View Full Version : Lily's love has been rejected!!

05-10-2009, 09:29 AM
Yesterday, my sister came to visit for an hour. Lily, who is happily greeting every visitor, wanted to jump into her lap, but my sister didn't want her. She said she had just visited a friend and had been holding the friend's baby for two hours, so she doesn't feel like having a cat on her lap now. Lily made three more tries, but was sent away each time.

I have to admit, I felt slightly upset because my cats are not used to be rejected that way! :mad: And it was easy to see that Lily was confused!

After a while, my sister got up to look out of the window, and my Lily didn't hesitate one second to take her seat. When my sister turned around and saw Lily sitting there, Lily looked at her and said something in her kitty language that definitely sounded like "neener neener neener": Good girl!!

BTW, the entire visit turned out to be very uncomfortable, as we found out we hadn't much to say to each other. And today, on Mother's Day when we were at my mother's place, it became even more obvious that we're living in two different worlds now, very frustrating...

Anyway, I have told Lily not to be too sad. I know that every Pet Talker who would ever come to visit would enjoy to have her on the lap!! :)



05-10-2009, 10:01 AM
Oh that's too bad. I had a similar experience w/a friend of a friend. My CH baby Creamsicle jumped up on her lap and this woman's arms flew out to her sides as if she would get leprosy if she touched Cgirl. She said to her "You've got the wrong person, cat!" That did nothing to endear her to me, to say the least. Like Lily, Cgirl was not to be deterred and she kept trying. I said "She'll leave you alone if you pet her" so she took one finger and lightly stroked Cgirl. Grrrrr. :mad: Tell Lily not to feel rejected. It's your sister's loss. I'm sorry that this occurred w/a family member, Kirsten. My situation was bad enough but it must be especially painful for you. Give Lily an extra gentle pet for me and a "neener neener neener", too, to anyone who won't pet a sweet little cat who only wants love. :love:

05-10-2009, 10:26 AM
Mary, I'm sorry that you and sweet Creamsicle had such an unpleasant experience! :(

Yes, the situation with my sister is painful. I don't see her very often, and when she's coming here (to our hometown), her hubby is always with her, and when he's around, she's not talking to me. They act as if they find everything I do or everything I'm interested too silly to even talk about it. I always feel so stupid when they're around. I feel they don't respect me as a person, but I think it's coming from my BIL.


05-10-2009, 10:31 AM
Oh Kirsten, that's too bad your sister behaved like that. Shame on her! No wonder you don't have much to say to each other.

Give Lily some scritches from me, and Lily too, please! :love:

Unfortunately, my guests have the opposite problem, they have to crawl around on the floor to get a glimpse of him. :rolleyes: However, when I'm away, it's good to know that he WILL come out and let them stroke him - and even let them brush him. :)

05-10-2009, 10:36 AM
I can relate to you very well. Every time my sister comes to my house she won't sit on the couch because of the cat hair and it's not like I don't vacuum my couch but with 8 cats well and Ozzy at the moment I can't help if it's not always done. I try my best, I always make sure the cat litter boxes are clean and that they have fresh food and water but sometimes I slack on vacuuming. I just find it really insulting at times. Plus my cats are very lovey and they love attention.

Today we are having my parents over for supper, it's been a while since both of them have come over but hopefully the cats behave themselves while we eat dinner.

My sister thinks I'm nuts with the number of cats that we have right now and she never understood my cat rescuing or anything like that but oh well I feel I'm doing a good thing and I guess that's what really matters.


05-10-2009, 11:54 AM
Oh Kirsten,
I'm so sorry to hear that your sister rejected Lily that way. If we were closer and I was given the privilege of visiting your home I would welcome both Lily and Luna on my lap then shower them with love and the attention they deserve. Please give Lily lots of lovies from me in an attempt to make up for being slighted like that :love: :love: And don't forget Luna's share :love: :love: :love:

05-10-2009, 01:02 PM
Its sad that your sister doesnt like you, but that the height of rudeness to take that out on Lily who was only trying to be friends.
Thats just her way of showing her disdain by ignoring Your Cats.
I think that you are a better person, you have such a good heart, and are such a Very Good Meeowmie to Lily and Luna.
What a shame that Lilys feelings were hurt unneccisarily.
I would welcome LILY:love: and LUNA :love:and bring them both AWA Mice!!!:love::love:

05-10-2009, 01:57 PM
Your nearest and dearest are often the ones who can hurt you very much. But cats: they often like people who don't like them as these people normally don't pester them with "Oh you little cutie pie" etc;)
If people visit with babies however it will be me who keeps her arms behind her back ;)

Edwina's Secretary
05-10-2009, 03:12 PM
I like one of my sisters much better when her husband is not around. And I do not like how he is with my cats (he shoos them off the table and other furniture IN MY HOUSE.)

But, I think he feels equal to me so that's okay.

I am like Barbara - when people ask "do you want to hold the baby?" I wonder why they want me to do so.

05-10-2009, 03:17 PM
How terrible! I am joining the ranks of people who would love to give Lily some extra-special attention (and Luna too) to make up for this rudeness.. if only I were near enough..

05-10-2009, 05:40 PM
reminds me of that "Get Fuzzy" cartoon from several months ago

Bucky Katt: Foodar here can sense when food is near, even when it is hidden
Satchel (dog): Wow, so he's got 6 senses?
Bucky: No, seven. All cats have 6 senses
Satchel: Really? What's you guys' 6th sense?
Bucky: All cats can sense who is uncomfortable with them. Then we sit in their laps!

05-10-2009, 06:07 PM
Poor Lily. I can't imagine anyone not wanting a sweet kitty or puppy on their lap.
She could sit on me anytime she wanted and for a long as she wanted. :love:

05-10-2009, 07:54 PM
Lily my dearest, you could have had my lap all day! I would have gladly held and petted you.

I know what you mean about uncomfortable family gatherings. My brother and I don't see eye to eye on most things. He told me on several occasions that he would have put Pouncer down after so much money spent at the vet's because "you can't chose a pet's well being over your family's" Ummm.... I don't question how he spends his money, so why should he question mine? :mad:

05-10-2009, 09:34 PM
In Heaven, ALL the furniture is covered in cat hair, and cats! Give Lily and Luna BIG HUGS and LOVES from me. I would have petted Lily for hours if she would have let me!

05-11-2009, 01:51 AM
Awwww Lily! I :love:you! *hugs and cuddles*

I don't get how people can be so mean to friendly cats. Way to share in the affection they try to give you :rolleyes:. I'll admit to pushing Remus off my lap when hes just being a beggar kitty and wanting food though lol. It irks me when people push him off out of instant dislike. No cat deserves that!

05-11-2009, 04:49 AM
(he shoos them off the table and other furniture IN MY HOUSE.)

:mad::mad: I don't understand why people need to do that!

Kirsten, it is so sad. Tell Lily we love her, please. I am sending virtual cuddling.
At home we hold the baby and the cats together, or one after the other, we have no problem with this :):D

05-11-2009, 06:59 AM
In Heaven, ALL the furniture is covered in cat hair!Oh goodness, I hope not or else I be obsessive about vacuuming there, too, provided, of course, that's where I'm going. :eek:

05-11-2009, 07:47 AM
Like everyone else here, I would have felt honored to have your kitty on my lap too. People that do not like or have pets have no idea what they are missing.

Kirsten, I don't understand what your sister was trying to say by telling you she had a baby on her lap before she came to visit you. I would much rather hold a kitty. I mean I love babies and all but they have no fur! :D

Have to tell you a similar story regarding my Lab Casey. My sister's husband (who is now an ex-husband) would never pet Casey. Casey is just full of love and also just full of herself. She thinks everyone was put on this earth to pet her. One Sunday when we were all at the parents house for a visit Casey just had too much of it with this ex-husband of my sister's ignoring her. She came in the room, put her paws on the couch and gave this guy a big SLURP! I laughed so hard I had to leave the room.

Sometimes it can be tough dealing with family members, especially the ones that are not cat or dog people. Oh well........

05-11-2009, 12:40 PM
Oh my, when I go to someone's house I WANT their kitty or doggie to come to me so I can pet them. My one friend won't leave Taz alone when she is here, she just loves him to death!

I had something similar happen yesterday. We were at my brothers for Mother's Day and my SIL's mom was there. The dogs were next door at my parents house so I sent my niece to get my two dogs because we needed to leave soon. Of course as soon as the dogs came in the house the SIL's mom was dodging them as they walked by her with her hands in the air and immediately began packing up her stuff to leave.:mad: So I saw this and took them outside to run around before the hour long car ride home. I will say though, she does have allergies, but still.:rolleyes: I hope she never comes to MY house, she'd never make it!! LOL :p

05-11-2009, 01:14 PM
Lily is happy to learn that so many of you would enjoy to have her sitting on their laps! :love: She's such a loving kitty and always friendly, so she couldn't understand why she was sent away.

I mean, even if my sister was tired to have another being on her lap after two hours with the baby, she could at least have petted her for a couple of minutes, and then make her jump down in a gentle way. But instead, she immediately raised her arms, blocked Lily that way and told her "Oh no Lily, I don't want you today". (btw, it's maybe two or three times a year that she comes here, so it's NOT that Lily is bugging her all the time).

I find that pretty rude. Like several others here, I'm not such a huge fan of babies (at least I do not feel the need to hold one, and I'm not one of the people who make a fuss about them), but if someone would give me a baby to hold it, I would take it because I think it would hurt the mother's feelings to see her child unwanted. It's a matter of respect, but there were several occasions this weekend where I felt my sister was acting disrespectful towards me.

I like one of my sisters much better when her husband is not around.

Isn't it just sad how some people's personality change under the influence of their spouses? :rolleyes:


05-11-2009, 07:26 PM
In all honesty, Kirsten, sweet Lily could "bug me" all she wants! Truth is that you'd have to tell me to give her back or put her down. The same goes for Luna :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
Could I ask you to deliver plenty of lovies to my little kitty friends?

05-11-2009, 09:02 PM
Poor Lily. I can't imagine anyone not wanting a sweet kitty or puppy on their lap.
She could sit on me anytime she wanted and for a long as she wanted. :love:

Me too ... I'm usually the one hoping and waiting for a kitty to pick my lap out of all the laps in the room :)

05-12-2009, 10:24 AM
I too would be the one looking for them to come close so I can pet.... I might even try walk past by them in purpose to do so ;)...

I understand if they are afraid but I hate when people "accept" to touch them but they do so as if they´d have something contagious like flesh eating bacteria or something...:rolleyes::mad:

a couple weeks ago we went to this hubby´s friends house to eat... and there was this black lab dog... when he approached me they asked me "are you ok with him?"... of course I laughed... "she loves them" said my hubby... so the dog stayed there... later he came by me and I petted him... he went by his "owners" and they shooed him :confused:.. needless to say he came again by me and got more pets... he drooled me, licked me and rest his head on my lap.. I was so ok... but his "owners" thought it was enough so they took him away to another part of the house and locked him in there... I have no clue why... I was loving it and he was loving it.. noone was bothering anyone...