View Full Version : Michael the Dream Cat , Porch Cat!!!!

05-15-2009, 03:21 PM
Yes I was looking outside to see if Scrappy Apple or Pouncer Roccalno were out there or Tuxie and there was this Orange Cat in the tub seat who looked a lot like Michael aka Mr Purrrr!!!
It was Mr Purrr who must have got out as it takes me a long time to get in and out with groceries these days.
I am glad the My Dream Cat showed much better sense that his senile Cat Dad, and stayed close to home.:)
He was purring up a storm, I thnk his Angel Friends and Porch Angels were having an old fashioned chin fest!!!:D:cool:
I feel so bad that My Old Orange Cat was outside where his age would have made him vulnerable.

05-15-2009, 03:28 PM
:) Oh Uncle Gary dont blame yourself.. At least Mr.. Purrr was right there waiting on you to let him back in.. Things happen & now all is nice & safe.. Mr.. Purrr Now you need to stay indoors ok.. No more outside running..

05-15-2009, 03:35 PM
Michael, don't you go scaring your dad like that again! So many people (like me) love you Mr. Purrr:love::love: and would be devastated if anything bad happened to you. Listen to your dad and your guardian angels, STAY INSIDE, Please!!!

05-15-2009, 03:45 PM
I am glad that it was Michael the Dream Cat. if it had been one of The Former Kitten Trio, thier curiousity would have had them exploring the neighborhood , and they may have been hurt or scared away.
. It actually took me three tries for it to slowly sink in that it was My Michael out there , and I am glad that Ebony Beau Tubster:love: and Peaches :love:and Family:love: advised him to relax, and I would eventually take him home.

05-15-2009, 06:49 PM
Oh, Michael, don't scare us all like this! (Not to mention your dad.)

So glad you are safe and sound back home inside.

05-16-2009, 09:39 AM
For Mr Purrr to sneak out on me at his age, I must have been even more unconcious than normal, or My Dream Cat still has some slick moves at 17!!!
Or Both!!!

05-16-2009, 09:06 PM
Michael Dylan! What were you thinking :eek: ?!

We :love: you and we're glad you stayed close to home!

Hugs and head bumpies,
Cassie Kitty and Elyse