View Full Version : Worms?

09-25-2002, 08:44 PM
Ok, I know this is a really gross thing :eek: but I think I found a worm from the cat tonight. ***YUKKK*** I'm going to call the vet first thing tomorrow morning, but I was wondering if anything like that is transmittable to us two-legged beings. ***PLEASE say no!*** I am so hoping not, but I have this worry in the back of my head. Any info. on precautionary measures would be sooo appreciated, thanks!


09-25-2002, 11:20 PM
I don't think that we can get worms from cats but I could be wrong. If the worm looked like a grain of rice, then it's probably a tapeworm. The treatment is very easy. The vet will give the cat a pill or two and this should get rid of the worms. Good luck. :)