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View Full Version : A small victory for Seals (Hooray!!!!)

05-05-2009, 07:31 AM
Today is a day to celebrate. The European Union has slammed shut the door on trade in the products of the commercial seal slaughter.

The Canadian government used every trick in the book to try to derail the ban: massive lobbying, misinformation, and even threats of trade reprisals. But the EU stood its ground and honored its citizens’ opposition to this trade in cruelty. By doing so, the EU has saved millions of seals from a horrible fate.

Every year, the ProtectSeals team has endured hazardous conditions to document the seal hunt. We are committed to showing the world that the Canadian government is lying when it claims that the hunt is humane.

On our trips to the ice, the ProtectSeals team has brought key opinion shapers such as Paul McCartney and Swedish Member of the European Parliament Carl Schlyter. After their trips, neither has wavered in speaking out against the hunt. Shortly after his trip to the ice, Schlyter drafted the first version of today’s EU ban. Our hunt footage was directly responsible for convincing the rest of the EU to agree to the ban. It gives me enormous satisfaction to know that we haven’t just documented the hunt, we have made history.

What Does It Mean?

This is the beginning of the end for the Canadian seal hunt. The Canadian government estimates that losing this primary market will cost Canada’s sealing industry $6.6 million (CAD) each year. The hunt brought in less than $7 million last year. It's not hard to do the math.

Just the promise of an EU ban was enough to drive the prices for seal fur down to $15 (CAD) per skin -- a decline of 86 percent since 2006. As a result, many sealers stayed home. Out of this year's quota of 280,000 harp seals, fewer than 60,000 have been killed so far.

Now that the EU has banned its trade in seal products, countless more seals will live their lives in peace from this year forward.

What’s Next?

Canadian seal hunt supporters won’t give up just yet. With government subsidies still in hand, the sealing industry will be chasing down new markets. The ProtectSeals campaign is working to convince all targeted nations to follow the EU’s example.

We’re keeping the pressure on the Canadian fishing industry and government with the global boycott of Canadian seafood products. Since the boycott began, the Canadian fishing industry has suffered a $750 million (CAD) drop in the value of snow crab exports alone to the United States.

Canadian Senator Mac Harb has introduced his nation’s first bill to end the hunt. The ProtectSeals campaign is striving to convince other members of Canada's Parliament to support the bill.

Yes, there is still much to do -- and if you'd like to help, please visit humanesociety.org/protectseals to learn how. But for the moment, please join me in celebrating this historic victory. Thank you for fighting alongside me to make this day possible. The seals could not ask for stronger allies.


Rebecca Aldworth
Director of Canadian Wildlife Issues
The Humane Society of the United States

05-05-2009, 10:22 AM
Wonderful news.:) Thanks for sharing this. :)

05-05-2009, 10:57 AM
1. How will the massive drop in fish populations be managed now?
2. What will be done when the seals start starving to death because there are no fish left?

I feel the seals are doomed to a far worse death because of this ban. Atleast with the hunt the dead animals were being used.. now they will rot in the snow after starving to death as there are no preditors to help keep the numbers under control :(

Just look at what the poor deer go through, its horrible :( Starvation is not more humain IMO...

05-06-2009, 04:44 AM
It's good news! :)

I don't know about the imbalance it can induce in the ecosystem, but think about the conditions in which they were killed. It was just not acceptable! :mad: There are certainly other ways to keep the seal population low...

05-06-2009, 08:21 AM
It's good news! :)

I don't know about the imbalance it can induce in the ecosystem, but think about the conditions in which they were killed. It was just not acceptable! :mad: There are certainly other ways to keep the seal population low...

I have few issues about the methods used. I DO have issues about the law breakers. Its the law breakers that are making the seals suffer. If groups would have helped to inforce the laws there wouldn't be any worry about an imbalancement. We killed ALL the preditors, so now we need to be the preditor.

Just remember, bullets are made out of lead. Bullets + seals will = a lot of lead in 1 area that can poison the adult seals & fish in the ocean. Also a bunch of people shooting guns in an area isn't safe for anyone.

Yes a club might seem barbaric, but when the user is using it properly there is no pain felt or its very quick. 1 hit should render the seal braindead & or dead. Shoot the seal & you'll prob miss the tiny brain & the seal will feel ALL the pain. Remember the seals are used for meat & fur. So shoot the seal in the body where it would prob die faster would ruin the fur & meat, which would make the kill a waste.

JMO on the matter.
We screwed up the balance, now we need to manage it.