View Full Version : Amy says in 24 hours

Laura's Babies
05-04-2009, 06:49 PM
In just 24 short hours Meowmie will be gone! Her boat will be in Baton Rouge tomorrow evening and she will go get on it then.. I have spent the day loving her all I can, trying to store up at least a 2 week supply. She brushed me today and told me how pretty I am and how much she loves me, but that she has to go so we can have food and our medicine that makes us feel better. I am so sad....



05-04-2009, 06:54 PM
Oh, sweet Amy, save up those lovins' that Meowmy is giving you, okay? She'll miss you lots and lots, too, but is counting on you to be good while she's away.

05-04-2009, 06:58 PM
Ohhhh, I am so sorry, Amy, to see how sad you are.. Your Meowmie loves you so very much, That is why she has to go and work, so she can get you all the good things you need and you want. She will be back as soon as she can be!

Meanwhile, I am resting up after our exciting weekend and thinking of the wonderful time we had at the Kentucky Derby! Wasn't that such fun?!

I LUVVVV those sweet pictures of sweet little you!

Kittie-kissies and head-bumpies from your ever-lovin' Bob


Edwina's Secretary
05-04-2009, 07:06 PM
Dear Amy,

Do not think of it as "she will leave in 24 hours"...:(:love:

But as..."I get 24 more hours with her before she leaves!" :):love:


p.s. I know it is difficult to do....

05-04-2009, 07:11 PM
It takes a strong person to leave all you Cute Cats Amy, but sometimes Your Meeowmie has to, to earn a living and keep you all in Cat Food and Treats!
But this trip Your Meeowmie will have Ebony Beau Tubster , Peaches , Smokey and Baby Angels BW and Spike to keep her comapny and relay he love to you!!!
And your Meeowmie will be retiring one day, then it will be LOVE 24/7!!!

05-04-2009, 07:16 PM
Awwww dear sweet Amy, don't be so sad. Your meowmie will be back before you know it and just think of the day when meowmie retires and can spend the rest of your life loving you, day in and day out.:D

05-04-2009, 09:02 PM
Precious Amy, you make my eyes all leaky! (((((HUGS)))) to you, Boo, Giz, Samantha and your Meowmie!

05-04-2009, 09:22 PM
We are sad that your mum is leaving as well! We are going to miss her too.

05-05-2009, 06:16 AM
Oh goodness, Amy, we know how sad you must be but that two weeks will just fly by and then Mom will be back and all will be well again, pretty girl. :love:

05-05-2009, 07:28 AM
Awww - poor babies. We'll miss you too Laura.

Are you sure you don't want me to kitty-sit Giz??? ;)

Laura's Babies
05-05-2009, 08:14 AM

The boat is at mile 361, Baton Rouge is mile 232..

I noticed last night that the girls were taking turns snuggeling with me.. They know I am fixing to leave again.. It makes me SO sad to have to leave them but it always makes for an exciting, joyous home coming!

Pinot's Mom
05-05-2009, 08:23 AM
AWW! Amy, it's OK, Meowmie will be back. She just needs to make a living to take care of you "in the manner to which you're accustomed"!! :love: All the PT kitties are with you in spirit!

Have a good trip, Laura, and we'll talk to you soon!


Killearn Kitties
05-05-2009, 09:15 AM
Oh, Amy. :love: It's a tragedy, but you can spend the next two weeks on PT chatting to your pals, and meowmie will be back in no time at all!

05-05-2009, 09:27 AM
:love: Oh Amy dont be so sad.. Meowmom will be back home in no time at all.. So glad to see you Amy.. Your such a bigg of ours in the furr purr clann.. Be safe Laura & have a great trip.. See you back home soon..

Laura's Babies
05-05-2009, 01:15 PM
ETA changed, now it is 7 to 7:30 and I hope it won't be any later than that.. That is just what time they get there.. then they have to back in and get settled before a tug comes to get me and gets me to the boat, that could be another hour or two but I must be there at the ETA time.. My bedtime on the boat is 7pm in order for me to get up at 2am so I got a feeling I'll be doing a lot of napping tomorrow..LOL!

I called the boat awhile ago to check in.. The pilot is on watch and he asked me if I would go to the dollar store to get him a pair of reading glasses so I did..Man! Did I luck up there! The glasses there are only $6 (I paid $10 at wal mart) but wal marts things you hang them around your neck with were up wards of $15!! I bought 2 at the dollar store, 1 @ $1.50 and $3 for a pretty one.. I never dreamed the dollar store would have reading glasses or as big a selection as what they had although Rie gave me a pair she got at the dollar Tree where nothing costs over a dollar.. At the dollar store, they even had bifocals for $6!!! I just can't wait to get my new Rx pair so I won't be having to yank them on and off all day. Clear vision on the top of coarse maybe with a little correction on the left far vision as that is still fuzzy.

05-05-2009, 05:31 PM
Amy honey, your meowmie feels the same way you do, she doesn't WANT to leave you, but she has to work so that you all can live in style;), you know, with food and a roof over your heads! I hate going to work everyday, too, because that means I have less time to hug my boys.

Don't worry, she will be home very soon. She misses you just as much as you miss her................:love::love:

05-05-2009, 06:52 PM
Bon voyage, laura! Safe journey and safe home to your beloved and loving kitties.

05-06-2009, 08:56 AM
And we haer that Greystoke Angel will be spending time on your Cruise as well, as he has heard that you are a Wonderful Cook!!!
And he wants to see the Mississppi , and visit all those shore towns as well!!!:love::love::love:
That will be a Great First Trip for A New Cat Angel.
If you could set a bit of ham aside for Greystoke, he would LOVE that!!!