View Full Version : Why do I do it????

05-12-2009, 07:51 AM
Every time I take the dogs to the groomer at Petsmart, I just have to stop by the adoption center and check out all the kitties. I always find at least one that I would love to bring home, but with my son's 2 cats, we have agreed on our limit of 2 dogs and 2 cats, so it's not an option for adoption of another. I keep saying that I'm not even going to just look anymore, since I leave the store feeling bad that I can't bring another home. Yesterday was no exception.

In addition to the regular group from the Humane Society, they had about a dozen from a local rescue group, and they were all special needs cats. Of course I had to read the card on each cage that listed their bio. How sad! Some were deaf, one was deaf and blind in one eye, another with brain damage, another with partial paralysis, but the one that grabbed me had such a sad story. His/her (? - I didin't take note of that) story just made me sick. He was named Gypsy aka Buckshot, and was a huge and beautiful long haired orange and white, and probably part Maine Coon - about 2 years old. He was found as a stray - emaciated, matted, and full of buckshot! :mad: How could someone do that??? He was vetted and most of the buckshot removed, altho some remains in his shoulder and therefore he will develop arthritis as he ages. He obviously thrived in his foster home, and looked like the picture of health. What an absolute sweetheart he is - so mellow - and he just hammed it up for me - rolling around and showing me his big beautiful belly and wanting scritches and belly rubs. It broke my heart to have to leave without him. I was so upset - I just wanted to snatch him up and bring him home. How could anybody have been so cruel and abusive to such a beautiful animal - or any animal??? Sometimes I just hate my fellow man.

Then after I got home, I realized that I got so wrapped up in that cat, that I forgot to leave a tip for the groomer. That made me feel even worse. So now I have to call the store this morning and find which groomer did the poochies, then go back down and leave her a tip. Of course I'll probably go talk to "my cat" again and leave the store feeling down in the dumps again. I'm just a big marshmallow - I hate it!!! I wish I was tough sometimes........

05-12-2009, 08:14 AM
When you love cats it's difficult to go and look if you can't take one of them, so I understand your frustration. It's so sad that so many kitties need homes. :(

I guess the only thing we can do when we can't take in any more animals in our homes, are to try to convince our friends and family how wonderful they are, and hope they'll take some. And to keep spreading the word of how important it is to get them fixed etc. It would be nice also if people didn't get cats/dogs from breeders.

It might help a bit if TV stations and newspapers/magazines had some programmes and articles about the situation.

Sending positive thoughts that they will all be adopted.

05-12-2009, 08:18 AM
I too get caught up in their stories. Its hard NOT to!

I just want to strangle people sometimes. How can people do anything to cause harm to a pet? I've heard so many stories, and when you think you've heard it all, someone tells you a new one. :mad:

05-12-2009, 09:22 AM
For the longest time when I first started volunteering at the shelter I couldn't even go look at the dogs without getting tears in my eyes. The cat section was more difficult to avoid since I had to walk right through it to the volunteer room. But over the months I just tell myself "all of these animals WILL find homes". And that really helps. Sometimes I'll see one that really tugs at my heart, but I know they are forever safe. :)

05-12-2009, 09:40 AM
I can't go to the Humane Society or even pet supply stores on adoption day because I'm a marked woman. My heart can't take the ache any more. Unfortunately, the story that you told of buckshot kitty is an all too common occurrence around here. I live in a semi-rural community and people (I'd say "men" but that would be a compliment) brag about using cats for target practice. They say that they're doing people a favor by ridding the community of ferals and pests. They make me sick. So don't feel too bad, Ellie. You're not alone in how you feel.

05-12-2009, 09:51 AM
I just cant go in that room , as I have the maximum number of Cats allowed and I couldnt adopt if I wanted to.:(:(
But they dont know that and its
Hey Mister over here
I would be a great Cat
Hey Look me over
I would love you furrever
And be your Friend and make you happy
Pleeease dont go away:(
Hey Mister COME BACK!!!:(

05-12-2009, 09:57 AM
I just cant go in that room , as I have the maximum number of Cats allowed and I couldnt adopt if I wanted to.:(:(
But they dont know that and its
Hey Mister over here
I would be a great Cat
Hey Look me over
I would love you furrever
And be your Friend and make you happy
Pleeease dont go away:(
Hey Mister COME BACK!!!:(

That's precisely why I can't do it either, Gary. We humanize them and it makes it that much more painful.

Pinot's Mom
05-12-2009, 10:08 AM
I'm with all of you...my husband can NOT figure out why I can't avoid that section of PetSmart (it's the only place I can buy Pinot's food, by the way). It breaks my heart, but I can't take any pets home with Pinot's disease carrier status. As far as the TV stations; they do have a dog on a week, no cats, but it does bring attention to the need here. Cats are mentioned, but the emphasis is on dogs, oh well....if it gets people to the shelters, it's good!

One thing about my husband I find interesting in this regard...he does all the shopping in our house, EXCEPT PetSmart. If we stop there together, I'll run in and he stays in the car. I think HE has more of a problem saying no to those kitties than me - he won't even go in the STORE!

05-12-2009, 10:51 AM
Fortunately for me, the cats in the adoption room at "my" Petsmart are from the shelter where I volunteer and I know the adoption counselors are very selective so I don't need to worry about those cats. The place where I easily lose self-control is the geriatric and clinic rooms at the shelter. The desire to scoop up another elderly cat so she/he can spend their last year(s) snuggled on the bed with me is so strong that it's fortunate the shelter won't let me add to my foster group which stands at eight. Last time I was there, I had to meet with the vet in the clinic rather than in the usual small office, and saw a cat who had simply stopped eating and was fading away. The shelter does what they can but their staff is there only eight hours a day, not enough to give syringe feedings that would give a cat like this a chance to turn around. I wanted to beg the vet to let me take her, to see if I could help or simply to let her die in more comfort, but I knew they would say "no". And, in truth, rightly so since it would take time away from the other fosters in need. There is only so much time, so much money, and only two arms, always very frustrating when you see the constant need.

05-12-2009, 11:31 AM
I don't dare go to any of those places. The last time I went too a shelter was to pull 1 we came home with 2. At that time our limit was 6, shortly it went to 12 now we limit too 15. As it is I have a baby coming from S.C. in 2 weeks. It seems that the girls are starting to out number the boys. Us guys still have a 1 up advantage.
The one thing that I can recomend is getting involved with transports. It does not matter cat or dog. This past Sunday we moved a real sweet dog. Picked him up in N.J. and took him too CT. He now has a forever home on 3 acres in CT. This guy had been in the shelter a very long time. All he wanted to do is give hugs and kisses. When you get a kiss from a pitt bull you know you've been kissed, that tounge is a mile wide.

05-12-2009, 12:59 PM
I can't go to the Humane Society or even pet supply stores on adoption day because I'm a marked woman. My heart can't take the ache any more. Unfortunately, the story that you told of buckshot kitty is an all too common occurrence around here. I live in a semi-rural community and people (I'd say "men" but that would be a compliment) brag about using cats for target practice. They say that they're doing people a favor by ridding the community of ferals and pests. They make me sick. So don't feel too bad, Ellie. You're not alone in how you feel.

I live in the same type of area with the same goings-on. Too darn many people with guns and Redneck mentality. I had just never met a survivor "up close and personal".

I need to think more like Taz when she says that now "they are forever safe and they will find homes". I'll have to remember to think like that the next time I look thru the adoption center.

I did have to go and talk to Gypsy when I went back in this morning too. Gosh - she is so beautiful - and yup - it's a girl. Of course she had to perform for me again. At least she could have ignored me! :p

05-12-2009, 09:14 PM
Only my PT friends understand this. I just left Petsmart. I don't buy cat food there very often, even though it's less expensive there than it is at the supermarket. They had a puppy class going on in the center aisle, so I had to go by the adoptable cats to get to the cash register. There are 6 cats there right now and I could easily have signed up to bring one (or more) home. they're in those cages with glass on one side and bars on the other- no privacy ever. It just breaks my heart. Fortunately, the shelter that has space there is no-kill, so the cats will be safe either at Petsmart or at the shelter till they are adopted. Serendipitous that there should be a thread on the subject today and I was just there.

05-12-2009, 10:24 PM
I too get caught up in their stories. Its hard NOT to!

I just want to strangle people sometimes. How can people do anything to cause harm to a pet? I've heard so many stories, and when you think you've heard it all, someone tells you a new one.:mad:
Thats so true!!!!!! I think you should take the poor guy home....It won't hurt having three cats and two dogs...???:confused: Poor baby I'd take it if I could. I have no clue it makes me SO MAD when people are mean to animals :mad: makes me want to show them how it feels. Animals can't talk we talk for them, so it's up to us to stop it....

05-12-2009, 10:25 PM
I forgot to say that you seem like a very nice person!! You should really give that poor guy another chance at life.;)

05-13-2009, 12:10 AM
Not too long ago, my boyfriend and I went to the local Humane Society to get a cat for his cat Buddy, who needed a playmate. I saw a beautiful cat I wanted so badly to adopt! He was a white cat with orange markings on his head and ears. The best thing was he had the most beautiful amber eyes! I decided not to adopt him because my apartment is already crowded with my two cats and my bunny. My Siamese boy, Ming, suffers from a predisposition for FLUTD and gets blockages easily. The vet said I should try my best to avoid stressing him, so another cat was really out of the question. Well, I resisted the temptation and this cat was adopted by someone else withing a couple of weeks. As much as I felt for this poor kitty in the shelter, I had to think of my own boy, also. I get my pet foods at Pet Smart, and I know what it is like to walk by those babies up for adoption.

05-13-2009, 07:59 AM
I forgot to say that you seem like a very nice person!! You should really give that poor guy another chance at life.;)

Thank you - that's very nice of you to say that. However, I can't go back on the agreement I made with my son. Besides that, his 2 brat-cats would never tolerate another cat in their house. The only reason they tolerate each other is that they are twin sister litter mates.

Besides - next time I go in Petsmart I'd find another I want to bring home. :eek: It never fails. I just have to think like Taz said - they're safe and will find a home! :)