View Full Version : Aramis and Porthos (box turtles)

finn's mom
05-12-2009, 03:47 PM
I haven't posted anything about my box turtles in awhile. Honestly, they've been pretty dullsville for many months, basically inactive while the weather was cold. They're all still indoors, though, but I guess their natural calendars let them know it was time to "hibernate."

They are all more active, now, and I see each of them almost daily. I still soak them several times a week and they enjoy that time, and the sun when they're soaking outside!

Aramis has doubled in the year we've had him, as has Athos. Porthos is the only one who hasn't really grown much, and Athos has been bigger than him for awhile now.

I changed their habitat, removing the plastic containers and adding more dirt. I think they enjoy it more, as it is easier for them to navigate.

Here's big boy Aramis, after a meal of powdered vitamin coated mealworms. You can see the vitamins on his mouth, he's a really messy eater!



Profile shot!


And, looking out the window. :)


finn's mom
05-12-2009, 03:49 PM
Here's wee man Porthos, hiding in his coconut hut.


And, here's how I have their home set up, now.


You can see their "pool" in the top right hand corner and their food in the bottom left. The other things are for hiding and climbing (and for Aramis, they're for rearranging...he's a bit of a bulldozer).


05-12-2009, 04:37 PM
:love: Awee they are both so pretty.. Just Love their stunning color.. Adorable they both are.. great pics thanks

finn's mom
05-12-2009, 04:39 PM
:love: Awee they are both so pretty.. Just Love their stunning color.. Adorable they both are.. great pics thanks

Thanks! I need to get photos of Athos, too, I think he has the prettiest shell!

05-12-2009, 09:31 PM
They are adorable! I love how they all look like they're smiling.

05-12-2009, 10:16 PM
ugh....I'm not sure what to say.... hmm... cute house for em'....:rolleyes: i'm a bit silly.....
not much to say for me....

finn's mom
05-13-2009, 08:56 AM
They are adorable! I love how they all look like they're smiling.

Thanks, I think Aramis has the biggest smile! ;) I'll have to look at some of their photos that I've taken...I really do need to get one of Athos.

ugh....I'm not sure what to say.... hmm... cute house for em'.... i'm a bit silly.....
not much to say for me....

Silly? Not the description I would use, but thanks for the comment I bolded.

05-14-2009, 08:06 PM
Great pics, I love the "vitamin" moustache (spelling?) And I love the way their habitat is set up. Looks like a fun place to live :)

05-15-2009, 04:15 PM
I love box turtles so much and these two are just beyond adorable. I love how you have their home set up, it really looks wonderful. Someday when I'm able to have a proper setup I would LOVE to have a couple box turtles or tortoises! I will live vicariously through you until then ;)

finn's mom
05-16-2009, 09:14 PM
Great pics, I love the "vitamin" moustache (spelling?) And I love the way their habitat is set up. Looks like a fun place to live :)

They definitely enjoy it more since I've removed the plastic boxes. They're able to scoot around a lot easier!

I love box turtles so much and these two are just beyond adorable. I love how you have their home set up, it really looks wonderful. Someday when I'm able to have a proper setup I would LOVE to have a couple box turtles or tortoises! I will live vicariously through you until then

Yeah, I can't wait for them to be able to live outside. They're still a little young now (Aramis is probably big enough), but hopefully by the time they get to needing more space, we'll be able to give it to them! :) I'd love to have a little pond and a garden just for the boxies!

06-02-2009, 11:41 AM
Aww what little cuties. Are they in a glass terrarium? I can't really tell... I love their set up. :)

06-02-2009, 05:55 PM
They are so cute! I love the vitamin mustache. :D :love:

Andy was admiring the russian tortoises and red eared sliders at the store the other day. The tortioses were chowing down their dinner and so funny to watch. :)

Pinot's Mom
06-03-2009, 11:48 AM
I didn't know people actually kept box turtles as pets! They are striking creatures, though. We have family on our garden hill in the back of our house. We've named them Otis and Odessa. There's a picture in my profile album of one of them with my kitty...

Thanks for the pics!! :)

finn's mom
08-06-2009, 08:59 AM
Aww what little cuties. Are they in a glass terrarium? I can't really tell... I love their set up. :)

I'm sorry I'm just now responding, I hadn't read this thread in awhile! :o

It's a wooden box lined with heavy duty plastic (I think it's used for lining outdoor ponds). The top portion of the enclosure is plexiglass, so there's no chance of them getting out, but lots of light still gets in! I chose a wooden box because seeing the "outdoor world" but not being able to get to it seems like it would be frustrating. ;)

08-17-2009, 01:24 PM
so cool! my moms dog will collect those on our trail rides all the time. He will find them and carry them a ways, then let them go and go find another lol. I think the most he has found was 7 turtles in one day! I'll have to take some pic of them the next time, they look like fun to photograph