View Full Version : I can't get outta this funk...

04-28-2009, 08:24 AM
I miss Buddy SOOOO much!! He's been bounced back and forth between 4 homes and is now at my friends house (she's fostering him). I know MooShoo is top cat in my house, the alpha male, and MooShoo was always chasing him around. I don't think Buddy minded it because he seemed to enjoy the playing. The first night he was at Karen's, all he did was walk around the house and yowl. Karen said he's finally starting to settle in and I know she'll find him a wonderful home. But my heart is broken. Broken at the thought of Mandy being gone for good, and Buddy not being here and in my face.

I'm going to go to church and ask for God's help in getting me through this shattered heart. I don't know what else to do.

Laura's Babies
04-28-2009, 08:39 AM
Isn't it amazing how these wonderful little creatures get in our hearts and just trample all over them? A lot of people just don't understand how we can get so attached to them.

It sounds to me like you would do better to bring Buddy home and just keep him there.. He has won your heart, it belongs to him and I don't see there is much you can do about it... except, accept it and go get him!

(This is WHY I don't foster, it is to hard to give them up, I cry everytime and my heart aches)

04-28-2009, 08:47 AM

My heart hurts so much, but deep down inside I know that Karen will find a perfect, furrrever home for him. He was finally getting used to everyone here and jumping all over the place. I called Karen (I got her voicemail) and told her how much I miss Buddy.:(

I also feel VERY guilty about letting Mandy go back with Freedom. Especially since she's now missing. I feel as if I hadn't let her go back, she'd still be around.

Is this a pity party or what? A mild meltdown perhaps? I don't have the answer. I only know it hurts so very much.:(

04-28-2009, 10:47 AM
I saw your other thread that Buddy IS coming back.

MAKE it work! Sometimes it takes longer than average.

Do you remember when Simba was returned and I fostered him for the second time? It was horrible at first. And then I wanted so bad to integrate him into the permanent family, and he chased ad tormented and caused fights?

I had to keep putting him back upstairs and slowly allowed him down short periods at a time.

He is really very good with everyone now, even the 2 cats he seemed to hate before.

If Buddy was meant to be yours, don't fight it! You know that THEY pick us, remember?

04-28-2009, 11:16 AM
Thanks Jen. Buddy looks so much like my RB Casey and I didn't realize how much I loved this crazy little boy till he left.

It'll be a little crowded, but I don't care. I'll have my Budman back with me.

04-28-2009, 05:57 PM
Donna sweet,sweet Donna, you know what you gotta do girl, so GO DO IT, get him back,i know how you feel i have never forgotten Bubs the gorgeous wee tabby kitten that turned up here and the people who claimed he was theirs, i never felt right about them having him back, and to this day i regret it and my heart is still hurting over him,(still i have to realise if i had kept Bubs i would not have nikki and ellie today, and i would have been in a terrible situation then, so hurt no more dearest friend, GO GET HIM.:love:

04-28-2009, 06:04 PM
Ok, I'm a little confused. (So what else is new?) Didn't I read that Buddy is coming back to live w/you, Donna? Has that changed?

04-28-2009, 06:17 PM
I was confused also Medusa. But I believe this thread was started before the other one with the announcement that Buddy was coming back to moosmom's house.

04-28-2009, 07:38 PM
Yup, he's coming back home. With all the crying I've done today, I'm going to sleep quite well.

I've already Bud-proofed my apartment, leaving two shelves almost empty in my kitchen for him to hang out on. Plus I'll be getting another cat tree so he'll have plenty of high places to be.

I haven't heard from Karen yet. She was going to talk to her husband to arrange for us to meet up tomorrow after dinner. I'm hoping she'll throw in some fresh frozen trout. My cats LOVED it!!