View Full Version : Hills Prescription Diet

05-07-2009, 07:51 AM
My vet gave me a pamphlet with info about Hills Prescription Diet t/d which is supposed to be good for pets overall health and also claims to be good for plaque and tartar control.

Does anyone use this?

05-09-2009, 11:51 PM
Unless you have a big dog that food might be a bit overkill. The size of the nuggets are huge!

Really any tartar control food/treat would help prevent plaque from building into tartar as fast, as would brushing the teeth once a week.

Once tartar sets in though only a proper vet done dentistry is going to remove it, then you can go to brushing and tartar control food to help keep it at bay longer.

05-10-2009, 08:11 AM
those kibbles are huge! We used to give them to the kennel dogs as treats, LOL

05-10-2009, 11:22 PM
There's been some research lately that shows that the grains in dry dog food turn to sugar, in a dog's mouth, and thus into tartar. Apparently, dogs don't have the enzyme in their mouths that break them down. I've been told that if you'll put some water on the kibble, then put your hand over the bowl and dump the water back out, that little extra moisture helps prevent the tartar buildup.

I know that goes against everything we've ever heard, but for some reason, it makes sense to me.

05-11-2009, 07:53 AM
Unless you have a big dog that food might be a bit overkill. The size of the nuggets are huge!

Really any tartar control food/treat would help prevent plaque from building into tartar as fast, as would brushing the teeth once a week.

Once tartar sets in though only a proper vet done dentistry is going to remove it, then you can go to brushing and tartar control food to help keep it at bay longer.

Oh, this food was the cat variety for Buddy who seems to have a tartar issue. I have always given him dry food with a little canned as a special treat in the evening. I guess some cats just have an issue with tartar. I am going to start cleaning his teeth regularly once his stitches dissolve from his dental work. His canine tooth broke off somehow and they had to cut and stitch his gum a bit.

05-13-2009, 05:58 PM
Oh, this food was the cat variety for Buddy who seems to have a tartar issue. I have always given him dry food with a little canned as a special treat in the evening. I guess some cats just have an issue with tartar. I am going to start cleaning his teeth regularly once his stitches dissolve from his dental work. His canine tooth broke off somehow and they had to cut and stitch his gum a bit.

Ok, didn't realize this post was under the cat section, and that this was the same one you posted about the dental on. Sorry, comes from reading posts when I'm tired. lol

The cat version of Hills isn't quite as big, but it is big. There are some studies that are showing wet food is better for the teeth than dry, which is contrary to what we've all been told for years. Honestly I'm not sure what to think. On the one hand you'd think crunchy food would scrape the teeth off better, but at the same time think about your own teeth....which sticks to your teeth more, crackers or tuna fish?

Some cats are just prone to more tartar and more enamal wear than others, that is genetic, all you can do is slow it down.

05-14-2009, 08:20 AM
Ok, didn't realize this post was under the cat section, and that this was the same one you posted about the dental on. Sorry, comes from reading posts when I'm tired. lol

The cat version of Hills isn't quite as big, but it is big. There are some studies that are showing wet food is better for the teeth than dry, which is contrary to what we've all been told for years. Honestly I'm not sure what to think. On the one hand you'd think crunchy food would scrape the teeth off better, but at the same time think about your own teeth....which sticks to your teeth more, crackers or tuna fish?

Some cats are just prone to more tartar and more enamal wear than others, that is genetic, all you can do is slow it down.

Oh dear, they are always changing the rules on us. :D Bud gets dry food and wet food. I am going to try to use the finger brush on his teeth once his stitches heal up.

Sometimes I get confused as to where to post things. ;)

05-14-2009, 09:19 AM
There are some studies that are showing wet food is better for the teeth than dry, which is contrary to what we've all been told for years.

Seriously? That's interesting! Do you know where I could look that up? I like giving Smudge all his meds & supplements in a small serving of canned that he gobbles right up, then having dry out for him to nosh on at his leisure (especially in the summer) but these days he's just not into the crunchies. Curiouser and curiouser!

Love, Columbine

05-15-2009, 01:30 PM
Seriously? That's interesting! Do you know where I could look that up?
Love, Columbine

I'll see if I can find an online link. I believe I've been reading about it in the doctor's vet magazines, but many of them do have an online site so I may be able to find the info. I'll see what I can find.

05-15-2009, 11:02 PM
Ok I looked all over the net based on what I could remember from the articles I read, but I cannot seem to find what I remembered reading. I'm guessing what I was reading may have been summary articles of a few studies.

Best I can come up with is this (after reading articles for hours);

canned food is not better than dry per se' (my mistaken memory sorry)

canned food does tend to be better than dry for uti problems because of the water content

regular dry food tends to break apart too easily for it to do much of anything for tartar control on anything but the tips of the teeth

dental/tartar control food is made with a harder kibble to promote more actual chewing and also had ingredients in them that help break up plaque so it doesn't form tartar

canned food costs more and the animal has to eat more of it because it's 75% water

dry food contains more carbs.

If I ever do see what I was looking for in the vet magazines again I'll be sure to write down a website or xeroxx the page for you guys.