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P.J.s mommy
05-09-2009, 11:14 AM
This is the first time I am on Pet Talk. Usually I just read everything about the kitties on here but today I could use a little advice. My 17 year old kitty is usually in great health. Sometimes though she vomits everything I give her. She will not eat anything I buy in cans and VERY little I buy in a bag or box. Tried everything.I cook her fish or chicken everyday and that is usually fine. She will not keep down store cat food. Is there any harm in feeding her cooked food? I worry so about her. She is like a child to us and is an important part of our family.

05-09-2009, 11:31 AM

I have a 16 year old tortie named Mollie Rose who also has problems with food. I cook fresh trout (given to me by the fisherman who caught them) and she loves it. I also cook her scrambled egg with cheese and turkey in it and she noshes on it throughout the day, as well as dry food.

Mollie Rose is thin and I'm sure has lost weight in the past year due to age. But she is drinking water and uses a litterbox ALOT and faithfully.

Have you talked with your veterinarian about putting her on Prednisone, to increase her appetite? Another thing you can try is Nutrical. It's a paste that has alot of proteing and vitamins. Just a little bit on the gums and it should help.

Good luck and please keep us posted.

05-09-2009, 03:53 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk. I have a cat, Pidgelet, who was vomiting and it's because she was backed up, so to speak, and needed an enema to clean her out. If they can't go, it nauseates them. I wouldn't recommend an enema w/out checking w/your vet first to find out what's going on. My cat is over 20 years old and yours is 17, so senior cats need extra care. It could also be a sign of kidney problems. I had another cat, Puddy, w/chronic renal failure who vomited whenever her kidneys were acting up. I don't want to sound pessimistic but I think a vet visit is in order, just to be safe. It could be nothing but why take the chance? Good luck and please keep us posted. :)

05-09-2009, 06:06 PM
Medusa's right. I think a vet visit is in order.