View Full Version : do your cats....

09-26-2002, 02:14 AM
....ever get embarrassed? tonight, I walked into the kitchen and saw Charlie on the counter, I wasn't mad, but he jumped down anyway and did a little meow cry, then looked back at me like oh no, you caught me! it was funny because he was leaning off the edge of the counter looking into the living room. I guess I surprised him...

Emma gets on the counter too, and whenever I go near her she acts scared, even though I have never gotten mad at her ( I mean I don't LIKE it, but they are going to do it anyway!)

09-26-2002, 06:42 AM
Ritz will do a "kat klutz" move that send her tumbling, or landing, shall we say, "ungracefully"...but always quickly corrects herself into that "pretty kitty" pose, with this look on her face like.

"I MEANT to do that";)

09-26-2002, 06:50 AM
I haven't seen our kitties on the counter but Yum Yum likes to get on the table and I know she knows she isn't suppose :)

09-26-2002, 09:07 AM
I know when Karamel is doing some mischief because when i catch him (i sometimes don't even know what I 've caught him in) he gives me such an embarassed look, like the one he throws when he is using his litterbox and i am around. Ans sometimes he follows me in to a room when he isn't supposed to do and when i see him, he behaves as if he just happened to be there or was passing and he does something funny with his body (he walks sideways) and i say "we should call an exorcist to get it out of him?" :D :D :D

Edwina's Secretary
09-26-2002, 09:15 AM
Surely some "displaced grooming" goes with this??? Yes, I just fell off the window sill but I did it so I could have a nice bath here on the floor!

09-26-2002, 11:18 PM
Storm will quickly jump off the counter or dining room table when he sees me because he knows he's not supposed to be up there. :) Sunny and Pepper are much braver and I have to clap my hands and say down so they'll get down. :mad:

Felicia's Mom
09-29-2002, 09:03 PM
When Beau was a kitten, he get on the edge of the bathtub when I was taking a bath. Once he slipped and fell in the water. I made the mistake of laughing at him. Now he will not come in the bathroom if I am in the tub.

09-30-2002, 06:33 AM
I sometimes notice it in Luna. When I'm cuddling and petting her, she sometimes would get over-excited and start biting and attacking my hands, but as soon as I'm hiding my hands, she seems to realize how she has acted and looks totally embarrased. It's so sweet! :)
