View Full Version : Asking for more Prayers please..(UPDATE! Post 23. My baby girl is back home.)

05-07-2009, 05:28 PM
Please say a prayer for my Lindy Lou this time.

As most of you know, Lindy Lou is a polydactyl and she is having problems with one of her claws which is next to her thumb. Unfortunately she will have to get it removed. Everytime I have to clip her nails, that claw is so hard to get to that I land up hurting sweet Lindy when I try to spread her paws open to get to it. It is so far back compared to the others and really squeezed in there. Even the vet had a hard time that she hurt Lindy also. It has grown so thick and wide that it is becoming impossible to clip, plus it is starting to curl into her paw. I don't know why, but that one claw seems to grow faster than the others. Maybe it's because I can't clip it as close like the others.
I know this isn't a full declaw, just that one claw, but I am so against declawing that I feel sick to my stomach that she has to go through this.
The vet warned me last year that it might have to eventually happen and unfortunately, now it has.

It's her right paw that will have to be done. Notice the difference in size of the thumb on her left paw compared to the right one. Her left thumb is more flexible compared to the right one. It's more stiff, that's why I have problems trying to get to the claw beside it.

I will be bringing her in tonight and she will have the surgery tomorrow.
I have LES right now just writing about it.:(

Please say a prayer for my poor sweet girl, Lindy Lou, that everything will turn out okay.

05-07-2009, 05:42 PM
Lindy will be FINE!!!!!!! Sarafina, one of the white poydactyl foster twins I hAve, had 1 dewclaw removed for the exact same reason. She had no problems whatsoever!!

Declawing (in this case) is better than the infection that can result If the nail grows into the skin. OUCH!

05-07-2009, 06:24 PM
Jen is right, you are doing the right thing for Lindy Lou!!! HUGS to you both and prayers, too....Lindy Lou is very cute!!! Love those mits!!

05-07-2009, 06:48 PM
Lorraine, this is really, absolutely, the right thing to be doing for Lindy Lou. God bless you and your vet for doing this. Removal of a claw like that, which serves no positive purpose for the cat anyway, is much better than having it grow into the paw pad.

A cat came into our shelter not long ago with a nail like that, growing into the paw pad. The area around the pad was all bloody and painful for the cat. He went straight to the vet, who fixed him right up.. before it got infected, which would have led to major problems.

P.S., and here's a candle for Lindy Lou and you: http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/message.cfm?l=eng&cid=8351384

Prairie Purrs
05-07-2009, 07:36 PM
I echo what everybody else has said. This limited declawing is necessary surgery in Lindy Lou's case. My Hagrid has nearly the same problem, and I have to keep a close eye on his paws and take him to the vet whenever he needs to have those in-between claws clipped. The vet hasn't suggested removing those claws, but I've thought about asking whether it would be a good idea.

05-07-2009, 07:47 PM
Prayers for Lindy (((HUG)))

05-07-2009, 08:00 PM
Thank you everyone for your prayers.

Phesina, thank you for lighting a candle for Lindy Lou.:)

Don't get me wrong, I do not feel guilty about this and I know that it is the right thing to do for her to prevent future complications. It's just the thought of her having to go through this that's hard on me.:(

Thank you Jen for letting me know that one of yours had gone through this, but it doesn't stop this old gal from being worried about it. She was so scared tonight that I'm wondering if she remembers back from 10 days ago when we brought her to the vet to have this checked out and the vet hurt her. Could this be possible?

05-07-2009, 08:20 PM
fortunately she doesn't walk on her thumbs so I don't think it will be too hard on her. If your vet happens to have a surgical laser (some do, some don't) then it would be even easier on her, since it cauterizes as it cuts. Even for a full-on declaw, cats were a lot more comfortable with the laser surgery.

05-07-2009, 10:36 PM

Lindy Lou will be okay. Mollie Rose had double dew claws. The vet removed them to prevent them from being caught and possibly pulled out. She's no worse for wear and is now 16 years old.

She and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

05-08-2009, 05:47 AM
Lorraine, my RB Puddy had the exact same problem except I somehow managed to clip that claw w/out causing any pain. Don't ask me how because, if you'll recall, Puddy was a handful! I would've had the claw removed in a heartbeat if my vet had suggested it. In this case, it's the right thing to do for Lindy Lou. She'll have PT prayers as her backup, so no worries there. Keep the faythe and dry those tears. She'll be fine. :love:

05-08-2009, 07:22 AM
Prayers are coming you way.

I know with my Sebastian he is the same way. It's on his back foot and the side one is always hard to get but we usually manage to get it clipped so it's not too big of deal but I always wondered if he might ever need the whole toe taken off but it doesn't seem like that will ever happen which I'm so glad.

I'm sure your baby will be just fine, I'm against declawing too but in this case you just can't help it so please don't be hard on yourself. Your baby will be just fine.



05-08-2009, 09:45 AM
The Animal Angels will be with Lindy Lou as she goes into surgery, and will bring her treats from Hawaii, to make her feel better.
We are sure that all will go well, and Lovely Lindy Lou will be home very soon!!!

05-08-2009, 10:04 AM
It is the right thing. The pain of a claw growning into the pad, I just don't want too think of it.
We have 3 declaws in the house, Chessie, Bailey, and Lenny and the way things go here you would never know it.
The "CREW" is sending thier prayers and we know that she will be fine.

05-08-2009, 10:30 AM
I'm sorry to hear this but you're doing the right thing. I'm sure that everything will be just fine. Prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way.

05-08-2009, 12:36 PM
I'm joining on the prayers for little Lindy Lou!!
She'll be fine: She has us, your pt friends, praying with all our faith for her, and she has you with all your love taking good care of her!!!

Big hugs for you both:love::love:

05-08-2009, 01:52 PM
Prayers for Lindy Lou!

05-08-2009, 04:23 PM
I just got off the phone from the vets office and they said Lindy Lou is doing okay and that I can pick her up tomorrow morning between 10:00-12:00. When I asked her why tomorrow morning, she just said, that's the procedure after a declawing.

I thought I was going to pick her up tonight. :( The ones that had this done with their cats, did they also have to stay another day?

My poor baby girl having to stay another night in a cage just breaks my heart.
She must be so scared and feels her meowmie deserted her.:(

05-08-2009, 04:45 PM
She must be so scared and feels her meowmie deserted her.:(

No she doesn't. She's probably groggy from the anesthesia and even if she is a little nervous from being there, as soon as she sees her mom, all will be forgiven. Cheer up. :)

05-08-2009, 04:51 PM
I'm sure she'll be ok. Afterall, she has all these PT prayers and well wishes being sent for her!:love:

05-08-2009, 06:40 PM
declaws usually do spend the night, but I don't know why Lindy would need to just for a single toe. :confused:

05-08-2009, 07:00 PM
Sarafina was done at a spay clinic, so she came home groggy (something vet offices don't allow). ALL declaws are an overnight stay at my vet's office.

05-08-2009, 07:15 PM
I can pick her up tomorrow morning between 10:00-12:00. When I asked her why tomorrow morning, she just said, that's the procedure after a declawing.

I thought I was going to pick her up tonight. :She must be so scared and feels her meowmie deserted her.:(

I understand how you feel, Lorraine. Our vet kept Groucho overnight when he was neutered and I missed him terribly. Please don't worry, sweet little Lindy Lou knows how very much you love her. By staying, she can be watched closely to make absolutely sure she comes out of the medications with no problems. Cheers to your vet for taking this extra precaution.

Many prayers are being prayed for both of you :love: :love:

05-09-2009, 12:58 PM
Thank you again everyone for your well wishes and prayers.

It was so cute when I went in the back to get her. As soon as she heard my voice she started to meow and meow and meow, as if she was saying; "Get me out of here meowmie." She's doing well and I thought that the boys would hiss at her by having the vet smell on her, but no they didn't.
She's resting comfortably with her daddy now and the old worry wart, me, is relaxing with a nice cup of tea.

05-09-2009, 01:11 PM
Good, now you keep on relaxing! See, she's fine! And now you won't have to deal with that nasty old claw anymore. Lindy Lou will appreciate that, I'm sure.

((hugs)) to you and a nice gentle pet for Lindy....:love::love:

05-09-2009, 04:50 PM
I'm happy to hear that sweet Lindy Lou is back home with you again.:)

05-09-2009, 04:54 PM
Well done! So glad to hear Lindy Lou is back home and Meowmie is finally starting to relax.

05-09-2009, 05:53 PM
I'm happy to hear that sweet Lindy Lou is back home with you again.:)

I am too, and I am glad you won't have to worry about that one claw in an awkward spot anymore.

05-09-2009, 06:29 PM
Awwww! Welcome home, sweetheart! :)

If I recall right, this claw wasn't in an area she would be putting walking pressure on. Wishing her quick healing!

Lovely that her fursibs were welcoming.:love:

05-09-2009, 10:07 PM
Hi Lindy Lou,
I'm very happy to know that your operation went well and you're home now. You must feel much better now that you're back with your purrents and fur sibs. If you're up to it, your kitty pals would love to see you on our trip to the Preakness! Sending you get well purrs and headbumpies :)

Your friend,

05-10-2009, 10:49 AM
I'm so glad everything went well and that she is back home with you.

That's so cute to hear she was meowing for you. Most of my guys usually get mad at me for leaving them at the vets.
