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05-16-2009, 06:39 AM
I absolutely hate cleaning litter boxes. I think I need therapy. :D

I have the 4 cats and I have 8 litterboxes placed throughout my basement. I have 8 boxes so I don't have to go down as frequently to clean.

Anyone have any good suggestions on how to cope with this much cat poop and pee? The cats are all very good about using the boxes and only on occasions someone "poops outside the box".

Anyone use the Littermaid? I have thought about getting one or two of them but am concerned about a malfunction.

Any other good suggestions would be much appreciated! :)

05-16-2009, 07:11 AM
I hated the littermaid. I gave it to someone else right after I bought it. I thought it was smellier and more work than daily scooping.

Since you're in Pennsylvania too, I'll send Cameron over to scoop for you. He LOVES to scoop litter. He often runs to tell me someone pooped and we need to scoop it. ;)

05-16-2009, 07:47 AM
I didn't have the littermaid myself, but a friend that I cat sat for did. I hated it! You have to touch the little containers with the dirty litter in it. I HATED that! When her littermaid died, she got this other kind of litter box that was pretty cool, but she had to send it back because one of her four cats was afraid of it and wouldn't go all the way inside. She would stick her head in and poop on the floor. I don't remember the name of it. It was a big round one that once the cats did their business and left the area, it would spin around and the dirty litter would fall into a pan underneath. You could put a trash bag in that pan to line it, so the only thing you had to do was remove the bag and put a new one in. It did have a good return policy, so she was able to try it for a month or maybe even two and then return it once it was obvious that Jill wouldn't use it properly. It was comparable in price to the littermaid as far as I can remember. I can either ask her or search online for it if you are interested.

05-16-2009, 08:22 AM
I have a littermaid and I love it. I won't go back to a non-electric self cleaning box. My first one lasted for about 3 years, I replaced it last year. When you have a problem with it, you can call littermaid's toll free # and speak to a rep. They can walk you thru trying to fix the issue, and they give a case # that you can give when you call back. There are 2 resets on it if needed, (as least on my model).

05-16-2009, 08:26 AM
I hated the littermaid. I gave it to someone else right after I bought it. I thought it was smellier and more work than daily scooping.

Since you're in Pennsylvania too, I'll send Cameron over to scoop for you. He LOVES to scoop litter. He often runs to tell me someone pooped and we need to scoop it. ;)

LOL!!! Is Cameron a little one? Please send him over. He sounds fun!!! :D

05-16-2009, 09:04 AM
The one I was talking about is called Litter Robot (http://www.litter-robot.com/litter-robot-demonstration.aspx). The link is to the demonstration of how it works. I don't know if anyone here has ever used it. I'd be interested in hearing their thoughts if they have. There is a 90 day return policy. I could never use it. Morgan doesn't like his feet in the litter. He stands on the edges of the box.

05-16-2009, 09:32 AM
I found a plastic box, about 2 x 3 , and that helps spread out the litter so it doesnt clump in the cormners.
I have 4 of them and 4 bigger boxes too , and it can be a pain, and with bursitis painful.
But its the only thing I dont like about the Cats and its a small price to pay for all that LOVE!!!

05-16-2009, 10:03 AM
I could not understand that anyone had problems with litter - until I was catsitting! Gosh, what a job to scoop litter there! First of all the box had round corners which made it impossible to get everything out and the litter was not clumping.

When the owner got back, I told her what I used and that it is so much easier, she thanked me for that and immediately started buying it.

What I use is light grey clumpy litter, and when Fister has done his business, I simply tilt the box to one side and I can scoop up a nice round "pee bisquit" in one go. :)

05-16-2009, 10:44 AM
Having 6 cats, I've just learned to scoop 2 times a day and that seems to be enough. If someone does a real big stinky then I just spray some Oust to help take the smell away. I don't think that I'd ever trust an electric litter box.

05-16-2009, 11:58 AM
I only hate scooping when the cats have the squirts. Unfortunately both cats have the squirts now so I'm scooping twice a day. I also have 2 different sets of boxes. I put 2 out at a time and leave the other 2 soaking outside in dilute bleach water all week. This helps to loosen the inevetible corner clumps.

I bought a scoop with a big hollow handle a long time ago. I attach one of the bags that the newspaper comes in to the handle, scoop and tilt. The clumps go through the handle and into the bag, which I toss out at the end of the day. I need to get another scoop but haven't found one locally yet.

05-16-2009, 11:58 AM
The most indoor cats I've had of my own is 8; I'm down to 6 now because 2 went to the Bridge. As much as you hate to, try scooping more often. The boxes aren't as filled, so it goes much more quickly and it isn't as smelly. I scoop a minimum of twice a day, morning and before bed, but if someone does a really smelly one, I'll scoop it or at least sprinkle some litter deodorizer in the box. Funny but I'd much rather scoop a litter box than change a dirty diaper. And yes, I love kids but I've never liked diaper duty.

Don Juan's mom
05-16-2009, 12:13 PM
I sprinkle a little baking soda to take care of "big stinky ones." The right scoop can help, too. I've got a big plastic one with a short handle that's good for scraping up the "pee biscuits" that stick to the sides or the bottom.

Also, if I see one of mine peeing when I'm getting ready to scoop (usually Don Juan, Official Litter Tester), I wait an hour or so, or overnight, so the biscuit will retain integrity when I scoop it. :p

05-18-2009, 04:32 AM
LOL, I am the weirdo! While I don't love scooping, it isn't a big deal to me. I have 6 cats, and right now, only 3 boxes down (it works for us, don't worry). I usually have two more down, but, haven't gotten around to it. Plus, my lazy cats use the one in my closet 5 times more than the 2 downstairs.

I scoop the upstairs one twice a day, and the basment two twice a day. Unless Arizona decides to make the place fragerant. I have been woken up from a sleep to address her little pressies!!

05-18-2009, 05:35 AM
I sprinkle a little baking soda to take care of "big stinky ones." The right scoop can help, too. I've got a big plastic one with a short handle that's good for scraping up the "pee biscuits" that stick to the sides or the bottom.

Also, if I see one of mine peeing when I'm getting ready to scoop (usually Don Juan, Official Litter Tester), I wait an hour or so, or overnight, so the biscuit will retain integrity when I scoop it. :p

I hate the ones that stick to the boxes!!! I don't really notice much of a smell with any of their poopies. They all cover theirs pretty well. I use Scoop Away Multiple Cat. Another thing I hate is when that strip doesn't peel off the cat litter bucket. I finally wrote to the Scoop Away people and told them how frustrating it was. Every 3 or so buckets that I buy the strip doesn't peel and then I have to try to pry it off with something. They sent me a coupon for a free bucket!

05-18-2009, 08:06 AM
I really don't enjoy scooping, but it has to be done. So every morning I scoop, without fail. I use Arm & Hammer for Multple Cats in 13 litter boxes. Only 8 are in the house itself. Sometimes I need to scoop a particularly smelly batch. If I put off the morning ritual, I get a puddle somewhere it shouldn't be--like the kitchen counter.

I started feeding the cats Precise cat food a couple of weeks ago. There seems to be less to scoop than before. And they like the taste. I get it at our local shelter for about the same price as most premium cat foods. I saw an independent study that rated it as one of the top cat foods nutritionwise.

05-18-2009, 08:16 AM
I'd much rather scoop than have to take a dog out in the cold or rain to do their business, but that is just me. :cool:

05-18-2009, 08:32 AM
I'd much rather scoop than have to take a dog out in the cold or rain to do their business, but that is just me. :cool:

LOL...I have that duty too. I don't mind walking Casey though. It gets me some much needed exercise twice a day. I love my kitties though and so I will continue to scoop away...........:) :love: :) :love: