View Full Version : Ya know what really SUCKS!

05-16-2009, 07:19 PM
I’ll tell ya!

A little poopy pee pot who refuses to use the litter box and you come home from a long day having to pee yourself, rush to the bathroom and find a HUGE pile of poo but can’t get to it coz you have to pee really really bad and when you sit down your cell phone falls out of your pocket and guess where it lands….. ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! :mad:
Sorry, had to vent. :o

Stormy is our poopy pee pot. For some reason he refuses to use the litter boxes. Heck, he can watch one of us scoop it out and moments later do his deed on the floor right by the box OR on the rug some where in the living room. :confused:

Stormy is also the fellow we nearly went to jail for (http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=146225) what is it with cats? Some seem SO ungrateful!

Here's the little bugger in more sweeter moments!

05-16-2009, 08:05 PM
Hold on, I need to wipe the soda off my monitor. :p
Wait, not done laughing yet!
I never expected the part about the phone! :eek: :eek:
Cats can sure be ungrateful little $H!T$ can't they.

05-16-2009, 08:18 PM
Hmmmm... that whole scenario sounds familiar (except for the phone part, but it IS something I'd probably do!)

I have a poppy pee pot too. His name is Allen and nothing frustrates me more than scooping all the litterboxes, run out ot the trash, and walk back inside to find a fresh mound of Allen poo sitting inches from the box. At first, we thought he was such a big cat that he simply hangs hit butt off the edge of the box and misses.... but noooooo... we've caught him enough to know that simply isn't the case. I typically recommend "Cat Attract" litter. It was working REALLY well for a while. But now he doesn't care. Its no longer optional to use the box. Its now something he just won't do.

05-17-2009, 06:41 AM
Stormy, what's your story, boy? You've got to shape up and stop stressing out your mom that way. You're such a handsome fella; it's unattractive to behave in that manner. (How's that? Did I sound "mom" enough? LOL) I dropped my phone in the toilet once and, like Jen, I thought my friend would fall over laughing. I put it in my back jeans pocket, which I normally never do and still don't know why I did that, and when I went to the bathroom, it popped right out of my pocket and splashed into the toilet. Cheapest phone I ever bought. I dried it w/my hair dryer and it worked! Hopefully, yours will do the same. Oh btw, if you get to your boiling point w/Stormy's behavior, consider Clomicalm. It isn't just for aggressive behavior and inappropriate urination in cats; it can also be administered for this very thing. Good luck. I know how frustrating it can be. :love:

05-17-2009, 07:50 AM
Tubster Panther is not 100% litter boxed trained, but that is because he has spent so many of his formative years not using one.
Hes used to using the dirt in the front for his business , and at least he lets the rivers flow on an old towel on plastic that I clean twice a day!!!

05-18-2009, 03:32 PM
I am SOOOOOO glad I'm not alone with this problem (both the poopy pee pot and the cell phone!

Actually the pooy problem isn't as bad as the pee problem. Stormy does his poo thing either in the kitchen or the bathroom, both have tile floor so clean up isn't that bad.

However, the peeing is another story. :mad: It's on the rug. Either under the dinning room table, behind the recliner, or in the hallway and always up against the wall and floor board:mad: When we see him do it we can get it cleaned up quick (blot it with paper towels and put down either Zero Odor or some Peroxide if we have any) but we have no idea where or how often he's gone in a place when we DON't catch him! We're due for a full carpet cleaning come too think of it:eek:

I might just try the Cat Attract. Maybe he will at least TRY to pee in the box. We can dream can't we?

Oh and my cell phone? It's fine once I cleaned with several Clorox wipes!!!

05-18-2009, 03:40 PM
:) Me a laughing my butt off too.. The cell phone was a surprize.. You need to put this with the Thread of the Funniest Things that happened to you.. I know poor wittle one.. I guess put new papers everywhere & maybe your baby will poop on the papers at least..;)
Hold on, I need to wipe the soda off my monitor. :p
Wait, not done laughing yet!
I never expected the part about the phone! :eek: :eek:
Cats can sure be ungrateful little $H!T$ can't they.

05-18-2009, 03:49 PM

oh man.. that was beyond hilarious... of course I´ve had my share.. but still...

hope you got all the stinky out too... wouldn´t want half your face smelling funny

05-18-2009, 06:05 PM
Your post makes me appreciate my boys even more! No poop or pee problems at my house.:D You have my sympathy.

05-18-2009, 08:47 PM
And I thought it was "bad" when my little S.A.M. has to get into each and every litter box we have, right after I clean them out, and do something in each and every one of them immediately! I clean them all out one right after the other, all 5 of them, and she gets into the first one WHILE I am cleaning it out and stays in it as I "scoop the poop" right out from under her, and then she has to get into each one after I clean it out, if not while I'm still cleaning it out, to make her little "contribution". I guess I should appreciate this "helpful" behavior more, huh!?!?!?!?!:D