View Full Version : The Budman is at the vet...

05-04-2009, 08:46 AM
Buddy has been peeing all over the place. I don't think it's Moo's fault this time though. Last night I was watching tv and looked over at the kitchen, to see him squatting on top of the stove peeing on a manila envelope.

The vet tech asked me if he's been using the box and I'm not even sure anymore. The times I did see him peeing MooShoo was nowhere to be found, so I know it wasn't him.

Buddy's urine is very concentrated and I have a feeling that the home he was last in fed him garbage food. He will only drink water out of a plastic glass in the kitchen sink or a tub in the bathroom sink.

There was a box from when I bought Clementine's sitting on the kitchen floor in the kitchen. He also got in squatted and peed in that, both times while I was watching. I bought "Urine Gone" with a black light and am going over every inch of this place to get rid of any odor my nose may not to pick up.

Prayers for Buddy PLEASE!!!!!!! I don't want to have to give him up again. He's been in 7 homes so far. I hope this is just a faze he's going through. I love this boy.

05-04-2009, 10:53 AM
:love: Sorry to read this Donna.. I think he is marking his territory & or has UTI.. He could still be nervous of his new home again too.. Hopefully the Vet can do some test to see if its UTI.. Maybe some meds will be all Buddy needs to get him out of this peeing thing.. Let us know what the Vet has to say ok.. Good Luck

05-04-2009, 01:29 PM
Sounds like he might have a Uti.
I have a cat that gets them every 2 months.
My sister male cat pees all over only when he has a Uti also.

05-04-2009, 01:46 PM
To say the Budman is "pissed off" is an understatement!! He's in my bathroom right now, laying next to the toilet with a clean litterbox. He won't come out (I've closed the door so he can de-stress) so I put down an old towel in case he wanted to lay on something soft.

I won't hear from the vet till tomorrow when she gets the test results back.

$86 later...:(

05-04-2009, 03:52 PM
Poor Buddy. I hope you get a clear answer, and he feels better soon!

05-04-2009, 04:04 PM
I'm so sorry too hear this Donna. I do hope that it's just a stress thing and he comes around. But welcome to my world precius (Pretty girl) still does not like litter, so she has her own box with news paper. She is pretty good at dumping off the litter we put on the news paper.

05-04-2009, 05:57 PM
Oh, I'm sorry to hear this. If your vet determines that it's behavioral and not physical, then talk about Clomicalm. I'm sure you know my feelings about it by now; I've posted about it often enough, that's for sure. It's a house saver, Donna.

05-04-2009, 09:28 PM
Hoping all works out for Buddy and you can find out what is causing his problems, and that Buddy is in his forever home with you, take care and try not to worry too much.:love:

05-04-2009, 09:50 PM
I'll bet my right arm it's a UTI. He was running, jumping and playing up until yesterday. That poor little boy has been in a total of 7 homes in his short 2 years. I feel so bad for him. He's not eating but will drink water. I hope it's just a UTI that can be treated. I know how miserable he is. UTI's aren't fun.

05-04-2009, 11:13 PM
Could be UTI, or could be crystals (especially if his urine is really concentrated). The sample will crack the case, and both are treatable. Feel better soon, little Buddy!

Love, Columbine

05-05-2009, 12:55 PM
His tests all came back within normal limits. However, he has a slight heart murmur. I begged Double A vet for payment arrangements when I found out that if I take him back there, at the cost of about $400(:eek: ), they'll do blood tests and x-ray of his belly,feline leukemia/aids testing, as he has lost one pound over the last 6 months, which is alot for a cat.

And I quote, "Unfortunately, we are unable to do that at this time." Okay then, well I'll need copies of all his records (since he was last seen in August) and go see my regular vet, Dr. Berard of Colchester Veterinary Hospital, who IS willing to make payment arrangements. I've been a loyal client (as had my Dad) for years at Colchester Vet. That should count for something. They also know how much volunteer work I do with all the shelters.

Buddy finally ate some fresh chicken and canned food. He's now out of the bathroom and sleeping comfortably on top of the tv.

I am NOT giving up on my boy. I love him with all my heart and soul and he's been through so much in his young 2 years. I'm going to do what it takes to get him well and happy, like he was before all this peeing started.

So that is the scoop. I'll keep you all posted after tomorrow's vet visit. Light a candle, say a prayer, we're gonna need it. I'm now hoping it's behavioral so that I can get my boy back on the right track.

05-05-2009, 02:47 PM
:love: Woo Hoo thats great news of no UTI.. Bad news on the Heart Murmur.. So glad he is relaxed on the TV.. Well you know his peeing may stop when he gets settled again.. Just reasure him that this is his furrever home & I think in no time he will be all normal again.. Cuddles & Whisker Kissess being sent.. Keep us posted.. Oh by the way if a Vet Clinic wont work with you with payments then the heck with them.. Yes go back to the one that will & the clinic that already knows you always helps..

05-05-2009, 03:33 PM

He is absolutely going nowhere. I love him SO much, and I think it's because he looks so much like my RB Casey "Bubba Dude".

It's peaceful here right now. It's cold and rainy here and he looks very comfy on top of the roasty toasty television.

His urine is so concentrated that a covered litterbox doesn't keep the odor at bay. I've got water bowls all over my place in the hopes he'll drink more.

I have a feeling they're going to keep him overnight tomorrow, as his appt. is for 4 pm. I hope not because I don't want him to think he's being abandoned yet again.

05-05-2009, 03:38 PM
Aw, I'm glad that it's nothing too serious, Donna. Even if you do have to leave him at the vet's over night, once he sees that you've come back for him, he'll relax and all will be forgiven.

I'm surprised that the other vet wouldn't take payments w/the economy in this sad shape. You'd think they'd be a little more understanding. Oh well, back to your old vet. :)

05-05-2009, 03:41 PM
Oh, Colchester IS my vet. The only reason why I took him to Double A is because I couldn't get a regular visit for him at Colchester till the end of May, unless I wanted an "acute" visit, which in this case, I think is called for. At least now I know I can make monthly payments, and Buddy will get the care he needs.

So much for my right arm.:rolleyes:

05-05-2009, 07:39 PM
I called Companion Animals to ask for help with Buddy's vet bill tomorrow. Because Buddy was abandoned by his original owner, that qualifies him for assistance. I should hear back in the next couple of days.

In addition to all the tests that will be done tomorrow, I just realized that Buddy was never (at least not to my knowledge) tested for Feline Leukemia and Feline Aids. The lady that abandoned him had no paperwork for him at all. Pray he's negative. If he tests positive, that means I've exposed all my furbabies and put their lives at risk. Great, just great.

Things are quite serene here tonight. I had a bowl of veggies for dinner, 1/4 of a lemon bundt cake and I'm just waiting for my meds to kick in so I can go to bed!!!

I spent the day at Enfield Superior Court waiting on the Kyle Berry cat killing trial. Another volunteer was with me. Turns out we were in the wrong courtroom. According to the docket, Berry's case was supposed to be heard in Courtroom 1. Well, a mistake was made. When the judge in the courtroom we were sitting in, stood up and adjourned, Nancy and I looked at each other in shock. We ran to the court clerk's office to find out where this case stood. Another continuation to May 12th.

I'm tired, worn out and thoroughly disgusted at the lack of compassion (Colchester Veterinary Hospital excluded, of course) from Double A Veterinary Hospital.

*burping lemon* The Budman and I say thank you for your concern and good wishes. Any prayers would be appreciated.

05-05-2009, 08:15 PM
Have you tried a drinking fountain? Some cats will drink a lot more water when it's moving. Ultra-concentrated urine does sound like he's not drinking enough...

Love, Columbine

05-06-2009, 08:01 AM

Yup. I invested in a Drinkwell Fountain with a six cup reservoir. He likes drinking water out of a plastic tumbler in the kitchen sink, or a tupperware container with the water SLIGHTLY running into it. He's been using the litterbox and his urine is still strong. But I attribute it to his lack of wanting water. We're off to the vets today at 4 pm today for blood tests and possible x-rays of his belly.

05-06-2009, 08:10 AM
Oliver has the same issue with super concentrated urine (and has had it for about a year). It first started with an UTI, but when that wa resolved we still had problems. The vet suggested that he just wasn't drinking enough water. So right now I give him about a 100mls of subq fluids every two days and that seems to be doing the trick.

I hope that things work out for Budman and it is an easy cure...

05-06-2009, 05:29 PM
According to Dr. Berard, it is strictly territorial with Buddy. No blood tests or x-rays necessary. He does have a slight heart murmur.

I told him I had a couple of containers of water around my place in case he wants a "sippy". He said the best way to get fluids into him is to feed him canned cat food, as it has 90% water.

I bought a can of Feliway and will use it in the bathroom when Buddy is put in there at night and when I am not home. It's going to take time and patience and I am not going to give up on him. Dr. Berard also said that because he was bounced around to 7 homes in less than a year (I got him last August) he's probably stressed out because he's insecure about if this is the last stop or if he's going out again. He ain't going nowhere!!!

According to the vet, I have been doing everything right and that is a big plus.

The total bill including the Feliway??? $70 AND I can pay the balance when I can.

Right now the Budman is asleep on top of the tv. He got a couple of whiffs of Feliway and is doin well. MooShoo is one wet Sphynx.

05-06-2009, 08:47 PM
You can even mix extra water into canned food. Smudge gets "venison soup" twice a day, with his meds and supplements mixed in, and he's so sold on it that he'll beg for another bowlful even when his crunchies bowl is full!

Love, Columbine

05-06-2009, 10:40 PM
Isn't it amazing how some vets just have to make it hard on you? My vet (Alosta Animal Hospital in Glendora, Ca) lets me make payments as I take good care of my boys and they are in there from time to time. Also, Ming has recurring FLUTD, which hasn't reared it's ugly head in months (knock on wood) and that gets expensive to treat! Vets that care let you make payments. After all, you're only trying to take good care of your babies!

05-07-2009, 06:17 AM
Hey Columbine, great minds think alike!! I give Buddy a half of a can of canned food with water added and he loves it! Laps it up.

I will never set foot in Double A Veterinary Hospital again.