View Full Version : Happy Meowmie's Day!

05-09-2009, 11:13 PM
I would like to wish each and every PT meowmie a very happy Meowmie's Day! Because of you, we kitties have the purrfect life filled with love, care and everything we could possibly want.

Fellow kitties, be sure to give your Meowmie lots of snuggles and kitty kisses today to thank her for all she does for you!

Purrs and headbumpies,
Your friend,

05-09-2009, 11:16 PM
Talked to Mom today, gave her my Happy mothers day wishes. We will celebrate next sunday in person.

05-10-2009, 08:59 AM
On this day I salute My Dear Mother , and hope that she sees that her son has absorbed the lessons that she taught him all those years ago.
I am sad :( that she never saw me in my Own House , and missed seeing the Many Cats who have become My Companions.
I wish I could leave a Cat Picture on her stone but shes far away from the bus lines, interred in the country she loved so well.
I will have to wait until Our One Fine Day.

05-10-2009, 01:48 PM
.......................................http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v241/tiger04/HappyMothersDay.gif............................... ........

To all the mommies with skinkids and to the meowmies with furkids.

May you all enjoy your day with your loved ones.

GARY, don't be sad my friend because your Mom is looking down on you with pride, knowing what a lovely home you have and is very proud of how loving and caring her son is to all the porchies and Found Cats. :D
Your Mom taught you well.

05-11-2009, 09:07 PM
Groucho - I told Cassie yesterday that because it's Meowmie Day she would need to let me hug, snuggle and love on her a little bit. She just gave me a look like "You dumb human, I had kittens, remember?" and walked away. I did cuddle her as much as she'd tolerate, though. She gives me headbumpies every day when I come home from work, and sits right near me on the sofa when we watch the late news. I know she's happy to be with me. She :love:s meowmie in her own way.