View Full Version : Nikkita has hurt her eye...

05-04-2009, 09:21 PM
My poor baby came inside after a toilet break of only about ten mins, and i noticed she had a very sore eye, i am not sure what has happened, but i suspect she has run into something ,so off to the white coats with Nikki tonight, i am putting special cream in her eye that was prescribed for infections in eyes, and there seems to have been a little improvement, it looks very red when i open it to look, she was in some obvious discomfort last night as she was having trouble settling,but today seems a lot more calmer and happy, so hopefully they can give her something to make it heal quickly, probably scratched it, here's hoping it is nothing too major, please keep Nikki in your thoughts, much appreciated, she is such a sweetheart and such a scaredy cat, she will hate the trip to the vets, i even delayed her flea treatment today, as she gets so upset about it and hides for ages, so i don't want that, we shall tackle that tomorrow.

05-05-2009, 06:14 AM
Oh goodness, well, sure we'll say prayers for Nikita. Hopefully, whatever it is that's bothering her eye will clear up quickly. :)

05-05-2009, 04:33 PM
Thanks Mary, despite Nikki's howling all the way there, she is a very vocal kitty when upset, we got through it all, they put that stuff in their eyes and turned the light out to see that she did indeed have a wee scratch there, nothing too major, so the cream i was putting in, we are continuing with, we just have a new tube to make sure it does the trick, will take her back in six days to check it, the vet also flushed it out well, and today it looks great, in fact you can hardly tell anything is wrong now, so good progress, of course Miss Nikki hates any medication of any kind, even flea treatment which i delayed until later today, just to make it less traumatic for her, she is very on edge today, incase she is off again in that carrier to the white coats.

I also had her bottom checked, she has had a rather weird thing going on there, i had it checked before and at the time the vet said she just was not cleaning properly, that vet has since left, and i think she got it wrong, she kept having this thin protrusion appearing and staying there for some time then dropping off, i knew it was nothing too serious as she was generally very well.
But it had been on my mind and worrying me, anyhow she took it off, said it was some tissue all right, and probably like a fissure, she then tried an new thing, with the little that was left she tied it with suture material, will work similar to how they put rings around lambs tails, and it should drop off, it is not painful for her and did not even cause her much discomfort when being done, she has no idea if it will work or not, but we are hoping so,surgery for it is not an option as it would create more problems, and she is not bothered by it at all, was a relief to know what was what.

While we were there, a lady with a beautiful kitten was walking around with it all snuggled into her, i of course had to have a cuddle,she was a gorgeous munchkin baby,cream in colour,Penny was her name, this lady is showing her cats at the cat show this weekend, she was very taken with Nikki, saying how beautiful she was, and said she looked like a blue/cream tortie, which she said is quite rare , i have no idea myself, but i think my Nikki is simply stunning anyhow lol. anyhow was nice to hear her compliment my pretty girl.

Anyhow there you have it, all is well, and the eye is improving fastly.:)

Killearn Kitties
05-05-2009, 05:26 PM
Glad to hear that Nikki's eye seems generally OK. Our Daisy, who gets eye drops farily regularly, sympathises!

05-06-2009, 08:31 PM
yes it is doing well, but oh she hates having it done, she is so cautious of me coming near her now, and runs away,especially as i gave her the flea treatment today as well, she hates that to, she is not even tempted by food, very nervous around me, but she will come right, she is a sweetheart.

05-10-2009, 12:00 AM
Glad to hear Nakkita's eye is doing better, poor baby.

Just wanted to add something for people who might do a search and find this thread...

Don't go ahead and use eye ointments and creams from other animals, or if it was not specifically prescribed by a vet that animal for that exact problem.

The reason I added that is that last week we had a client come in with a dog that had damaged it's eye and it was getting worse. The owner had some eye drops at home (can't remember if it was a leftover from another eye problem, or if it was given to her by someone else).

In any case she went ahead and used the drops on her dog for a couple days before bringing the dog in to be seen. Turns out the dog had a small tear in the cornea and the type of drops she had been using were causing MORE damage to the eye.

Fortunately it wasn't permenant damage and a change in eye meds seem to be helping alot more and the dog is on the road to recovery now.

05-10-2009, 09:50 PM
I just wanted to add i rang the vet before i administered the eye ointment that i already had, in the end that is exactly what they gave her anyhow, she just wanted a new batch to make sure it would work properly,but yes that is a good warning to adhere to and thank you for posting it. Nikki is doing good, and was from the second day of treatment, but i could tell she was in pain the first night she did it, so i think getting the eye ointment in early really helped that as well, soothing it.

Yes off to the vets to get it checked on wed, looking great, i have noticed she has a slight cut at the side of it too, so she must have damaged the inside and outside of her eye, ran into something for sure i would think.

We shall see if the bottom treatment has worked too, the tissue has dropped off, but then it does that by itself eventually,now just waiting to see if it protrudes out again, fingers and paws crossed it doesn't.

05-13-2009, 06:02 PM
I just wanted to add i rang the vet before i administered the eye ointment that i already had, in the end that is exactly what they gave her anyhow, she just wanted a new batch to make sure it would work properly,but yes that is a good warning to adhere to and thank you for posting it.

Yup, many PTers know enough to call the vet first:), sadly that's not always the case with everyone. I wish all pet owners could be like the PT people rather than some of the stuff I see at work day in and day out. *sigh*