View Full Version : My 2 yr old cat has Stomatitis !

05-14-2009, 10:08 PM
Hey ! My 2 yr old cat has Stomatitis , I'm pretty sure everyone here knows what that means. She's been getting a shot already for a year but I heard that the shot its not that good to be on it till she's old. My vet said if I want he can remove all her teeth , but thats where Im confused . I need help. Any suggestions will be highly appreciated ! Thanks ! I dont want her to keep getting this pain every month. Its pretty messed up. :confused: One more thing would anybody know the price range of getting all the teeth removed? I live in New york city .

05-15-2009, 06:51 AM
I've not had experience w/stomatitis in my cats but I know that Jenluckenbach has. Perhaps PM her and see what her experience has been. I'm sorry that this happening, poor thing. Prayers are going up that all will be well for your kitty and you. :love:

05-15-2009, 02:35 PM
Stomstitis is an hyper-sensitivity to the plaque cased by bacteria. The immflamation occurs whenever there is even the least amount of plaque around the teeth. Most times resulting in the need to extract all of the teeth.

I have 4 cats here who are virtually toothless.

Amber: For years we treated her with steroids, and it worked. But when it stopped working she had the dental. her mouth took a while to heal, but she is (and has been for years) doing great!!

Shilo is also doing fabulous with no teeth, only slight flare ups from time to time.

Both eat only canned food.

Bonnie has only 1 tooth left, and it NEEDS to come out. She still gets flare ups from it. But she still eats her crunchy food.

DaVinci has had most of his teeth removed. he is doing ok, but I think he still has some pain. We are monitoring him (his was done the most recently)

So do not fear having the radical dentistry done. It is SO worth it for the cat's comfort.

Prices will vary, but probably several hundred dollars.

05-15-2009, 03:15 PM
i send a prayer to your loved little one and hope she feels better soon :)

06-27-2009, 12:40 AM
Alright thanks alot.. I'm taking her to the vet june 30th hopefully they'll remove her teeth because steriod shots arent working for her :confused: