View Full Version : Flushable Dog Poop Bags

05-02-2009, 07:11 PM
I was searching for something and came across these, for the GREEN dog owner who doesn't want to send plastic bags to the land fill.


They offer a sample of 2 bags for $1.99 shipping and handling.

Just wanted to pass this info along!

Cinder & Smoke
05-02-2009, 08:05 PM
Flushable Dog Poop Bags


Hmmmm ...

Wonder how much *pooh* you can stuff into your Fulshable Baggie
before you :eek: *Plug da Potty* when you flush? :confused:

The Plumbers of the world should be quite HAPPIE :) with this idea. :rolleyes:

Then there's the question of What to Do when you're on a hike with Fido
and *scoop a poop* with your Flushable ...
then get about half way back home ...
and It Starts to :eek: RAIN?

Lemmie know how these work! ;)

05-02-2009, 08:49 PM
I use biodegradable poop bags myself. The ones I use are made out of corn, I think.
I don't think you're encouraged to flush them tho'. But I guess you could do that... Never really thought about that, to be honest.

Anyway. I have no complaints about them. They work just like they're suppose to and they have a good black colour, so I don't have to see the ingredients while we walk to a garbage can ;)

Best thing about biodegradable bags, is that you can "cheat" with a relatively good conscience. Say you're out walking and you have to pick up poop but there is no garbage can within miles. With these bags you can just discretely drop them behind a rock and in time nature will get rid of the evidence :D

05-04-2009, 11:25 PM
That might be nice for me to try. I live in a large apartment community and the dumpsters are down a few blocks from where I live so I have to drive my garbage to them. Like many of my neighbors, I have a large, pretty flowerpot on the patio where I toss my dog poop bags until I have enough to drive to the dumpsters.

05-05-2009, 02:38 PM
I wonder how fablous those would work with a septic tank????
I think I will stick to the bagies I use they are scented so I dont have to smell what mister leaves for me:p