View Full Version : Why, Ebby, why?

04-29-2009, 02:20 PM
When you've finished using your litterbox do you scratch the top, the side and the entrance? :confused:
(Click picture to see video)
http://dc123.4shared.com/img/102431642/be632243/MVI_2023.AVI (http://www.4shared.com/file/102431642/be632243/MVI_2023.html)
Drives me nuts. :rolleyes:

Two pics ... just because. :D

One of the increasingly rare occasions she's been seen sleeping somewhere other than in her new carrier.


04-29-2009, 02:51 PM
Taz does the same thing. When I moved in with the boyfriend I demanded that the cat box NOT be in the bedroom. When I was living with my parents it had to be in my room and he would drive me nuts digging to China. I would have to tell him to STOP!!!

I had to laugh when he stepped out of the box. He looks too big to even fit in there. Sorry, it was funny.
(I guess I just miss my big guy)

Ebby looks so cute all curled up napping. :)

04-29-2009, 03:14 PM
Of all the Found Hotel Cats , the Kitten Trio the Sensational Scrappy 2 , Miquelito the Little Orange Lion , and Pouncierge the Precious go through this ritual too.
Scrape Scrape Scrape Scrape Scrape Scrape Scrape Scrape Scrape Etc!!!
Like claw nails on a blackbord and they throw the litter out on the floor and the Older Cats think that thats the box!!!

But they are My Cats and I LOVE THEM.

Edwina's Secretary
04-29-2009, 03:32 PM
Be careful what you ask for......Edwina, to announce her position as TOP CAT does not bury...at all.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

04-29-2009, 03:41 PM
my old cat Montego did the scratch thing too. Then he'd look at me like "peee-ewww..... would you touch that, either?":p

04-29-2009, 04:16 PM
Ah, but she is not burying when she does that ... how can I explain ... she does what ever she needs to do, digs around and part buries her doings then she paws the roof, the sides and the entrance of the box, it's kind of weird. Before she had a covered box, or if I leave the top off, the wallpaper and/or whatever is closest gets scratched to pieces.

04-29-2009, 04:24 PM
Ah, but she is not burying when she does that ... how can I explain ... she does what ever she needs to do, digs around and part buries her doings then she paws the roof, the sides and the entrance of the box, it's kind of weird. Before she had a covered box, or if I leave the top off, the wallpaper and/or whatever is closest gets scratched to pieces.

I have one (Redbud) who does this every time he drinks from the water
bowl. He has to claw the carpet next to the bowl. First left & then right.:)

04-29-2009, 05:25 PM
Cleaning out the litter between the toes.:D

04-29-2009, 05:51 PM
Ah, but she is not burying when she does that ... how can I explain ... she does what ever she needs to do, digs around and part buries her doings then she paws the roof, the sides and the entrance of the box, it's kind of weird. Before she had a covered box, or if I leave the top off, the wallpaper and/or whatever is closest gets scratched to pieces.

Yes! I cannot leave anything near the door of the box or he will pull it in. That helped me keep my room clean when I lived at home. :p LOL He'll also do this with his food, but now there's nothing near his food for him to cover it with. And he scratches around where he pukes too. Sometimes that's the only way I know he threw up because I can't see the clear liquid on the hardwood floor all the time.

Laura's Babies
04-29-2009, 06:05 PM
I have had some that did that and some of mine still do it, just not as much as Ebby. Samantha will wake me up scratching in Boo's box at night.. Why can't they just quietly go?

04-29-2009, 07:48 PM
My Pidgelet does that, too. It used to make my RB Peeka furious and she'd wait for Pidge to come out of the litterbox and then she'd pounce on her. I've never figured out why Pidge does that but at least now I know that she's not the only one. :confused:

04-29-2009, 10:16 PM
oh i have one of those kitties too, my sweet Lexie, as we say i am sure she is digging all the way to China, that is a long way from where i live lol, and yes it is always about 5 or 6am in the morning in our room, actually i have trained her not to scratch at all when i am present, she is getting the message, just pees and runs, and i give her so much praise, and she does it quite often now , even sometimes when i am not present.

But for the upstairs litter box in the mornings, well that is a different story, i think she is hungry and telling us to get up and feed her, so she makes a big deal out of it, kitties don't you just love them at 5 in the morning lol.:D

04-30-2009, 12:15 AM
Both my boys do this as well. Most mornings I wake up with all four bathroom rugs pilled by the litterbox entrance. :rolleyes: Hobbes is the worst about digging IN the litter to China. He just digs and digs. I go in there and say Good Hobbes..Good boy Hobbie and then he gets the idea and leaves. :p All that rug digging and my bathroom is still like Pebble Beach most days! Sand everywhere! You'd think all that scratching on the rugs would keep wee feetsies litter free!

04-30-2009, 02:25 AM
It's our neurotic kitties;)
Here the litterbox is not covered as Filou won't accept it (when it was covered, Tigris cornered him in the box and then Filou had to go and look for other places :rolleyes:). Tigris does an archeological dig with litter all over the bathroom floor and Filou... just scratches the floor outside the box so he doesn't get his dainty pawsies dirty:p

04-30-2009, 04:35 AM
Peppito: "Yes, I do! And if, occasionnaly, there is no roof, I scratch the wall next to the litter" :)

Jasmine: "No, never! When I have done my stuff, I quicky jump out of the box and I run far away from it. He-he, this way nobody know who has made the smelly biscuit!" :rolleyes:

04-30-2009, 07:22 AM
I had Pouncer in the box scratching to China as I watched the video - talk about stereo sound! :p

Abby usually does the same scene as Ebby (perhaps its the names that end in bby?) and she usually waits til I'm almost asleep to perform the scratching routine. Since the box is near the bed, and the house is completely quiet, I hear every scratch as if she's sitting there on my pillow :rolleyes:

04-30-2009, 07:41 AM
Hmmm...are you sure that is her in the video? She looks so sweet and innocent sleeping there on her bed. ;)

I have my litter boxes is my basement and a cat door on the basement door so the kitties can come and go as they please. This works very well for me because then I do not have to see or smell anything until I make my daily trip down to scoop. Also, Casey does not have a way to "snack" on things she finds in the litter boxes like she used to do. :D

04-30-2009, 07:48 AM
That brings back memories, Chris. Mimi would do the same thing. If there was no "roof" on the box, then she scratched the walls! That made me miss my girl. She has been gone almost 3 years now. :(

04-30-2009, 09:03 AM
:love: Well Ebby just is making sure to get all the litter off the paws.. How so Cute.. Yes I have one baby that loves to do that too..

04-30-2009, 09:26 AM
Some of our kids dig for China, Bart with big paws acts like a steam shovel. We use storage bins that are about 18 inch tall, I cut one the end out with about 6 inch remaining, this keeps most stuff in the box. There is one in the bed room and they will take turns using it just before going to sleep. So for about 30 minutes all you hear is digging.
Then there is Princess she will go then walk on the top edge of the box. It's funny watching her try to reach the litter without touching it.

04-30-2009, 08:30 PM
Ebby, are you doing it to leave your scent behind on the side of the box? (Just a guess) Please allow me to tell you that you are very beautiful! And I heard Bob's voice in the beginning of the video too :D

Like Edwina, Cassie doesn't always bury either. She surprised me yesterday when I was cleaning her litter pan. I wash the pan in the bathroom and then bring it back into the bedroom to refill it and put it back in its place. When I came in the bedroom, she was in the place where the pan usually is, meowing and looking a little confused. I figured she probably needed to use it -- I'm usually not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I got it right this time. I poured in some litter, slid the pan into its spot, and picked her up and plopped her in the pan. She immediately started to dig and made a poop before I even got out of the room. Which is unusual for her- because most of the time she won't use the pan if I'm nearby. Fortunately, she didn't bury it - so when she hopped out of the pan and sprinted away, I scooped it out and finished filling the pan. The pan was clean for about 1/2 second -- a new record for the shortest time a clean pan has lasted with her.

04-30-2009, 10:05 PM
Ebby is just making sure she has everything covered from every possible angle.;)
Samantha used to do that too, she even shredded a corner of the shower curtain next to her litter box in the bathroom from trying to use it to cover things up in the litterbox.
Milly & Izzy use covered boxes now and they don't dig a lot like Samantha did.

smokey the elder
05-01-2009, 09:49 AM
Some of my cats leave their "treasures" uncovered for all to see (and smell!) Phew!