View Full Version : My old cat has Crf

04-27-2009, 04:58 PM
[COLOR="Magenta"]I have not posted here that much yet.
I found out last Sept my old cat has Crf.
She was given 5 months to live last Jan. Her numbers are bad.
This week she has to get a kidney panel to see what her numbers are.
She also has high bp and bladder problems and asthma.
I give her fluids every other day and medicines.
I was at the cat with my sphynx last month.

04-27-2009, 05:56 PM
I am so sorry to read your post about your cat. How OLD is old? What is the cat's name? Many of here have or had cats that were diagnosised with CRF. MY Norton is 17 and has CRF. He gets sub q fluids every other day, and so far, his numbers are good. Tina Peepers is almost 13, and she also gets fluids. I will get back and post a good website about CRF. It has helped me in dealing with the cats. Sandra

Here are photos of Norton(with his birthday cheesecake box) and Tina is in the Grainger box.

04-27-2009, 05:58 PM
Here is the CRF website: www.felinecrf.org

04-27-2009, 06:39 PM
I, too, am sorry to hear of your cat that has CRF. My RB Puddy lived a good life w/it for years though, and went to the Bridge at age 14 but she had many other health issues besides CRF. I gave her fluids every day for quite some time. Now my 20 1/2 year old Pidgelet has it and I'm giving her fluids every other day as well. So don't despair. Keep the faythe. :)

04-27-2009, 08:03 PM
Thanks everyone I am in the Crf group also.
Coco is 17.
She is on baytril because everytime we stop it her bladder infection comes back.
She also has Norvasc for her bp which is working out well.
Her fluids are Normosol and the needles are 18 g.
These are her numbers from Jan.
Bun 80 (15.0-32.0 mg/dl
Creatine 5.0 (0.8-1.8 mg/dl
Phosphorus 8.0 (2.6-6.0 mg/dl
Calcium 14.6 (8.8-11.5 mg/d/l
Total Protien 6.8 (6.0-8.0 g/dl
Albumin 2.9 (2.3-3.5 g/dl
Globulin 3.9 (2.8-4.8 g/dl
Urine Test
Specific Gravity =1.008 low (ref 1.015-1050)
ph =6.0 (5.5-7.0) Normal
Wbc/hpf =>100 high (0-3)
Rbc/hpf=4-10 high (0-3)
Bacteria 4+(cocci and rods appearance)
verified by wrights stain

04-29-2009, 09:50 PM
When our babies are diagnosed with these chronic diseases if can be very disheartening. Just as Medusa said, often these disease can be managed. I hope sweet Coco is doing well and she is in my thought and prayer. Just as it was said above - never give up hope...prayers and positive thoughts being sent your way...:love::love::love:

04-29-2009, 10:09 PM
I am so sorry to hear about your furbaby, i too had the news a while back with my oldest cat Ash, he is the grey one in my siggy, that was taken before he became ill, he is now half the size cat sadly, but is doing reasonably well considering, he is on medication for his heart and the kidneys and it was ten months ago he was diagnosed, we are hoping he makes it to a year, but it is doubtful, however every cat is different, and it depends on many things i imagine, so keep up the good care and i am sure you kitty will live for some time yet,remember a year in a cats life is really 7 of our years, so that is a long time for them.

Wishing you both all the best.:love:

04-29-2009, 10:48 PM
Thanks Everyone,
I like the pictures of everyones cats.
Here are Coco'sBlood tests results from yesterday.
Cocos numbers are better this time.
These are here numbers from Jan.
Her bun is 80 H
Crea 5.0 H
phos 8.0 H
Cal 14.6 H
and here are yesterdays.
bun 60.3 H
Crea 2.6 H
Phos 5.8
Cal 12.0 H
Total Protein 7.3
Albumin 3.4
Globulin 3.9
Her bp is 130
We are still waiting for the urine culture results.
She has a bloody discharge.

04-30-2009, 12:12 PM
I do not mean to sound trite, please do not get fixated on " the numbers." Instead, focus on the quality of life that Coco is having!!! My Boo, despite getting daily fluids, developed an E.coli URI!!! The fighter that she was, Boo bounced back from her URI, and was back playing and eating well! In the photo, Boo is sitting up straight while gettting her fluids. The white cat, was Nicholas(RIP), Boo's male nurse for the day!!!

04-30-2009, 12:56 PM
:( I am so sad about your baby having CRF.. I know you will Love & Comfort your baby until the Angels take her to RB.. Hopfully the meds will make her better & live longer..

04-30-2009, 06:07 PM
Coco acts ok right now.
She is easy to give fluids to.
That is nice how yourcat sits up geting fluids.
Sorry about the other cat dying.
Coco is not my first Crf cat.
Stripe was and I had to have her pts after a year of treatment because she went in a coma and they thin she had a stroke.
She was 11.
Coco acts better then she did.
Thanks to both of you.
Coco has had E coli on and off for over 2 years.
I am going to give her fluids right now.

04-30-2009, 06:24 PM
I am glad that Coco is doing OK! Boo was a difficult cat, and I dreaded having to give her fluids!!! BUT, she turned out to be a good cat to give fluids. Boo and Nicholas are both at the Bridge. Boo wanted to sit up while getting fluids, Boo sat up!!! She also like when Mozart was playing while she was getting sub q, I think it relaxed her. That E.coli infection was a bear to treat!! I was sorry to read about Stripe having a stroke....take care...

04-30-2009, 06:38 PM
When I first started my Puddy on subQ's, she fought me tooth and nail, literally. After a while, though, I think she realized that she felt so much better after a treatment and that it perked her up, so she didn't fight me. Pidge is a real sweetheart about it except that she's ready for it to end before it's actually time. She doesn't cry or carry on, though. It's good that Coco is cooperative. I hope you have many more happy years together. :)

04-30-2009, 09:18 PM
Thanks to both of you.
Coco purred when she was getting her fluids today.
It is so easy with her. Its easy to give her the bp meds also.
The Baytril and the Azodyl she spits out. kb2yjx so sorry you lost both your cats.
I know so more now then I did with Stripe.
I wrote a poem in memory of Stripe. Medusa do you still have your cats?

05-01-2009, 06:11 AM
Thanks to both of you.
Coco purred when she was getting her fluids today.
It is so easy with her. Its easy to give her the bp meds also.
The Baytril and the Azodyl she spits out. kb2yjx so sorry you lost both your cats.
I know so more now then I did with Stripe.
I wrote a poem in memory of Stripe. Medusa do you still have your cats?

Puddy went to the Bridge last September at the age of 14 but Pidge is still w/me at age 20 1/2. :)

05-01-2009, 09:17 AM
Please tell Coco, that she needs to take her pills!!! Have you tried one of those pill shooters for cats?? That might help her " take " her pills!!! I miss Boo(and Nicholas, too), she was the Grand Diva of all the cats. I always thought she had been Italian in another one of her lives. If another cat entered HER space, she would give them a whack in the back of the head. Boo also was RIGHT THERE when I would make tomato sauce or grate cheese for pasta!!! EVERY cat is just so special!!! Hope Coco is having a good day....Sandra

smokey the elder
05-01-2009, 09:23 AM
Does she like turkey or cheese? maybe you can chase the pills with those. BAytril is supposed to taste nasty.

05-03-2009, 03:13 PM
Thanks to both of you.
I get the pills down her.
I used to use chicken flavored pill pockets but last July that stopped working after Coco bit into a Baytril pill.
Her bp meds is liquid and its so easy to give her. Do either of you have other cats?
I have 4 other cats.

05-04-2009, 02:39 PM
Do either of you have other cats? I have 4 other cats.

I have 5 others. Or rather, they have me. And right where they want me, too. ;)