View Full Version : Boy, is Pidgie mad at me!

05-12-2009, 09:34 AM
I've been shaving her hindquarters and above her tail just a little bit each day because if I do it for too long, it stresses her out and w/her heart condition, I don't want to do that. I have one last mat that I just can't get and it's driving me crazy but I'll work on it again later, maybe tomorrow. Poor girl, it's a good thing it isn't looks I'm going for because she looks as though she has mange or something. She got so mad at me that she slapped my face a couple of times! LOL And she tried to knock the electric razor out of my hand, too. That tail was thrashing everywhere! I feel so bad. I'm always shoving pills down her throat, jabbing her w/needles and now shaving her. She just wants to lie in the sun and be left alone. But I can't let those mats go or she'll get sores. If only she'd let me brush her back there, problem solved but she just won't. :(

05-12-2009, 09:38 AM
I used to have to sneak up on Montego with a pair of scissors or brush when he was napping or eating, LOL

05-12-2009, 09:46 AM
She thinks that you are being mean, when sadly you are trying to help Pidgie out.
Juke Joint Joseph I imagine feels the same way when I have to give him his monthly injections.:eek::eek::eek:
But we have to do waht we have to do!!

05-12-2009, 11:01 AM
That's one of the worst places for a mat because it's a sensitive spot and my cats also get very, very upset when I try to get clumps out in the same area. Have you tried teasing a little at a time with your fingers? It takes a long time, but I do it while I am stroking them, just slide both of my hands down and give a little tug to the mat from either side. I usually get about two tugs in for each fussing session before the cat gets so mad that they retaliate, then I give them lots of regular fussing so that is what they remember.

05-12-2009, 11:09 AM
That's one of the worst places for a mat because it's a sensitive spot and my cats also get very, very upset when I try to get clumps out in the same area. Have you tried teasing a little at a time with your fingers? It takes a long time, but I do it while I am stroking them, just slide both of my hands down and give a little tug to the mat from either side. I usually get about two tugs in for each fussing session before the cat gets so mad that they retaliate, then I give them lots of regular fussing so that is what they remember.

Yes, I have done that, too, and Pidgie retaliates as well. LOL That one last clump is driving me nuts but she's looking at me as if to say "Approach at your own peril!"