View Full Version : Wanted to share this

05-16-2009, 02:49 PM
The following is from PetPlace.com:

The loss of a close friend can be devastating, and pets can be among our dearest companions. Dealing with the loss of a beloved pet can be very hard.

Today I want to share a story we received from Peg from Elbridge, NY about the loss of Willy ... her cat and her soul mate.

Here is Peg's story:

Willy came into my life at about 10 weeks old, following the death of my husband in 1997.

Willy was a special cat who knew all of my moods and was there for me every moment of every day. He had always had what we thought to be a "hairball cough" that I treated with hairball remedy.

Last October the cough grew more persistent and I took him to my vet who thought he had feline asthma. He was treated with prednisone, but did not get better. In January the vet did a complete blood workup, which did not show any problems, so the prednisone was continued. Then on Feb. 17 I noticed he was having labored breathing so I watched him very closely for the next 2 days. On Feb. 19 (his 10th birthday), he wasn't any better so I took him back to the vet. He did an x-ray and it showed a large mass taking up space in his lung. It was inoperable, and I had to make the decision to have him euthanized the next day.

I was there with him when the procedure was done and I kept my hand on his head until it was over. I have cried every day since then, and will continue to grieve for a time. I had him cremated and brought the ashes home this week. In the spring I will bury his ashes along with his favorite toy, which was a stuffed catnip mouse, in my flower garden. Since I'm a widow, I'll probably be the only one there, unless my daughter and her family come out. I will put a pet grave marker on top of his grave.

He was my best friend, and he filled that hole in my heart with sunshine and joy every day of his life. He will never be forgotten. I have photos of him all over my house, because he went into every room in my house. He slept on the foot of my bed, and loved to snuggle in my lap.

I love you dear Willy and always will!

Thanks for sharing Peg. As cat owners, we are all blessed to have a cat in our lives. They make our lives richer and more rewarding.

We have an excellent article that will help you to better understand and cope with the loss of a pet. It is titled "Coping with Pet Loss". To read this article, go to: www.petplace.com/cats/coping-with-pet-loss

Have a great weekend and be sure to enjoy some time with your cat.

All My Best,

Dr. Jon

05-16-2009, 03:32 PM
Our Ctas are very special to us, and while in they have left us physically , they leave behind so amny memories of the good times that we have share together.
Of My Pouncer the First Cat when she crouched and pounced on her toy.
Mt Scrappy and his happy jolly face!
Buster Kitten the fearless explorer!!!
Muchkin the Little Gray Hungry One.
Mr Fluffy the Gentle Quiet Maine Coon
Sam aka Shemp and Precious the Devoted Siamese Couple
Moose the Magnificat the PURRR machine.
Bo Bo the Eldest Sweet Meezer
BJ the Gray Quiet Siamese
Tubby 2 My First Black Cat
and the many Porch Cats who came and went.
Tiger, the Scratchies , Orange Blossom, Road Block , Karina , Ebony Beau , Orangie , Mellow Yellow , Freddie and Catzilla!!!
All gone but like Willie never ever forgotten.
Anmd we will see them anon.
One Fiine Day!!!

05-16-2009, 04:07 PM
Our pets are a gift from heaven, but we don't get to keep them nearly long enough!

05-16-2009, 04:33 PM
Our pets are a gift from heaven, but we don't get to keep them nearly long enough!

I totally agree with that statement. However, we do get to keep their memories in our hearts and minds forever. I still have fond memories of my first pet, a Beagle named Tip, from when I was a child. He died over 30 years ago!

My next pet was Japser, a 6-year old Black Labrador my husband had when I met him in 1984. Jasper went to the RB in 1988. My ex taught Jasper to whisper. He would make a little hole in his mouth and woof ever so lightly.

Maggie was a Chocolate Lab who had 3 litters of beautiful puppies. She was the dog with a conscience. She only piddled once in our house when she was a puppy and never did it again because she was so ashamed. She learned how to bring her water bowl to us when it was empty. She went to RB in October 1996.

Kit-Kat was my first cat. She was a brown tabby and was very vocal always coming to me and saying "meow meow". She received the nickname Mow Mow for doing that. She was a lap cat and a real love. She went to RB in 2007.

This was a nice post. It brought back wonderful memories. :love: :) :love: