View Full Version : Need Party decorating help!

05-17-2009, 08:53 AM
Very soon I am throwing a party for my two boys for their birthdays. I am well aware that it is insane to throw a party for a bunch of people when it is just me and the kids here to set up but that isn't the point:D
It is going to be a jungle themed party. More specifically a pajama jungle party. Think "The Lion Sleeps Tonight".

Anyway, my current ideas:
Use brown packaging paper and green construction paper to make trees that will be hung up on the doors.
Use streamers (somehow!) to simulate vines snaking across the walls/ceiling.
Have green and brown streamers hanging in all of the doorways to simulate vines.
Make animal faces hats out of construction paper for each of the kids to wear. So far I am thinking lions and tigers will be the easiest to make recognizable.
I already downloaded a CD of African music that should set the mood.
I plan on having pillows everywhere on the floor and jungle related books laying around.

I realize that this is a massive undertaking because I am not artsy at all, which is why I need help from creative people!! What sounds good, what sounds bad? Any idea how to make my trees look somewhat realistic? My vines?

05-17-2009, 09:00 AM
Got any water bottles, y'know, the kind at water coolers? You can paint African decorations on them or glue African cloth or mud cloth to them to make them into handsome drums. And the kids can have a drum circle because these water bottles make excellent drums. Just be sure to tell them not to "slap" the drums because they're plastic and have no give. If they gently play them, the drums can make some really beautiful music.

Also, have you thought about face painting? They can decorate each other and have fun! Sounds like a really good time is in store. :)

05-17-2009, 12:11 PM
For your vines, you could use some type of wire - and make individual leaves out of your crepe paper/tissue and attach them to the wire and then string it around the room - over doors etc.

What a good Mom you are - throwing this party for your kids.

05-17-2009, 12:50 PM
These are the animal "hats". I will be attaching each one to a band of paper grocery bag to put around each childs head. I think they turned out adorable! I am also going to make elephants if I have time.

05-17-2009, 08:19 PM
Oh my! When IS this party? May I join you? I LOVE those tiger and lion hats you made already!

Pipe cleaners! Those should help with your snakes and vines. Not sure HOW, lol.

OK, did you already use Google for ideas? I just gave that a shot, I put in:
party decor jungle make your own

Lots of hits, and just clicking on them will give you more ideas, from which you can draw your own ideas. Like:
Green and orange balloons!
Gift wrapping tubes ( yeah, sure, I keep those after I use up the paper! Nope.) to make palm trees.

This site had some ideas food wise like green jungle juice!

05-18-2009, 12:19 PM
get a big box... a refridgerator one.. and make it a cave!!...

you can do the vines with the crepe paper.. just twisting it...and you can tape it to the ceiling...

this site has so many themes and cute ideas... for cakes, decor, etc...


one jungle themed one

http://www.coolest-kid-birthday-parties.com/jungle-theme-party.html (http://www.coolest-kid-birthday-parties.com/animal-party.html)

05-18-2009, 01:37 PM
would you look at this cutesey cupcakes...
