I had the email, checked it Thursday, made arrangements with my hubby so we' d basically run out the door after work to get there in time-major rush!

On the way up, we had a conversation regarding my head being in the clouds lately; my husband essentially asked 'where's your head been?' - we had that discussion.

We got to the restaurant, just in time, asked the hostess where the large party was-she had a panicked look and said, "how large?". I told her the name and said I thought there were 16 of us. She frantically looked through the book, and another waitress walked up behind her and said, " I took that reservation, it's TOMORROW". At which point my husband looked me in the eye and said, "WHERE EXACTLY IS YOUR HEAD?". :rolleyes:

All's well that ends well-we took a walk in the downtown area and had a nice dinner at an Ethiopian restaurant. :)

05-19-2009, 10:23 AM
Here's another workplace blooper for you....

This happened the day that my company issued I.D. badges. I got mine and clipped it to the pocket of my slacks. I noticed that the clip didn't have a very secure grip, so I figured I'd just be careful till I could get a lanyard for it. Not even an hour after I had it, I had to make a trip to the ladies room. Got in to the stall and started to unzip my slacks, when the badge popped off and landed - well I guess you know where??? - yup - in the toilet! :eek: Well the water was clean since I hadn't even gotten to the purpose of my visit there, but I wasn't too fond of sticking my hand in there to fish it out. So back to my desk to get a ruler to fish it out. Success - then I washed it off good with soap and hot water. Of course there were a couple of others in the ladies room at the time who witnessed my adventure, so the story spread thru the office. :o

The next morning when I got to my desk, one of my artistic co-workers had drawn a nice little picture for me and left it on my desk. It was of me with a fishing pole - fishing in a toilet! I kept it and even hung it up on my board and it stayed there for several years until I retired. I had to explain the meaning of it many times over the years to new employees who weren't there when it originally happened!

Maybe the pay wasn't great - but I had fun! :D

05-19-2009, 12:16 PM
Funny thread! It reminded me of this one: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=122163&highlight=embarassing+moments

05-19-2009, 01:10 PM
I have lots of foolish moments, but I can only think of one at the moment.

A few months back, I was in a supermarket and it was a horrible rainy day, so the floor was wet where everyone was walking in the mud and rain. I was with my dad, and we were along the back of the supermarket where about 3 aisles could see us. Anyway, I was wearing boots which didn't have very good grip, and with the wet slippy floor I managed to fall over, but instead of just falling to the floor, I landed half in the metal shopping basket my dad was holding. My dad dropped the basket to the ground, which meant it made a very loud noise.
By the time I got up, I looked around to see quite a few people looking at me... :o It was very funny though, and I couldn't stop laughing for ages afterwards:D

05-19-2009, 02:22 PM
I have lots of foolish moments, but I can only think of one at the moment.

A few months back, I was in a supermarket and it was a horrible rainy day, so the floor was wet where everyone was walking in the mud and rain. I was with my dad, and we were along the back of the supermarket where about 3 aisles could see us. Anyway, I was wearing boots which didn't have very good grip, and with the wet slippy floor I managed to fall over, but instead of just falling to the floor, I landed half in the metal shopping basket my dad was holding. My dad dropped the basket to the ground, which meant it made a very loud noise.
By the time I got up, I looked around to see quite a few people looking at me... :o It was very funny though, and I couldn't stop laughing for ages afterwards:D

So instead of being "half in the bag", you were half in the basket? ;)

05-19-2009, 03:29 PM
As we modernized our facility by getting comps and a new system in the office, my boss chose me to be the office rep.

I would go to meetings and try to get a spot at the rear of the room, near the door so I could get out of the room to get a drink, go to the BR,etc.....

I went to one meeting in one of rooms that could be dividied into smaller rooms w/a partition. I chose my seat carefully at the 'back' of the room. As people filed in, the gal in charge saw there was not going to be enough space.

She asked me to help her open the partition to make the room bigger. By the time we finished my coveted back row seat was in the front row.:mad:

I just then noticed that there were a few 'suits' that were sitting in that front rank.

I went to grab my stuff and go sit in the back when the gal stopped me and told me that I was 'OK' where I was.....She then started the meeting and asked the suits in the front row to introduce themselves.
The suits were all, 'Jim Smith, regional poobah of Info Tech, Frank Jones.....

05-19-2009, 03:41 PM
Funny thread! It reminded me of this one: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=122163&highlight=embarassing+moments

Nothing beats your "fillet my fish" story Carmen! :)

05-19-2009, 03:57 PM
Oh man... I´m full of these.. LOL...

I just had two... our office phones are just like the ones at our home.. they even have the same ringtone (so i can have THAT as an excuse)... at work I answer.. AutoService good morning, Isabel attending you (soemthing like that)... so while at home the phone rang... and yes.. you´ve guessed it right... i answered just as if i were at the office...LOL..

another one.. was that i wa thinking of an etiquette wedding :rolleyes:.. in spanish it´s etiqueta.. which can also mean tag... so I imagined someone attending this wedding disguised as a tag... :p don´t ask me why...but I´m still laughing at that one...

oh wait.. there was a third one... yeah.. a day in the life of me.. LOL.. I was writting the date on an order sheet and wrote may 19th... 1985!!.. not even close... and not that that year menat something.. I have no idea why...

05-19-2009, 03:59 PM
......Sultan and Northern Cal Veep'. As the intros go on I start to panic knowing my jeans and sweatshirt among these suits has given me away and whatever comes out of my mouth will just reinforce the hoax I belong up front.

As the gent next to me starts to speak, imy heart rate starts to race and I get the full body blush.

It's my turn now, I blank out for a second and the gal leading the meeting sees I am struggling and asks me to introduce myself.

'I am nobody!', I hear my self say, then the room erupts in laughter.

My heart skips a beat, then I hear something like, ' Everyone here is SOMEBODY!'.

I managed to get my bearings and spent the first part of the meeting, head down, furiously taking notes. At the break the suits said I made them laugh and I ended up making some important contacts.

Not too shabby for a nobody!:rolleyes:

05-19-2009, 04:21 PM
Oh my... I could just picture that.. and I literally LOL´ed...

I´ve said.. funny beats a suit... ;)

4 Dog Mother
05-21-2009, 01:22 PM
I am not sure how funny this is but I finished typing the bulletin for Sunday's Worship here at the Church. We also include a schedule for the following week. The Pastor here has been having a Bible Study on Monday and Tuesday every week. When I mentioned that the office was closed for Memorial Day he said he was going to ask his class if they wanted to come anyway as he had no plans for that day and a few had said they would. So I typed in the bulletin The Church office will be closed on Monday, May 25th for Memorial Day but Bob will still have his Bible Study at 11:00 am. On Monday of this week, he came back from the class and said take the part out about Monday, now no one wants to come. So I did and I started making copies - Thankfully, I checked the first copy because I had just taken out words and the sentence now read: The Church Office will be closed on Monday, May 25th and Bob will NOT have his Bible. Now maybe someone cares if Bob has his Bible on Monday but I don't think so.

I know there are plenty of others as I am always saying something that even as I say it, I am going oh, no, I can't believe that just came out of my mouth.
But fortunately I also have the great gift of poor memory so I dont' have to go around feeling stupid all the time as I can't remember most of my "less than smart" moves.

05-21-2009, 01:35 PM
Guess it's "anything goes" if he doesn't have his bible - huh? Eat, drink, and be merry....?????? :D :D :eek:

I thought it was funny!

06-07-2009, 04:12 PM
no, not laundry soap this time. i took a package out of the freezer, KNOWING i was taking the ribs out to cook tonight for dinner....i made a rub and barbeque sauce, then i opened the rib package so i could rinse them off before i put them on the grill. the 4 chicken breasts, corn and grilled peaches were good though. gotta learn to look at the label first...sigh. so, ribs next sunday

06-08-2009, 12:26 PM
:p I had to read this one a couple of times to catch on.. Good one.. Well I guess you could say chicken breast could have ribs - right..:D
no, not laundry soap this time. i took a package out of the freezer, KNOWING i was taking the ribs out to cook tonight for dinner....i made a rub and barbeque sauce, then i opened the rib package so i could rinse them off before i put them on the grill. the 4 chicken breasts, corn and grilled peaches were good though. gotta learn to look at the label first...sigh. so, ribs next sunday

06-08-2009, 01:34 PM
Oh I have done way too many foolish things to count! Here's a good one...years ago I worked with a man named John, who loved playing practical jokes on everyone. I fell for them often, so I was determined that I was NOT going to fall for the next one. Well, John was only at the office 2 days a week and worked from home the other 3, and one thing he enjoyed doing was calling in and disguising his voice. One day when he was not there, I answered the phone and the really funny-sounding voice on the line asked me how I was, then asked for John. I though I had him! I told the person that John wasn't in, but he didn't want to talk to him anyway because he's an a$$. Thankfully, the caller (who happened to have an unfortunate voice) had a great sense of humor. :o

06-09-2009, 11:16 AM
Yesterday I hurried off to work, remembering to check on the cat trap I set, refilled all of the animal water dishes, opened the shades, and took my lunch and thermos. Too bad I left the front door wide open!

Today I'm wearing my watch, even though it stopped at 1:30 AM. But I did remember to take the cat in the carrier to the vet. I hope I remember to pick him up.

What's next?

06-09-2009, 11:44 AM
This hasn't happened recently, altho it has happened on several occasions...and not just by me either. :confused:

Come home at night - unlock the door and come in - then go about whatever business needs to be taken care of and then relax for the rest of the night. Get ready for bed and make sure the doors are locked before turning in for the night. Come morning - get up and let the dogs out, and find the keys still in the lock from the night before! :eek:

Good thing I don't live in a populated area. Someone see the keys still in the lock??? Hey - no need to break in - just use the key - and when you're done, just take my car too - the keys are on the same ring. :p

06-09-2009, 08:22 PM
Foolish move of the day, part 1.
I have a pair of sneakers that slip on. No laces. Extremely comfortable and save a moment in the morning. Just like these only not open at the heel.

Now, I'm not a morning person AT ALL. I think it's from working years of 3-11 and 11-7 shift rotation. I am getting ready for work, white blouse, black slacks, black socks and slip-on black loafers ... can ya see where this is going? I get to work, half an hour's drive from home, and for some inexplicable reason glance down at my feet. Guess what I'm wearing? Two different shoes! GAAAAK! What am I supposed to do now? Believe it or not, no one noticed at work until lunch!

Foolish move of the day, part 2.
Spring '97. My friend Trish and I are at Disney World, dressed up and eating at a nice restaurant at the Disney Village Marketplace. I'm wearing a top and a broomstick skirt. We receive the check and present a credit card. As we are waiting for the waiter to return with the sales slip for Trish to sign, I decide to use the ladies' room before the bus trip back to the hotel. To make a very long story short I come back with an odd breeze hitting the back of my legs! I'd accidentally caught the hem of my broomstick skirt in the waistband of my slip after using the ladies' room - everyone in that nice restaurant got a glimpse of my bum! (or at least my lingerie) GAAAAK! Get me out of here P.D.Q.!

06-09-2009, 08:52 PM
squirty has vomiting" issues", no matter what food, she'll puke. sunday, after the post about the rib/chicken, she coughed up a hairball on the keyboard...ick, but mostly dry. monday, after she inhaled her food at light speed, she came back to the keyboard and from the F5 key to the right hand side...massive ick. when i finish for the night now, i set the keyboard upright....sigh.....