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View Full Version : Just stamp "SUCKER" on my forehead again! (UPDATE POST # 40)

05-09-2009, 02:15 PM
While sitting at the vets, this woman comes in crying with this gorgeous silver Main Coon tabby. To make a long story short, my hubby found out that she was having her cat PTS because it has had diarrhea for about 2 weeks and she couldn't afford to have him vetted. Make sense to any of you??? My question is, "How can she afford to have him PTS and not vetted?"
So I told him to ask her if we could take him and take care of him, since we rescue cats. She said no, because he was only use to her and didn't like other people. Anyway, after I was finished at the counter registering my Chipper and paying the bill for Lindy, she said thank you for the offer but no. I said, "That's okay, if you want to kill your cat rather than give him to me to have him taken care of, that's your problem not mine, but if you should change your mind, I will be outside." Not more than 10 seconds, later she came out and surrendered him to me.
His name is Nino, is 5 years old, and is FULLY DECLAWED.
I took some pictures of him while waiting to see the vet.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v241/tiger04/Pictures449.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v241/tiger04/Pictures452.jpg

When I got home from the vets there was a message on my machine from the woman, because I gave her my phone number. She said 2 other reasons why she couldn't keep Nino was because her doctor advised it because of her asthma and she couldn't keep affording the food. I asked her what kind of food he was on and he is on Science Diet C/D because he had crystals in his urine from 2 years ago. She also said that she tried to find another home for him, but no one wanted him because he was long hair. :rolleyes: Then she said that if I had any problems with him, that she would take him back and try to find a way to pay me back. "HUH????" I said, "No, I don't think there will be a problem."

His examination went well and we decided to keep him at the vets for observation for 2 days, so they could get a sample of his stool to find out what is wrong with him. We didn't want to bring him home right away, in case he has something contagious. I wouldn't be surprised at all when I call the vets on Monday, that he does not have diarrhea.


05-09-2009, 02:24 PM
But what a wonderful S-U-C-K-E-R that you are.

And what a gorgeous kitty. I can't believe that she was going to have him PTS.

The "mentality" (?) of some people just never ceases to amaze me!

05-09-2009, 02:28 PM
That is my dream cat!!! I am glad you are where you are and I am where I am. :rolleyes:

PS, I loved the way you handled that lady. :cool:

Edwina's Secretary
05-09-2009, 02:29 PM
How could anyone look at that sweet face and NOT fall in love - long hair or nor!

05-09-2009, 03:01 PM
Well Lorraine, if showing compassion towards a fellow Creature of Our Lord God, and saving them for a potentially unstable person is the sign of a Sucker, then this board is full of the gullible as I thnk 99% of the Pet Talkers would have done the exact same thing as you did!:love::love::love:
Does this Handsome Fellow have a name as yet?:cool::cool:
Silvermane is the first one that comes to me!!!:D:D
What a drop dead Gorgeous Cat, and we hope the introductions all go smoothly.
The Animal Angels Visitor Squad is coming from Berlin with lots of treats , snacks and love.

Scooter's Mom
05-09-2009, 03:41 PM
He is beautiful! I would have tried to do the exact same thing. You're not a sucker, you're an ANGEL.

He looks very loving, too.

Let us know how he's doing.

05-09-2009, 03:41 PM
How could anyone look at that sweet face and NOT fall in love - long hair or nor!

I'm almost certain that you meant "long hair or not" :rolleyes::D

05-09-2009, 03:45 PM
I think the word Sucker doesn't apply here, girlie. I think ANGEL is more like it. You handled the situation perfectly and you saved a life today. That qualifies for wings in my book. He's gorgeous! :love:

05-09-2009, 04:06 PM
OH MY GOODNESS.....he is so adorable! You are NOT a sucker, but an animal lover who was in the right place at the right time to save this babies life!

As someone who has 2 kitties, and my income is VERY limited, not an extra dime to spare these days, I understand the woman's position, to an extent.

I may not have food, but my babies eat and go to the vet when necessay. I do without so they can have what they need.

Looking forward to a great report from the vet and many more pictures! :love::D

05-09-2009, 04:35 PM
rg_girlca, did you say he was FULLY declawed? as in front AND REAR?? If so, and if that mentally-unstable person had that done to him, you probably saved his life two or three times at once..... what a gorgeous, handsome, elegant-looking guy.......if he's as friendly as he looks, and Maine coons tend to be very very friendly guys (my guy Kramer is a TOTAL sweetheart, couldn't ask for a better or more loyal friend), then you're liable to have a major payback from this guy for saving him-- he's gonna be a WONDERFUL friend for you..... as well he should.
I'm with the others-- if you're a 'sucker', you're in a LARGE and very happy group, here! "Angel" is a far closer description...... congratulations on saving a deserving life and thwarting the designs of an unstable and dangerously-unbalanced 'owner'......PLEASE post a vet update and as many more pics of this handsome gentleman as you can-- he's a HUNK!......

05-09-2009, 04:40 PM
Oh, Lorraine, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU so much for doing this beautiful, wonderful thing to save this boy's life, for being persistent with this woman and, as Medusa said, for handling the situation so well. God bless you, and your husband, many times over.

Silvermane, I think that's a great name for him!

Gotta love the SUCKERS... :D

05-09-2009, 04:47 PM
Nino is gorgeous!:love:
I think I know someone who would love to adopt him from you.
There is a sweet lady who volunteers at the local shelter with me who recently had to say goodbye to her beloved Maine Coon and she has been looking everywhere for a new one to love.
Please keep us updated on his health and let me know when you bring him home from the vet's office.
The earliest I will be able to get to the shelter to contact this lady would probably be Wednesday.
Please post more photos of him when you can, I just love his coloring.:)

05-09-2009, 05:55 PM
Nino is gorgeous!:love:
I think I know someone who would love to adopt him from you.
There is a sweet lady who volunteers at the local shelter with me who recently had to say goodbye to her beloved Maine Coon and she has been looking everywhere for a new one to love.
Please keep us updated on his health and let me know when you bring him home from the vet's office.
The earliest I will be able to get to the shelter to contact this lady would probably be Wednesday.
Please post more photos of him when you can, I just love his coloring.:)

Oh how I hope this works out. He is so beautiful. Paws and fingers crossed and I will go light a candle on gratefulness.org for Nino.

05-09-2009, 05:59 PM
What a beautiful cat!!! Don't worry, I've got "SUCKER" permanently tattooed on my butt where no one can see it. Just kidding.

Way to go girl!!

05-09-2009, 06:01 PM
Thank you everyone for your kind words.:D

Yes Bowlkat, he is declawed on all 4 paws. :mad:

The thing that I don't understand is how she was so persistant at first to have her gorgeous cat PTS, no matter what my husband said to her. It probably would have cost her less to have him treated, than have him PTS. I also forgot to mention that after she surrendered him to me outside, she just bawled her heart out on her sister's shoulder. It broke my heart, so I said to her, "Look, how about I pay for you to have your cat looked at and treated, no strings attached and then you can take him back home. She said no, no, you keep him. I was stunned by this, because I thought afterwards, if that were me, I would be thanking this person forever, for offering to pay, so I could keep my cat. I just don't get it.
She told me that she changed jobs and her income isn't like it was before. Okay, I totally understand that, but there are other ways to help her cat than have it PTS for pete's sake.

Also she said that he isn't use to other people, well he took to my husband like a duck to water and when the vet picked him up to put him on the scale, he just wrapped his paws around her neck and she said a big, "AAAAAWWWW" and took a few minutes to pet him before she set him down on the scale. He does seem like a real sweetie pie.

Vermontcat, I should know more about his health on Monday.

05-09-2009, 06:07 PM
Lorraine: savior, angel, St. Francis, whatever, they all apply to you.:love::love:

What a wonderful thing to do to save that boy's life. I agree with everyone, he is GORGEOUS! This must have been his lucky day.

Please keep us posted as to how he is doing.

Bless you again......................

05-09-2009, 06:27 PM
It does sound like Nino's former owner is a bit unstable...I totally disagree with what she was going to do and then that she refused your offer to treat him and take him back...she doesn't sound thoughtless, JMO - I have the gut feeling that she has been through a lot in a very short time. Who knows, that in her vulnerable condition, someone badgered her to have Nino PTS? She definitely wasn't thinking straight, was unwell...and I hope she gets better.

Nino, meanwhile, is a STUNNER!!!! What a sweet looking boy! How old is he? I wonder if the vet has a record of who did the quad declaw? ( :mad: How stupid is THAT?!?!)

BLESS YOU for saving this beautiful silver boy.

HUGS to you and Nino. :love::love::love:

05-09-2009, 06:28 PM
He is absolutely gorgeous, I hope he is doing okay at the vets. I bet he's a real sweetheart - maybe she had one person he didn't like so just assumed he didn't like anyone but her.

I have known some real sweeties that were Maine Coons - or at least strongly suspected to be so! I am so sorry that he is fully declawed, but know you have saved him from a terrible fate.

05-09-2009, 06:38 PM
Oh my he is gorgeous!! Just like the Maine Coons we saw at the cat show last month.
I can't wait to hear an update on him and see more pictures. :)

Prairie Purrs
05-09-2009, 07:39 PM
Nino is amazingly beautiful, and you are simply amazing! Thank you for saving this sweet boy's life.

05-09-2009, 07:55 PM
:(:( She probably has given up on Nino, and was afraid that there would be whole series of expensive tests, whera being PTS is a one time fee and thats it.
How sad is that that this Loving Cat is not worth fighting for.
I was told that I was crazy for getting Root Canal for Michael aka Mr Purr, as it was expensive and risky at his age, but its made a world of good, and has given My Orangie a good shot at being 20.
And that I am a Sucker for feeding the Porch Cats and trying to help them , and paying Vet Bills for them to see that they are PTS with dignity, and will be buried where they are blessed.
Well its thats being a Sucker , I am Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny has just tricked me into running off a cliff!!!

05-09-2009, 09:49 PM
In this case Ild be a sucker too.

05-09-2009, 10:33 PM
What a beautiful kitty and a beautiful heart you have to help him.

05-09-2009, 11:00 PM
Lorraine, Could I make an appointment now for a major snugglefest with that gorgeous kitty guy? Just thought if I asked now I just might beat the PT rush for lovies time.

Kudos to you and Dadcat! We may never know what was going on with his owner but we do know he's in an infinitely better place now.

Groucho is sending you purrs, headbumpies, and kitty kisses to thank you for helping his fellow kitty in need :love: :love: :love:

05-09-2009, 11:33 PM
He's a beautiful boy..... and VERY LUCKY you happened to meet him when you did! Hope his health checks out OK :cool:

05-10-2009, 07:26 AM
He's a beautiful cat.

Perhaps her boyfriend is making her give him up.

05-10-2009, 09:00 AM
Oh Lorraine, reading this really made my day (and I had an awful day so far!). I'm so glad that the woman finally agreed to give this beautiful boy to you!!

Thank you!!!

I hope his diarrhea will turn out to be something that's easily treatable.


05-10-2009, 09:21 AM
I think there is more to this story. I wonder if she has a spouse or a significant other that made her get rid of the cat. If she cried that much she truly love that cat and something else was keeping her from taking up you on the offer to pay for the bills. I would love to have a Maine Coone some day. I once saw a lady bring one into the vet carrying him under her arm, no cage or leash. She sat down and the cat just sat in her lap. Was cute.

Hope this situation works out for all.

05-10-2009, 10:47 AM
I have to agree with everyone on here when they all say Thank you.

Please keep us updated on him.


Pinot's Mom
05-11-2009, 07:38 AM
I'll just echo what everyone else said - thank you, and keep us updated. Nino is a gorgeous kittie! :love:

05-11-2009, 12:42 PM
Well, I spoke with the vet and apparently Nino has had a fever since yesterday, so he is on antibiotics for that. They don't know what is causing it at the moment as he is not showing any signs of not being well. He still hasn't made a poo for them to analize but she said that could be the technicians fault by not reading the card as it is stipulated they need a stool sample. Apart from that he is eating & drinking well and upon another examination seems very healthy and in no pain. He will be staying another night for observation and will be having a blood test to check for Feline Aids/Leukemia. She also talked about FIP, :eek: but said she will put that on the back burner for now.
She also thanked me so much for stepping up and rescuing Nino as he is so loveable and beautiful.

May I have some prayers that everything turns out well for this gorgeous boy.
I would hate my efforts to turn sour on me.

05-11-2009, 12:47 PM
I am definitely hoping this all works out for you and Nino. He is just such a beautiful kitty. And you are so wonderful for helping. :)

05-11-2009, 01:15 PM
You got it, girlfriend!

05-11-2009, 01:22 PM
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for saving this beautiful boy!!!:love::love:
You are truly an angel, not a sucker! I wish you lived closer to me, I would adopt him in a second!

05-11-2009, 03:10 PM
:love: For sure sending Lots of Prayers & Huggss for Nino & you.. Get well soon wittle Nino.. Thanks for saving this baby..

05-11-2009, 04:25 PM
Prayers and big hugs for Nino, that all is well with his health, and in gratitude to you and your husband, for stepping right up to rescue him.

I lit a candle: http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/message.cfm?l=eng&cid=8375150

05-12-2009, 11:39 AM
The CREW is sending prayers for Nino, and many big thank yous to you and you hubby.

05-12-2009, 12:33 PM
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for saving this beautiful boy!!!:love::love:
You are truly an angel, not a sucker! I wish you lived closer to me, I would adopt him in a second!

katladyd, if you are serious about adopting another cat, I know a Siamese cat that is in rescue in the LA area who's owner recently died. I could give you more info on him if you'd like.:)

Lorraine, any new updates on Nino today from the vet's office?
I hope everything checks out ok on him and that he is healthy.
I still plan to try to contact that lady tomorrow if you think he is adoptable.
Thank you so much for all you have done for Nino.:)

05-12-2009, 02:03 PM
Our Prayers are comong for Nifty Nino, and the Pet Talkers Animal Angel Vitors are visiting daily with food from the finest restaurants and bistros of Berlin, and will try and keep his spirits up!!!
We are praying that he will be all right, and we know that if Nino is all right, he will find a Furrever Home Of His Own!!!

05-12-2009, 05:53 PM
Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes.

Good news & Bad news...

The good news is that his blood tests for Feline Aids/Leukemia is NEGATIVE!!!! Also stool sample is, NEGATIVE!!! For any parasites or virus.

The bad news is that he is still running a fever with unknown cause.

I am going tonight to the vets because Willy is still having problems peeing even after 16 days on medication. The hubby found blood in the bathtub this morning and it could only be Willy as I noticed last night that he started going in and out of the litter box again. I know he's not blocked as he is able to pee out about a teaspoon, if that. I will find out more on Nino then.
Oh I hate to see my vet bill this time.....The past 3 months, I've paid out $300.00 between 3 of my cats and now Willy has to go back and God knows what it's going to cost me for Nino. :eek: Well, there goes my Income Tax refund. LOL!!!!!

More of an UPDATE in next post.

05-13-2009, 02:34 PM
Well this cat went from a Dr. Jekyl to a Mr. Hyde. He is NOT a happy camper at all. Everyone who had contact with him at the vet said what a loveable cat he is and so sweet natured, YEAH RIGHT!!!!!! He did nothing but hiss and growl last night and this morning at me. I couldn't even get near him without him looking like he was going to tear my throat out. I understand this poor guy is scared and I am willing to give him a few days to settle down, but he has medication that I have to give him and I don't know what I am going to do, if he won't let me. I sprayed some Feliway around the room in hopes to calm him down. So it's a wait and see situation with him. Well, well, well, my hubby just told me that the previous owner did tell him that Nino DOES NOT like other cats. Gee that would have been nice if he told me that.

On top of this my poor Willy is still not doing well. After being on medication, Baytril, 1/4 of a pill for 16 days for his bladder infection, it hasn't cleared up. I noticed Monday night that he was going in and out of his box again and in the morning there was drops of blood in the bathtub. Brought him to the vet and they took an x-ray to make sure he didn't have a stone in his bladder or crystals. Thankfully there was neither. Also she said that his kidneys and liver looked good. She couldn't take a proper urine test because there was too much blood in it. She said that if he doesn't get any better, then they will have to express the urine with a syringe where there are no germs. So he is back on medication for 20 days, Bioclav 125 mg., which is what he had the first time he got a bladder infection back in November. I'm praying it will work again.
I am so stressed out right now I could pull my hair out. First Mooky starting up with his sores again, Poppy's behavioral problem peeing around, mostly on my things, because of the foster kittens being here, Willy with his bladder infection and peeing around, poor baby can't help it though and now Nino. Oh Calgon, take me away.......

05-13-2009, 02:37 PM
Oh yeah, you're stressed alright and no wonder. You've got a lot going on there. I sure hope that the newbie settles down and lets you near him so that you can medicate him. It's probably just too much for him, too.

05-13-2009, 02:40 PM

You are being a TREMENDOUSLY WONDERFUL cat mom, and it is really really difficult right now.

Prayers that the meds will work for poor Willy, and that you have a separate room (yeah, I know) for Nino while he is getting used to his new place.

I know some ptrs would love to have him, and I hope there is a place where he can be an "only" cat. However - who knows how much the previous owner worked with Nino on this problem?

HUGS AND PRAYERS for you and all your furkids.:love:

05-13-2009, 02:40 PM
Can you cage Nino? He might actually feel "safer".

Sorry about Willie, too. Poor boy. :(

05-13-2009, 03:10 PM
Thanks guys. :love: I just needed to vent a little.

Nino is not in contact with my guys, he is secluded in my room. Since I have French Doors, I even hung up some curtains so he couldn't see the cats, but he can sense them and does nothing but growl. So I took the curtains down, since he is going to growl anyway, in hopes that seeing them everyday, he will get use to it. I think being an only cat, would be better for him. At least he ate and drank some, but still hasn't used the litter box yet.
The foster kitties have free reign of the house now and of course Nugget has taken them under his wings. I'll have to make another thread about that when I feel up to it. I'm going to get another cup of tea, or maybe a nice sparkling glass of red wine.:)

05-13-2009, 07:12 PM
Wow Lorraine! You really do have your hands full at your house.
I forgot that you had two little foster kittens too, I would love to see some photos of Nugget with them.:)

So did the vet give Nino a clean bill of health since he let you take him home with you?
Does he just need antibiotics or other medicine too?
I hope he settles down soon and starts to relax.
He is fixed isn't he?

I dropped off a photo of him and a note at the shelter for the nice lady volunteer. She hasn't been in yet this week, if I don't hear from the shelter or her by Sunday, I will check back there early next week.
The shelter staff looked at Nino's photo and agreed he's gorgeous and told me that the lady is still looking for a Maine Coon, she hasn't had any luck finding one yet. I'm pretty sure that she doesn't have any other cats at this time so that is a good thing if Nino would be happiest as an only cat.

Can you post some more photos of Nino when he settles down a bit?

05-13-2009, 07:23 PM
Big prayers for Willy and Nino!

05-13-2009, 09:32 PM
So did the vet give Nino a clean bill of health since he let you take him home with you?
Does he just need antibiotics or other medicine too? He is fixed isn't he?

Basically yes he got a clean bill of health and he is neutered. He's on the medication for preventive measures, just in case there is an underlying infection somewhere and the diarrhea medication, even though he's had none when he was in the hospital. They didn't vaccinate him because of his fever, but I am to bring him back after he is finished his medication and if all is okay with him, he will be vaccinated then. Then he is good to go.

I dropped off a photo of him and a note at the shelter for the nice lady volunteer. She hasn't been in yet this week, if I don't hear from the shelter or her by Sunday, I will check back there early next week.
The shelter staff looked at Nino's photo and agreed he's gorgeous and told me that the lady is still looking for a Maine Coon, she hasn't had any luck finding one yet. I'm pretty sure that she doesn't have any other cats at this time so that is a good thing if Nino would be happiest as an only cat.

Thank you very much Vermontcat. I really appreciate this. I think having so many cats around is just too overwhelming for him.

Can you post some more photos of Nino when he settles down a bit?

I sure will. :)

Thank you cassiesmom.